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Welp. I guess this is the end. Please excuse the notes i added here and there. I didn't edit this yet, but please give me your thoughts.

◆△◆△ cue theme song

Marco sighs and turns to the other hall. While he's walking, he didn't notice another person coming towards him, which they collided.

"Agh." He groans, rubbing his forehead that was bumped with the other person. "Star?"

"Hey, Marco..." She says sheepily.

"I'm- wait," Marco pauses. "Were you here this whole time?"

"Uh..." Star looks down. "Maybe? I think? I..."

"You do!"

"I'm sorry, okay!" She exclaims. "I was too curious so I hid here, by the halls... hearing the whole conversation."

Marco sighs. "Just... forget about it, okay?"

"Okay," she drags. "but... Marco, I'm sorry about Y/N. I thought she'll choose you, but I don't know what's gotten into her."

"I-It's okay," Marco replies. "Let's just... move on."

Star pulls Marco in a hug. "I don't know what will happen, but whatever it is, I'll be here with you. Along with Janna and Tom. You're strong, Marco." She parts away. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. If you need me, just call through Tom's mirror or something."

Marco gives a fake smile. "Alright. Noted."


Back home in Echo Creek, he slomps back in his bed.

"Dude, look," Janna starts. "I'm sorry for the unfortunate turn of events, but you're still invited to the wedding!" She tries to cheer him up, yet she receives a groan from him.

Tom sighs. "If you're not going, then you might as well just stay here or stay with us at my place," he suggested.

"Oh, alright." Marco sluggily answers. Tom then pulls out his dimensional scissors and gets both Janna and Marco in.

"Knock yourselves out," Tom says, sitting on his chair.

Janna rolls her eyes. "Whatever, let's just watch TV." Marco sighs as he sits down on the floor near the corner. Turns out, Tom and Janna are just watching the news.

"Attention, all dimensions. This is Kim Miyazaki, reporting to you a grifter at large." The TV shows a photo of a rather familiar face.

"Wait, doesn't that look like the Prince?"

That's when Marco sccurry up in his seat and quickly runs in front of the television.

"He is reported as of yesterday, escaped from the dimensional prison. His name is Rob Robbington, also known as 'Prince Alexander', disguising as a prince to con kingdoms."

"Conning kingdoms? That's pretty awesome," Janna comments.

"Awesome? Y/N might be in danger!" Marco exclaims.

"Woah, woah. Let's just relax and wait for tomorrow, then let's expose Prince Big Diaper over here with his fake identity," Tom says.

"Fine, tomorrow," Marco replies.

Janna sits on the floor, pulling Tom with her. "Okay, while we're waiting for tomorrow, let's plan this perfectly."

"Agreed." Tom nods. "Alright, let's do this the old-fashioned way. When the priest- or whatever that dumbo is says, 'who's against this wedding' or some shit, Marco's gonna burst out of that door and will scream a, 'ME!'" Tom plays the whole thing, while Janna and Marco look at each other weirdly. "Then, Marco over here will say everything about lil mis' Rob Robbington aka Prince Alexander. BOOM! PLAN PLANNED!"

"Hm, it could work..." Janna nods while closing his eyes. "If! We'll just kidnap Prince Alexander, print his skin and Marco would wear that skin and disguise as Alex! He would wore that skin off when they're about to kiss."

"No! Bad idea!" Marco interrupts. "I'm not wearing that guy's skin on me!"

"He's right, that's a bad idea." Tom agrees. "Y/N would then feel betrayed after almost kissing Marco disguised as Alex in front of everyone, thus my idea is better." He smiles in the end.

"Fine, you all do that." Janna crosses her arms.

Marco shakes his head. "Alright, I'll just talk to Y/N before the wedding in hopes of just convincing her a bit. If not, then I'll burst out of the door like an awesome bad boy and shout in front of the people about Alexander. Is that clear?"

"No! Don't talk to Y/N!" Tom says.

"Yeah, it'll ruin your big surprise." Janna nods.

"Alright, alright."

"Wait, but how about the guards?" Janna asks after a minute.

Tom shrugs. "I could just burn them all, no big deal. "

"Nope, it's gonna cause attention, we need to get there quietly without questions," Janna opposes.

"Fine. How?"

Marco's eyes light up. "I know who could help us. Isn't it obvious enough?" He stands up. "Tom, may I borrow your phon- I mean mirror?"

"Oh, sure."

He stands in front of the mirror and clears his throat. "Call. Star."

"Calling, Star."

It took 3 rings before someone answers, showing a distressed Star.

"What is it, Tom- Marco? What are you doing there?" She asks.

"I want to ask you about that favor you were talking about," Marco says.

Star's eyes light up. "Alright! What is it?" A few minutes later, had Star jumping up and down because of the idea. "Yes! Yes! Great idea, Marco! I'm with the three of you. Don't worry, this plan is fullproofed!"
"Star? Who you talking to?" Marco hears your voice and he immediately pulls Tom in front of the mirror.

Star goes along with it, acting pretty well. "I'm talking to Tom, you know... about tomorrow and stuff."

"Oh, alright," you reply. "Good night." Before you close the door, you remind her, "You should go to bed early, Star. I love you."

"Yeah, yeah! Love you too, sis!"

Before you completely left, Star hears a, "You're so weird."

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Anyways, tomorrow at near sunset, okay? Don't forget. Meet me at the entrance of the castle and I'll lead you through the extra guards. Good luck, Marco! I believe in you! Wear your best suit! Nyehehe~" Star finishes.

Marco smiles in relief. "Thanks, Star. For everything."

"No problem. I'll see you soon!"

The mirror turns off, as Marco turns around to see Janna and Tom standing next to each other. He smirks, and knowing that he has these entourage, he has a plan to save you, and Star by his side, fills him with.. determination.

Marco looks at the both of them. "Guess who's about to destroy a wedding."

△◆△◆ i want to draw this with Marco smirking and all. But you know.

wait here it is
i fucking forgot the mole ugh shit

The next day, the trio are readying themselves, now wearing their formal clothes as the sunset neared.

"We have to hurry," Tom reminds them. "Or we'll never catch up."

"Right, right," Marco replies. "Let's go."

Tom cuts the scissors into the air and the portal appears. Janna, Marco and Tom jump into the other dimension or Mewni.


Meanwhile, you stand in front of the mirror as Star takes care of the veil to be put in your head. But before she does, she decides to talk to you. "Y/N? Are you sure about this? I mean, you could just-- refuse and marry someone else."

"I don't wanna talk about it, Star."

"I'm just saying!" She shrugs. "What if... uh, this Alexander guy is somewhat... a criminal..?"

You shake your head in disbelief. "Why the heck would you say that? Just let me marry him, okay? I think it's for the best."

Star sighs. There's nothing she could do.
"I love you, okay?" Star says. "I'll be by your side always. I won't ever give up on you."

You smile in content. "Thank you, Star. I'm very glad you're my sister."

"I'm happy too..!" She sighs again without you noticing. She finished fixing the veil. "I... gotta go, just for a sec! Bye, Y/N!"


Star quickly runs towards the nearest entrance where Marco, Janna and Tom are waiting. "There you guys are!" Star exclaims. "Come on!" The trio follows her without saying anything.

"Halt!" One of the guards says. "You are not allowed to enter! It is fully requested by Moon the Undaunted due to the incident yesterday."

Star sighs. "Well, I, Star the Underestimated wishes to let my friends in. We have a wedding to stop!"

The two guards look at each other before turning to them once again. "I'm afraid it's unallowed, your majesty."

Star pouts. "Mother..." she grunts. Suddenly she got an idea, her frown transforming into a mischevious look. She then glances at the guards. "I'll tell mom~!" Star sings. Marco, Janna and Tom notice them beginning to shiver in nervousness, but they stood still. "I'll tell her, the Queen, that you're slouching off work."

"No, no! Please, your majesty," one of the guards pleads.

"Then you need to let us through and I won't tell nothing!"

They bow their heads. "Y-yes... Princess."
After a while, Marco sighs. "Well that was... a long conversation.

Janna groans. "Great. 1 door, 20 more. How are we supposed to get there in time?"

"We're going to do this the hard way," Star says as she lifts her pink wand. "Silent Mega Destruction Attack!"

The wand destroyed all of the doors, but Marco, Tom, Janna and Star didn't hear anything. Just seeing blasted guards.

"Cool," Janna mutters.

"Right," Marco agrees. "Let's go!"


You take a deep breath.

"I'll just go through this worthless wedding and get this over with." You look into the mirror. You're all alone. You sigh as you look down. "Is this what I really want?"

"Did I choose the right decision?"

"Is this the right one for me?"

No. You stupid.

I'm not stupid. No I'm not.

What's nine plus te- wait no. Why did you choose Alexander then?

I don't really know.

You don't really know? That's the stupidest thing.



Wait, who are you anyway?

I'm your heart! The only body part to ship (readerxmarco ship)!!

And who am I?

You're the brain or the original Y/N! The one to ship the most digusting ship of all! (alexander ship!)! It's a NOTP for me!

No, I do not ship me with Alexander!

But you rather ship yourself with Marco right?

I...? Um? No!

Too bad. Maybe that's why you chose him instead of Marco! You always think about others before thinking about yourself. That's why you're always hurt! What aboit your own feelings? You can't just ignore them, Y/N.

I guess... I guess you're right.

When am I not??!

Ugh, I'm changing my mind.

Y/N! For once. Stop listening to your head and listen to your heart! I believe in you okay? Make (marcoship) happen! Whoo!

I can't promise you that.







"Y/N!" You look around you. You're back to reality, in a picture perfect wedding dress. You blink; once, twice. Even three times. You look from the reflection of the mirror to see Star looking at you weirdly. "Are you okay? You've been staring in that mirror for a while now. Are you sure you're ready?"

"Of course!" Your excitement dies down. "So... where have you been?"

"I actually used the restroom, sorry," Star says. She walks back to you and doesn't say a thing. Awkward silence ensues, following with a sigh and constant breathing.

A sudden knock fills in the silence. "Your majesty, it is time." The small maiden tells the both of you. Star helps you to stand up because of the humongous dress. You stumble a bit before getting ahold of yourself. You let yourself out of the dressing room and walk towards the big door, wherein you already see your bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"Don't worry, okay?" reassured Star. She then walked towards her groomsmen, Oskar. No, not the Earth Oskar, but the Mewman one. Weird, I know.

The first music starts to play. The door opens and you stand beside for later. All of them go inside and skip on the red carpet. You take a glance inside and see Alexander, smirking and all. You furrow your eyebrows.

Why is he so confident?

You shake your head. Finally, your father, River, is now beside you, grinning at you although you're not.

"Are you happy, dear?" That question seems to bother you all afternoon. Are you happy with this decision? You're not sure. "Y/N? Are you alright? You seem off lately."

"I-I'm fine, father," you reply, rather hesitant on your answer.

"That's not the tone I want to hear, hun."

"Mother! You scared me." Moon had suddenly appeared next to you.

"Are you really happy, Y/N?"

Are they really my parents right now?

I mean, they're asking me if I'm happy when they wanted me to marry this guy in the first place!

"Am I?" You accidentally whispered. "I-I mean, yes! I am happy! I really am!" That's the happiest reply you could muster.

Moon looks at you a little longer before she hugs you tightly. "I'm so proud of you."

You couldn't say anything. Except, you hug back, your eyes pricking with tears. "Thanks, mom." You breathe as you hug back.

The door opens once more, revealing you and your beautiful form. The second music begins to play. You slowly walk towards the front. You can even see Alexander's smug face from here. What is he planning?

You finally reach besides him.

"How much does the dress cost?" He whispers.

You look at him weirdly. Is he gay or something?

(no guys really. what if prince alex was gay?)

You ignore him. Although he keeps whispering random things while waiting for the priest of Mewni. "I can't wait to be the king and be rich." He smiles at you. You just look straightly at a wall. "Don't you want to just take over the kingdom and make everyone follow your commands and stuff?"

You sigh inwardly and shake your head. I just want to die.

You clench the flowers in your hands tighter until the priest was in the front.

((i don't really know if there's a Mewni religion or... smth idk))

((Ps. i'm really sorry bc idk any of the wedding stuff hehehe i kinda fell asleep once when i last attended one))

All throughout the ceremony, you feel your eyes starting to get heavy. So this is how it feels marrying a stranger. The atmosphere was quiet as heck and no sounds are heard at all.

Now it comes to the priest asking if someone's against the wedding. They ask the people behind the two of you. You glance at Alexander's eyes to see hope and nervousness. What is he hoping for? What is he nervous about? This guy is weird.

The priest repeats their question. "Anyone?"

You silently hope for Marco to just burst out of that door and scoop you into his arms and just run away forever... but no. That's not gonna happen.

"No one?" They ask one last time?

Alexander clears his throat. "Uhm, er- can we just get this done already? You're asking the same question the last 10 minites ago like you don't want us to get married or something."

"Uh... alright!" They wipe out the sweat trickling down the side of their head. "If no one really wants to object this... erm- wedding. Then let's proceed to the rings, shall we?"

You awkwardly put on Alex's supposedly ring. He also wento to get the ring and begin to hold you hand, slowly putting it on when suddenly-


"Stop the wedding!"

Mewmans gasp, other cried in joy when Marco appears just by the door after busting it open. You turn in a milisecond as you heard his voice.

He was in his formal attire, his hair slightly messy and ruffled, but perfect just the way it is. How his eyes were determined yet sadness engulfed around them when he sees you getting married with this man in front of him.

You silently hear the priest mumbled, "Thank goodness" under their breath, though you ignored it.

"Marco?!" You ask, lifting your dress to go down the aisle and towards him. He walks down as well. "What the heck are you doing here--?"

Marco silents you off with a passionate, feverish kiss with his hands on the either side of your cheeks.

The people around you scream while some of them fainted and some shouted, "I called it!" Although, half of the crowd are upset. Maybe they didn't know Marco.

You were thrown back, so you didn't get a chance to kiss him back when he pulls back.

"Uh..." you mutter.

Marco chuckles awkwardly. "I- um... I shouldn't have done that in public, I.. really missed you." You didn't say anything and it gets quiet after, until Alexander kinda ruins the moment.

"We have a wedding here? So... would you quit being a show-off so Y/N and I could married?"

You squint your eyes as you glare at him, Marco did that as well. "Well, I have something to tell you guys!" He says. "This guy," he points to Alexander. "is actually Rob Robbington! The criminal who cons kingdoms!"

You can hear mutters and mumbles about the said con-man. "Uh- no, I'm not! I'm Prince Alexander! See th-this crown? I-I'm a prince! Honest!"

The king and queen exchanged their upset looks. "Get him!" Moon objects.

After a few goose chases, the guards finally caught Rob. They start to pull him outside the ceremony. "You will never get away from this, Mango Kissass!"

"Screw you too!-- uh.." Marco stutters. "You... uh,"

"See!" Rob interrupts. "You can't even think of a proper comeback, you weakling!" When he's finally pulled out, you shudder.

Marco quietly pulls you out of the place and just outside.

"I can't believe I didn't watch the news last night." You shake yor head. "I would've been married to a con-artist."

"Well, atleast you didn't." He sighs of relief. "Y/N, I'm really sorry." Marco takes your hand. "I'm sorry, for the things I've done to you. I didn't mean it. I'm sure that you absolutely hate me right now, even from the start, but I want to have a second chance. Will you let me?"

You only look at his eyes. Its never ending sparkle melts your heart. How can I say no to this face.

"Marco..." he can see the hesitation on your face, and he gives him a chance you'll disagree. You sigh as you smile. "You're really cute, you know that right?"

Marco blinks. "I... huh..?"

You chuckle. "You could've seen the look on your face." You continue to laugh.

"Shut up," he mumbles. You didn't listen, as you laughed and laughed. "I told you to shut up~!" He whines, with pink tinging his cheeks.

You laugh, not until he smashed his lips towards yours.

You didn't even have the time to respond before Marco pulls away. "Wh-why'd you do that?!" you stutter. 

"It's the only way to shut you up, you dumbo."

You stay silent.

"Y/N," you slowly look up, to see Marco's smile gleaming at you. "I... just want you to know that... I love you, okay? I love you so much. It's okay if you don't like me back, I just want to tell you what I really feel about you. But, if you accept my feelings, will you stay by my side?"

Without hesitation this time, you lean towards him slowly and felt his lips against yours. It was a very slow and gentle kiss, you always imagined this would be your first kiss, but it's not bad after all.

After needing of air, you answered him with a nod. "Yes," you breathe. You clutch his shoulders tightly, feeling your eyes a bit watery. (Scew those people who don't cry jk)

You can see Marco's crying as well, blinking every once in a while. He wraps you in a tight embrace, as you can hear his sobs and you can feel your shoulders soaking.

"Thank you," you hear. "Thank you, Y/N."

You smile, you feel your tears coming down as well. "I love you, okay?"

Marco chuckles. "I love you, too, Y/N."

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