Chapter 14: Mewberty.

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Hey, y'all! I was about to make a New Years Special called, "Mew Years", but I got lazy and it's too late. So.

Requested by: @unicorn4eva (something's wrong with the tags sorry)


Just imagine Star and Marco's voices are saying the dialogs and imagine them doing what was written below XD that will expand your imaginations. Lol


"Star, this is ridiculous." You take off your glasses as you scratch the scarf around you. The (mark) marks are getting worse. They are spreading across your face.

"It's not ridiculous, Y/N! You'll thank me later. And who's the one who first encountered Mewberty? Me." She points to herself.

You trash off. "I don't need any of this!" Suddenly a purple (mark) appears on your forehead and you gasp as you try to remove it.

"See! You do! You'll hunt boys at school! You'll produce purple (mark) and eventually have extra limbs and large wings!"

You visibly shudder at the thought.

"Star, Y/N! Let's go! We need to get to school by 7:55!" Marco shouts from downstairs. You roll your eyes. Oh yeah. The time when Jarco would nod with each other. Yep. My sister calls them that.

You and Star reach for your bags and quickly run downstairs. You didn't have the chance to throw off your scarf since Star already transported the three of you there. Marco panics and marches towards the lockers at exactly 7:56. Jackie comes by and passed him as she nods. He nods back. She stops and stands in front of Marco, talking to him. He was taken aback.

You look at the two while you touch the cheek where your cheek is faintly glowing. A boy suddenly goes by and your wander off to him. "Boy," you mutter, purple (mark) marks all through your forehead. Your mind takes over your body as your (e/c) eyes slowly becoming purple.

"Aww, Star! I love the new outfit today!" Someone says.

Star grins. "Thanks! My sister Y/N picked this for me!" She looks around. "Hey, where's Y/N?" She suddenly sees you, following Justin. Star tries to pull you, but you don't stop walking.

"Boy," you mumble to yourself.

"Y/N!" Star wakes you up. She slaps you hard. You shake your head.

You notice and feel the purple (mark) marks all over your face. You scream before attempting to remove them all. The bell rings. You panic more. "Star! I can't go to class or I'll just go crazy!"

"It's okay, (nickname)! You won't go to class! I'll just have Marco to accompany you here!"

"Marco?!" Shit.

"Yeah!" Star nods. "Hey, Marco, over here!"

"Eek!" You cover your face with a scarf and run somewhere to hide from Jackie. Her and Marco turns to Star just as she talks to them.

"Marco! I want you to do something for me!" But before she could completely pull him away from Jackie, Star looks to her. "Jackie, can I borrow Marco for a sec?"

She wears a smile. "Of course, Star." When the two of them turn around, her smile instantly turns into a scowl as she stares at Star and Marco marching over you.

"Marco, I want you to stay with Y/N until the class ends," Star instructs.

Marco was surprised. "What?! But it's Math! You know I love Math and I want to pass that subject!"

"But, Marco, it's an emergency!" She exclaims. "It's about Y/N, she has Mewberty!"

Hearing this, he steps back. "M-Mewberty? You mean the one with the purple hearts and hunting boys?! Like me?!"

"Yes! Now go find her and keep her in a locker or something! Her Mewberty will end after lunch." Before Marco could protest, Star already ran to the first class.

Marco sighs. "Why me? Y/N probably hates me; ignoring me at home, school." He stuffs his hand inside his hoodie pocket while the other hand uses it for calling your name. "Y/N? Where are you?"

He finally sees you, clinging onto the janitor man.

This is going to be a long day.


The bell finally rings for lunch. Star had assigned Marco all morning to guard you. Apparently he had no choice but to keep you out of male students cutting classes and wandering around the school. Sometimes you would snap out of your Mewberty mind and try to remove your marks, but when a boy would show up, except for Marco who stayed 7 feet away from you and possibly hiding, you would go all crazy and immediately follow him, Marco on your heels.

"Oh oh," Marco mutters. "Lunch time means a lot of students. Male students."

And as on cue, students from classrooms burst out and head immediately to the cafeteria. Your purple eyes widen as you see boys lining up and are everywhere. "Boy," you say quietly.

"Oh no." Marco whispers to himself ad he looks around for his friend. "Where's Star?" 

"Marco!" He hears in a distance. "Marco Diaz!" He turns around to see Star running quickly towards him. Marco meets her halfway. "Where's Y/N?"

The two suddenly hear a screams from students.

"That's her," Marco notes.

Star and Marco dash through hallways. Star sees locker filled with purple (mark) marks, others occupied with boys. Marco sees them too.

You're back faces both of them when they arrive and you're basically carrying Justin and stuffing him into a locker. When Justin sees Star, he shouts, "Star Butterfly, you still rule!" Your head suddenly snaps towards Star and Marco and stop abruptly.

You look like a Butterfly as your last name, Butterfly. Antennaes on your head, large wings attached on your back, extra limbs like Star told you. Your eyes are completely purple and your face is full of purple (mark) marks.

You approach Star and Marco with a tilt of your head; as if you're observing them with curiosity. Your sight fixated on Marco. "Marco," you mumble. "Marco's a boy, too."

"Oh oh." He runs away from you as you follow him. Your arms are forwardly stretch that you want to catch him badly, putting him into your hatch forever. "Star! How much time?!"

"1 more minute!" She shouts back. "Just distract her!" Star turns her wand into a net and runs also after you.

"I can't run any faster!" Marco shouts, forcing himself to keep up but with the exhaustion, he can't. "Star, help!"

You keep following him, your wings flapping louder and you're flying faster.

You could finally reach Marco. You're by his hoodie. He cries. "Sta-ha-ha-har! Help!" You could reach him! You were suddenly cut off by a rope around your left leg. You tug on your leg to let go but it doesn't.

"Aha!" Star shouts in victory. You fly around, having Star to hold on tighter on the rope. She screams as she glides on her heels. "10 seconds!"

Now your power is getting more powerful since it's ending. Your hair is lifting up and you're all covered in purple now, even your wings, antennae...

You tug on the rope one last time, which Star unfortunately releases, as you dive towards Marco. Marco shuts his eyes tightly as well as his fists. But before you could grab him, your body just─ stops and shifts. You stare blankly at him before suddenly exploding mid-air. He closes his eyes at the impact before starting to recover. When he did, he sees your purple (mark)-covered body, unconscious.

"Y/N!" Marco slides towards you. "Y/N? Wake up." He pats your cheek continously which is a bit gross since it's covered with sticky marks.

"Marco?" Star approaches him.

He turns to her. "Huh?"

"That's not Y/N." Alarmed, Marco throws off your not-really body, but just the cover of it. "Look for her. She could be falling any second."

And on cue, the two heard you falling, and you're unconscious.

"Star, there she is!"

"Marco, catch her!" He runs quickly towards the spot where you'd fall and he did caught you, bridal style but lands in a pile of removed marks. Star sighs of relief, relieved that you're safe, and she's also happy; Marco x Y/N! The ship has sailed.

Meanwhile, Marco stares at your face ad he absentmindedly push away the lost strand of hair from your face. He caresses your back as if he's feeling something. He blinks when he felt it. Wings.

You open your eyes, blinking a little bit because of the light exposure. You soon realize Marco's in front of you. "Marco?"


"I... why are you─"

"Oh my gosh! Y/N!" Star dives and hugs you tightly. "You finally did it!"

"Wait!" You quickly stand up and look behind you. "Yes! I finally have my wings!" You jump up and you're flying. "Yeah─" you fall down.

"Um, yeah... those wings, won't actually work right now, Y/N. You just have to wait," Star says.

"Hm. Let's just go to class, I guess. Lunch just ended." Marco starts to walk towards the classroom. You shake your head, slightly chuckling at him.

Star grins at the both of you, clearly containing her fangirls. (ship/name) for the win.

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