Her support.

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They never thought it will happen so soon but in the end, it happened. It didn't happen just like that, They were longing for each other. Shivaay yearned to love her like before and over that time he couldn't feel anything other than feeling helpless but now, He felt like the black cloud in his life finally faded away, And the sun rays hit his face and the brightness in his life became constant.

"Hey, Baby!" - He called her when his phone alarm rang and he clicked it off before it could destroy her sleep. But she nuzzled more into his chest and hesitates to wake up. He had no idea when she picks up his t-shirt and wore it which suites perfectly to her than him.

"It's already eight." - He whispered against her ears.

"5 mins." - She murmured in sleep.

"Okie." - He said, kissed her forehead, sneaked his hand under the duvet, and held her waist to the tightest hug. She opened her eyes in the next second when she felt very difficult to breathe.

"Shivaay, You're suffocating me." - She yelled in an instant and he loosens up the grip when she yelled at him.

"I just can't trust my fate. Yesterday, At this moment, I thought I lost everything but in contrast, Today, I am feeling top of the world. What's happening?" - He asked her while caressing her face.

"Life is unpredictable shivaay. Don't know what else there in our basket." - She asked.

"Marriage and our 10 kids." - He chuckled.

"Shut up." - She snapped back.

"Yeah, The next step is marriage." - He sounded serious. She rolled her eyes in shock.

"And Shakthi Singh Oberoi will make Shivaay Singh Oberoi's career on the behalf of him." - Anika asked him. He smiled and pulled her more close to him. She raised her head and looked at him.

"In that case, How will I face my girl's father to ask her hand for marriage?" - He asked her.

"Oh my god, You're so serious about me." - She said in a shocking tone. He sat on to the bed and stared at her shockingly.

"You still think I am not serious about you." - He said in a confirmed tone. She sat up facing him.

"It's not like what you're thinking. I still couldn't get how i suddenly became so important for you when i was invisible for years. Out of sudden, You proceeded to be my friend, And accompanied with me to the farewell, even your friend teased to the core, You didn't bother but stayed with me. Out of all, You didn't give up on me when I asked you to leave me during my mom's illness. And for me, It's nothing but a miracle. I still can't over from it and now you're talking about marriage and kids. What the hell is happening in my life." - She asked him, The tension in his face faded into a smile when he heard it from her mouth.

"Sometimes I felt like I am living my dream life with you even we were 8000 miles away." - Anika added.

"You know who is living the dream life?" - Shivaay asked her, She raised her eyelids and looked at him.

"It's ME." - He said.

"How, By the way?" - She asked.

"Because other than you nobody could love me so selflessly, Not even my parents who gave birth to me. Diamonds don't know it's value. So stop wondering, I should be the one to wonder." - He said while tugging her hair behind her earlobe.

"Sometimes I feel like you're hiding a big secret about me." - She asked him. He chuckled. Even He say her everything, She won't believe anything and he wanted to keep his secret to his heart. And the conversation between them would be monologues.

"That's why I am saying, Let's get married." - He said while pulling close to him.

"Shivaay, I am 20 and You're nearing 21. Be practical. We have many responsibilities. I have to make my career. And you have to do the same." - She said.

"Career doesn't make after marriage?" - He asked.

"Why hurry? I am not going to run away anywhere at least for the next 2 months." - She said while getting up from the bed. Her expression changed when the slight thought of her internship crossed her mind. He couldn't take off his eyes from the shape of her whole body which was translucent when she stood before the window.

"Anyone told you that you're looking mesmerizing, Especially in the T-shirt." - He asked while pulling his trousers from the ground when she was looking aside. She turned around but covered her eyes in an instant.

"You shameless" - She cursed. He moved towards her and arrested her while wrapping his hands around her waist.

"Yesterday, You had a clear view of it, Forget?" - He asked her.

"Wait, When did that happen? Oh my god, Didn't you spike my dessert and took advantage?" - She asked while cupping her mouth in a fake shocking tone.

"Then you must know, What you have done yesterday?" - He started While wrapping his hands around her shoulder.

"You have to shut up, RIGHT NOW." - She said, But he didn't, Taking the seat in the couch nearer to the window and arrested her in between his legs.

"PLEASE. Stop." - She cried fakely at him.

"I am just helping you to recall you that what happened yesterday." - He said while controlling his smile.

"Please, I don't want to hear." - She cried covering her ears.

"Under one condition." - He stopped while pulling her down and made her sit in his lap.

"What's that?" - She asked.

"You have to grab me some ice-cream for that." - He said while smiling sheepishly. Even his cheeks became red while asking that. But she stayed stuck while looking at him.

"Pervert." - She swore but she didn't stop him.

"Only for you!" - He whispered and sneaked his hands inside the t-shirt and grabbed her waist.


The next few days were like a dream for shivaay as well as Anika. Anika and her friends joined the internship and all the three were separated into different fields. Gauri got into the scripting and pre-production team, Anika accompanied by the host for shooting who was in part of the production team. And Kalpana gets into Vfx and other stuff. All three were happy. And at the end of the day, Shivaay would be waiting for her in the restaurant opposite the office. Kalpana and Gauri became so comfortable than before when anika told them what happened. Shivaay was doing his final year which helped him to take advantage of getting free from the classes to meet her and spend some quality time.

"Ani. What you're thinking about Bear Grylls. Wow, Such an amazing life man, Living with nature, Travell from place to place." - Shivaay exclaimed while watching the man vs wild from discovery channel.

"Nature therapy. He's lucky." - She said and stopped the conversation.

"Hey, You went trekking to Rishikesh, Right. And also tapped the whole experience, How it went?" - He asked her out of blue.

"You remember." - She was surprised.

"There's nothing in the world I could forget about you. And tell me, How was it?" - He asked her.

"I can't describe it in my words. I went with six unknown strangers. Papa was scared, Even you sounded a little bit worried. But When I reach there, I didn't feel like I am alone. Nature occupied me. I felt free, Independent, and happier." - She said while remembering those beautiful moments. The beam in her eyes enough for shivaay to tell how much she loves traveling. When shivaay moved into her house in the past (2017) There were a bunch of photographs of anika which was clicking in many places. She almost traveled half of the world in the span of 5 years. She found peace in traveling.

"So, Traveling makes you happy." - He said in confirmation.

"Travel makes everyone happy." - She revert it.

"Thank you for convincing me." - He said and hand-over the envelope from the NGC. Anika was shocked by how he get the letter which she hid in her suitcase.

"They asked you to call them back. I think it's the right time. Call them back." - He said after reading her appointment letter from GNC international for Assistant Video Producer.

"Shivaay, From where you found this?" - She asked in a little bit stern in her tone.

"That doesn't matter. Why did you hide this? That is the matter, Why ani? That too with me?" - He asked her.

"Shivaay I don't want to disappoint you by telling working here is the second option for me." - She said.

"Your Channel will feel offended. Not me. Because I know I am the permanent and as well as the most important part of your life. Then why will i get disappointed? In fact, I am so happy that you finally get into the Job which you deserve and which will give you immense pleasure and Happiness." - He said.

"Shivaay, But."

"There's no place for What if's and but's. You proceed with it." - He said in a confirmed tone. Even she felt so proud that he valuing her dreams but a little bit scared to take the step.

"I don't know what to do." - She leaned her head in the table.

"Hey, Ani. Stop ignoring and share what's bothering you." - He asked.

"Everything shivaay. I know it's my dream job, I got this job after trying almost for 3 months. But What about Kalpana and Gauri? They came with me. Initially, They had no idea of doing their internships here. But they changed their plans accordingly when they heard about me. And you know the job, I would keep on traveling, Will my dad allow me? You know how protective about me. Everything is knocking me out."- She said.

"I am not knocking you out. See everything has a solution. And Initially, I was on the list maybe I would have been in the top. But now, It's sorted. Likewise, Everything will get sorted." - He tried to convince her. She didn't reply anything and continued to lean her head on the table.

"Ani. I don't think Kalpana and Gauri will feel betrayed. And your father, Never said no to you and about me, I just don't regret anything in the future after losing this opportunity." - He said.

"But it's the contract for two years." - She said raising her head.

"Just two years. Next June, I will go back to Delhi and starts a new business. I think it will be a perfect time to pursue your career. And nobody gets this opportunity so soon. Don't drop it. If it's about your friends, We will have dinner together and I try to explain it to them. And about your father, We will go to Delhi to convince him. I am damn sure, He will understand." - He said.

"What if I lose Gauri and Kalpana forever with this decision?" - Anika asked him.

"Ani. They already became a permanent part of our life. Even you guys didn't have a proper conversation, You three will be there for each other whenever the one needed the other." - Shivaay said.

"So stop thinking and Move forward. And follow your heart" - He added.

"Sometimes you're sounding like my mom." - She said by looking at him wondered.

"Is that yes?" - He asked.

"Nothing will change right." - She asked.

"Nothing will change, It will get better. Go for it. Yearn memories. Its the only thing which stays with us forever." - He said while caressing her palms with a smile. But Inside he was wondering, How he's going to survive without a proper way of contact. But the happiness in her face worth it all.


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