Chapter 15: Y/N vs. the Forces of Gravity Falls

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Yes, this is a special oneshot which all of you requested on chapter 13. XD just because i typed "Pine Tree". Hahaha y'all fans with references.

And yeah, I'm sick. XD but still, i decided to publish this since you're waiting for a long time now :(



The Next Day, Saturday.

You jump once more to test your Mewberty wings, it made you fly but only for a second. Still, it doesn't work. "Ugh," you groan, as Star enters the room.

"Hey, sis!" When she take notice of your situation, she winces. "Yeesh, you have to take a break, Y/n, those wings will work eventually."

"But I want them to work now!" You jump again, and you are up in the air. You gasp. "It's working!" But just as you said that, you fall onto the ground. "Ow."

"Hey, I'm bored," She chimes in.

You roll your eyes. "Then go play with Marco."

"But I want to play with the both of you!"

You sigh and cross your arms. "Fine. What do you want to do?"

"I want us to go to other dimensions!" Star takes out her dimensional scissors. "Wait, I just have to go fetch Marco." She cuts the air and instantly, there's a portal.


Marco snores and shifts on his bed, muttering things under his breath.


The said boy jumps out of his bed. "AH! Star! Do you mind? I'm sleeping!"

"Let's hang out!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just let me sleep," Marco says as he rolls over to the other side of the bed.

Star groans and goes back to her room to find you still jumping up and down. "Welp, he's still asleep─ and will you stop that?" You do. "I told you the wings will work eventually!"

You sigh in defeat. "Guess I have to wait."

Marco groans and stretches. He stands up and walks to the door. Yawning slightly, he opens the door.

"Hey, Marco!"

"Gah!" He trips and lands on his butt. "Star? What are you doing?"

"Didn't I tell you we're hanging out?" She says and helps him stand up. "Now go eat your breakfast and we're going to different dimensions with Y/N!"

"Ugh. Fine."

After eating and showering, Marco changes into his regular hoodie again. You notice his change of hoodie color and cross your arms. "Hey, Marco. Back to your lame clothes?"

He rolls his eyes. "You should thank me after yesterday, you know."

"Fine. Thanks, Marco. Although I ruined you and your girlfriend's moment back there," You mumble the last part.

"I'm sorry, what?"

You slightly widen your eyes. "Nothing! Nothing. Hehe."

"Oh. Okay," Marco continues with a grin.  "Well, we should watch this new DVD I borrowed from Alfonzo. It's a karate movie and I really want you to see it with me today!"

"But aren't we... doing something this whole afternoon?" You ask.

He blushes and rubs his neck. "Oh. R-right. Dimensions." You're so stupid, Marco! How could you forget? So confusing.

Just as things could get any more awkward, Star finally comes down the stair with different clothes. Her face changes into a smug one when she sees the two of you, facing each other. Star narrows her eyes. "What are you two talking about?"

You shrug. "Marco's lame clothes."

"It's not lame! This is my all-time favorite hoodie," he points out.

Star laughs. "Okay, lovebirds. Let's just go." Ignoring your and Marco's blush, she cuts the scissor into the air and different colors appears. "BYE MR. AND MRS. DIAZ! BYE LASER PUPPIES!"


You soon found yourselves in the middle of an island. "Where are we?" You hear dolphins.

"Nope," Star says before cutting another portal again.


The three of you soon arrived where the portal wanted you to be. You see a girl, possibly a teen, holding a phone in her hand. Star approaches her quickly.

"Star, no!" You and Marco whisper in chorus.

"Hi! My name is Star Butterfly, and what are you doing?"

"I'm reading," the teen says in monotone.

Marco also walks to her. "Um... what're you reading?"

The girl sighs, mainly because they're disturbing her reading. The story is probably good in her opinion. "Fanfiction." But just as she turns her head towards Marco, her eyes widen. "Oh. My. Gosh! Marco Diaz!" The girl instantly calls her phone and she's screaming. "Girls! Marco Diaz is at my backyard!"

The teen unexpectedly snaps a picture at Marco and sends it to her friends.

"Uh... I think we need to go, now," he says.

"I agree."

Star hurriedly runs to you and cuts open a portal while screams are getting louder. The three of you jump back inside.


The next one is so impossible to figure out. You're surrounded by tall trees abd there's no clear spot.

Marco carefully takes Star's scissors. "Maybe we should... go―"

"Wait!" Star cuts hims off. "I found a trail!"

"I don't know about this, Star."

"Oh, come on, Marco," She pleads. "Just this once!" Marco groans.

You roll your eyes and slowly follow the road. Thank goodness it was daylight or it would've been more creepier.

"I think I'm seeing something behind those woods," Marco says.

"Yeah, me too." Star nods.

Marco is now beside you. He takes a glance at you to see how you're doing. You're wearing a straight face, but there's something more behind that. Without looking, he asks, "Y/N, you okay?"

It took you a minute to reply. "Yeah. I'm fine." You smile at him. Marco smiles back.

He was unsure, but didn't push you further.

The three of you soon see a house― or shack with a "Mystery Hack" title on the roof.

"Mystery Hack?" Star questions.

Marco narrows his eyes. "No, actually, I think it's... Mystery Shack―?"

Suddenly, the door opens and the three of you immediately hide behind the trunks of the trees.

"C'mon, Dipper!" A girl voice shouts. "Let's go outside!"

"Fine," A boy voice groans next. "But I'm still reading, Mabel."

Soon, you heard a familiar girl one. "Hi! I'm Star Butterfly!" You and Marco facepalm. Star...

"And these are my friends! ― technically, one of them is my sister, but she's still me bestfriend!"

You feel an energy around your body and you're magically being dragged towards Star. She used her wand! What a smart move. -_-

Supposedly, you trust them, since your sister already did, you wave. "Hey, I'm Y/N."

"And I'm Marco," he says in a raspy voice, maybe because of that rough impact when he fell.

"Hi, I'm Mabel!" The girl introduces. "And this is my brother, Dipper!" He seems to be reading something, but soon he hides it quickly. Maybe he has some trust issues. You thought.

"Mabel!" Dipper calls. He mouths his favorite and famous catchphrase, "Trust no one!"

"It's okay, Dipper! They're magic!"

"And we're princesses!"

You laugh. "Marco, too." The said boy nudges you. You snicker more.

Mabel gasps. "Really?"


"And here's the Bottomless Pit. We fell into the pit when we're bored," Mabel states as you walk near the cliff-y end to take a look. Your heels are the only thing touching the ground. It does look bottomless, maybe you could show this to Jackie and push her off accidentally.

"Y/N!" Star grabs your shoulders. "You could practice your wings here!"

"Uh, no thanks." You shake your head.

Dipper smiles and joins the conversation. "No worries, the wormhole will lead you back here."

"Still, no."

"Don't worry, Y/N! You have your wand, remember?" Star says, reaching inside your pockets. She brings out your wand and interdimensional scissors. "See?"

"I don't know, Star, wouldn't it be―"

"Hey, guys," Marco walks towards the four of you with his hands on his pockets. But as soon as he sees the huge hole beside you, he lets out his hands quickly to balance himself. "Woah!" With that clumsy attempt of balancing himself, he accidentally pushes you forward and you fall into the pit. 

"Y/N!" Marco, Star, Dipper and Mabel scream.

"Y/N, use your wings!" Star's voice goes lower and lower just as you continue to fall.

You close your eyes tightly and concetrate on what you want to do. But after 10 seconds or so, you groan. "I'll just let this pass." Your eyes light up. "My wand!" You reach behind for your pocket, but it's empty.

Oh right. Star brought them out before Marco pushed me.


Well, I'll be here for 20 minutes, I guess.


They keep on waiting, until you're finally brought up.

With a thud, you landed on your butt. "Oof!"


Star hugs you that makes you breathless.

30 minutes later had Mabel and Star to have chit-chats and playing. While you, Dipper and Marco have been talking non-stop. Well, when Marco left for a walk, you and Dipper's conversation continues.

"Wait, how old are you?" You ask out of the blue.

"I'm 13, technically a teen."

"Yeah? Well, I'm 14, and so are those people." You point to Star and Marco. You notice your sister and Dipper's sister bonding along very fairly. "You're sister is perfect for mine."

"I know, right? They're exactly the same."

You laugh, unaware of another pair of two brown eyes watching the both of you. "Yeah, they're totally sociable. Unlike me, who's awkward and weird."

"Like me." Dipper smiles. You smile back. The two of you stare at each other for a while before blushing and looking away. "Uh..."

"Aw," Mabel cooes. "You're so cute together! Never thought it had it in you, Dippingsauce! Am I right or am I right, Star?" She winks.

"Mabel's right! She's always right!"

Before you could respond―

"Star, let's go home!" Marco shouts suddenly. "I'm going to be late for my kapowie-pointment!"

"Kapowie-pointment?" Dipper asks, a little weirded out.

You turn to him. "Oh, it's his appointment but with his karate sensei," you reply as you check your watch. "But it's not even eleven a.m. yet, he said his appointment is on eleven-thirthy."

"He's an early bird, I suppose," he shrugs.
"STAR!" Marco calls again.

"Okay, okay!" Star grumbles before standing up and dusting her clothes. "So this is goodbye, Mabes. Marco's being extra grumpy today." She hugs her newly-made best friend good bye.

You see the two girls hug and sigh. "I guess we'll be going. I'm sorry if I have to cut this short." You push down the bill of Dipper's hat. You started to walk away, but turn around once more to face him. With a friendly wink and smile, you bid, "Goodbye, Dippingsauce."

Dipper's face is tinted pink. "H-hey! Forget what Mabel said! It's Dipper, okay!" He stutters.

You laugh. "Whatever. Bye."


After the goodbyes and the whole time Marco ignoring you, the three of you are finally home.

As soon as you step outside the portal, Marco immediately run upstairs and you hear his bedroom door slams shut.

"What's wrong with Marco?" Star asks.

"I don't know. The three of us were talking and he walks out, then Dipper and I were talking and... maybe he's just stressed out."

"Or maybe... he's jealous!" She says in a long tone with her eyebrows wiggling in excitement.

You scoff. "Again with the jealousy, Star?"

"Maybe it's true! You'll never know." Star smiles at you as you roll your eyes.


so this is the chapter you guys requested. ♡

i think dipper's a little OOC in this chapter, sorry. i'm a terrible author. marco's a bit too.

well then, this is what you get by waiting for this :< i'm sorry if this chapter didn't make up for the long wait. 

anyway, GIVE ME IDEAS!


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