Chapter 32: Now You Know.

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Warning: cringy parts because i'm not pretty good with writing angst.

They say that when a tear comes out of your left eye, it's tears of joy, but if it's in the right eye, it's tears of sadness and/or anger.


"I choose...-"

"Prince Alexander," you finish. The Mewmans, including other people―gasp, shock clearly written across their faces. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "I choose Prince Alexander."

Marco shakes his head. "No..." he mutters. "Y/N, don't do this. Please." His brown eyes plead towards you.

"Very well," One of the announcers says. "You are to be wed tomorrow by sundown." The people clap while looking at each other awkwardly.

Soon after, everyone went home with Moon bidding them goodbye and gratitude. You wave to them solemnly, as they wave back at you in a more giddy way, obviously excited about the wedding.

You sigh. You and Star both walk inside. She keeps staring at you while you hug yourself.

"Could you stop that?!" You ask, annoyance laced in your voice.

"Sorry! I'm not the one who chose Alexander over Marco..." Star mumbles the last part.

You turn to her and stop walking, making her halt too. "I'm sorry? What did you say?"

"I'm saying that you're stupid, Y/N!"

"I'm stupid? I'm only doing this for Mewni!" You retort back.

Star crosses her arms. "Yeah, for picking a stranger to marry!" Before you answer, she grabs your shoulders. "Listen, Y/N. I know this is hard, but I really thought you'd choose him. Marco... he really likes you. A-and-" she stops herself, aware of a shadow behind you.

You turn to the person now standing in front of you.

"Marco," you say.


Star takes a step back. "Uh... I'll just go to my room."

That leaves you and him. You shake your head. "I'll just... go over-"

"No." Marco goes in front of you again. "Y/N, tell me what happened back there." You look at his brown eyes a little longer before going the opposite way. "Y/N!" He grabs your wrist. A little deja vu over here. He pulls you until you're full facing him.

"Why?" That's all he says. You can't even look at him. "Why did you choose him?"

"I..." you trail. "I have no choice-"

"No choice?" Marco snaps. "You obviously have a choice between me and Prince Stinkbrain!"

"I'm out of here." You mutter turning to your heel and walking out.

"I heard your entire conversation with Star earlier." Marco's statement was enough to make you freeze in your tracks. "Is that true?" You didn't respond. "Y/N, is it- is it true that you... actually like me back?"

You didn't answer. Marco sighs. "Y/N-"

"Yes. I do have a crush on you. So what?"
He runs a hand through his hair. "I-I'm just checking-"

"Now you know that after all this time, I was here for you." You fully turn around to face him, tears slowly falling. "I was in front of you the whole time yet you chose Jackie. Now you know how it feels, to be- to be betrayed, to be-"

Marco suddenly pulls you in his chest. He hugs you tightly as you weep. "Y/N, I..." he trails off.

You take a deep breath. "No, there's nothing you can do." You sniffle.

"I-I could-"

"No, Marco. Just let it go."

You begin to go the opposite way, until his hand reaches for your hand, pulling you into his direction.

"Marco, I said--"

What happens next threw you off real hard.

Marco Diaz was kissing you.

He holds you gently yet tightly, as if he's afraid to let you go. His brows were furrowed, and slowly there was a tear escaping in his right eye.

You eventually kiss back after his pleading. Marco takes this signal and lands his hand on your delicate cheeks. He feels his hand wet, because you're crying as well.

This may be the last time you'll see each other.

You part for a few moments later. You regain your breath afterwards. You gaze into his mesmerizing brown orbs with caramel flecks as he looks into your own sparkling (e/c) eyes.

You wipe Marco's tears, standing up as you do.

"I..." you shake your head. "...gotta go." You turn your heel and walk away.

"Y/N..." you didn't listen. "I..." you were now far away.

"I love you."

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