Seeking paradise

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"You are the biggest fool i have ever come across in my life, I mean who feel guilty for this. I thought something else." - Anika offended him when he told her everything from the start. He didn't filter anything but told everything whatever happened in these two days. There were inside the restaurant having dinner. Shivaay went back to the mute mode after saying everything.

"Hey! It happens with everyone, Come on." - Anika tried to cheer him up but nothing works.

"Hey, Baby!" She held his palm, He was surprised as she called him 'baby' for the first time. She raised his head and matched her eyelids.

"Can we forget all the things which happened in these three days? Let it go from our memory." - She asked. Even it's too difficult for him. He nodded. He had to forget. He couldn't live with this guilt for lifelong. She smiled, He smiled.

"Okay, How it's happened? You. In L.A?" - He asked her in a surprised tone.

"Thanks for the late reaction, Mr. Oberoi." - She said with a smile.

"First tell me, How did your father allow you?" - He asked her while rolling his eyes in excitement.

"I heard, They serve wine even in the restaurant. Why can't I see any of that?" - She asked while searching for wine.

"Don't take the name of alcohol, Ever." - He thundered in an instant.

"Why are you deciding for me? FYI, Wine is good for your health. It enriches in hemoglobin." - She said.

"You still didn't answer my question. How it happened?" - He asked.

"It's an open call, We, Three applied and got the internship. Simple." - She replied while taking the scoop of mac 'n' cheese in her spoon.

"You? What?" - He asked.

"I can't repeat, again and again, Please let me have my food. Already your mom spoiled my appetite by giving that lassi. Yuck, It tastes too bad." - She said and while shaking her head in disgust.

"You got an internship here, It means you will be staying here." - He said He enacted like cracking the puzzle. She couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"OH MY GOD." - He yelled in an instant. She jerked and dropped the spoon from her hand.

"I thought of surprising you, But never thought I would get surprised instead." - She said but shivaay was still in surprise.

"I thought." - He asked.

"You thought I came here for a holiday. Stay tuned, Mr. Oberoi. This disturbance will be staying here for the next 45 days." - She said with a smile. He pulled her chair which was opposite to him to next to him. She never expected that type of reaction.

"I wish this long-distance relationship ends here." - He said and tried to kiss her but before he could kiss anika's phone rang. Austin gave all the three a new sim to activate. And it was from her dad. Either Kalpana or Gauri should have shared her number with her dad.

"Always." - Shivaay whispered in hesitation and released the grip from her waist. Anika attended the call with a wide smile.

"Hey, Pa." - Anika exclaimed. Anika was also hungry on the other hand as she didn't have anything other than that lassi made my pinky. Seeing her struggle, Shivaay picked the phone from her hand and turned the speaker on.

"Now speak, Nobody will understand what you speak here." - He whispered.

"Ani. Are you there, Mama?" - Her father calls her in the kindest tone.

"Yeah, Pa. Eating dinner." - Anika replied to him. Shiivaay served more food in her plate. She rolled her eyes to him.

"Are you fine, Now? Kalpana said you threw up and had a fever too." - Her father asked Shivaay looked at her Shocking.

"Yeah, Pa. Due to travel, I guess. Now I am perfectly fine." - Anika said. Gesturing fine to shivaay.

"What are you having now?" - Her father asked concerned.

"Mac n Cheese with Chicken and mashed potato." - Anika said.

"Even I hate what you're having, You sounds like you're happy, That's enough for me, Baby. I don't know how will these two months go without you. But you, Don't worry about me, Be happy. And say 'Hi' to shivaay on behalf of me." - Her father said Shivaay rolled his eyes when he heard his name anika's father.

"Okay, Pa. Take care." - Anika said.

"Wait, Jhanvi aunty wants to talk with you." - Her father said and shivaay was surprised and whispered anika that talk to her like he was not here with her.

"Hi, Aunty, How are you?" - Anika asked her as soon as she takes up the call and said hello.

"Hi, Dear. How are you? How is your health? Papa said you're not fine." - Jhanvi asked her.

"Yeah, Aunty. It's because of Rudy's chachi. Who served me with the worst lassi in the world. My god, I think she made up with all the hate she had for me." - Anika said. Shivaay looked concerned but he didn't show anything in his face.

"Don't worry about her, Everything will go fine with time. The thing is you shouldn't loose your patience." - Jhanvi said in a calm tone. Shivaay was surprised to see their bonding which was more like a mom.

"Okay, Listen. I have to talk with you something, Private." - Jhanvi added in a whispered tone.

"Why are you speaking so silent?" - Anika asked her confusingly.

"Leave that, Met shivaay?" - Jhanvi asked. Shivaay nodded no continuously.

"Yeah, Met him while before. What happened, Aunty?" - Anika replied to Jhanvi.

"Is he with you now?" - Jhanvi asked.

"No, He left. Why what happened?" - Anika lied, Shivaay nodded yes to him.

"I hope everything is fine." - Jhanvi said.

"Yeah, guess so." - Anika said while matching shivaay's eyelids who stared at her angrily.

"I know you guys are meeting after a long time. As a woman, I can understand. And we are like friends, Right." - Jhanvi asked. Shivaay could guess where it's leading. But Anika had no idea.

"Yeah, Aunty. We are more like friends. What happened?" - Anika asked her. Shivaay smilingly wiped off his mouth with a tissue.

"You're too young, Ani. I just want you to be careful there." - Jhanvi said The smile in shivaay's face became so obviate and eagerly waiting for anika's reaction.

"Yeah, Aunty. I will be safe. In fact, In their house, They didn't even allow me to use the kitchen. Don't worry about it." - Anika stopped abruptly when shivaay busted to laugh and moved away from the place. His mood got cleared in a fraction of second. Anika understood about which safety she was talking about.

"Haaww. I mean. Aunty. Yeah." - She took the phone from the speaker and moved to a corner. Shivaay took a seat and laughed his hell out. After a few seconds, Anika came back. She took the chair which was close to him and placed it opposite to him. He tried to control his smile but that didn't help when he saw her flushed face.

"Ani. I ordered the dessert." - He said She raised her head.

"Ice-cream" - He said and again busted to laugh while keeping his hands in his stomach. Anika covered her face thinking how much dumb she was.

"I wish this conversation happens in the phone." - She whispered. But she remained stuck when the waiter placed the vanilla ice cream to her side and chocolate ice cream to his side. She couldn't match his eyelids. But he enjoyed watching her like this. Not only her cheeks, but Her whole face was also looking like a rotten tomato.

"Hey, You. What are you thinking?" - He asked her.

"Not which you're thinking?" - She replied without meeting his eyes.

"Then you're thinking about what i am thinking." - He double-crossed her.

"How do you know?" - She asked him.

"Have Ice-cream." - He asked her while pointing her icecream. She didn't say anything but smiled. He never expected that she will take a scoop in her spoon and have it. But it happened. When he tried to match her eyelids, She looked elsewhere. The next moment, He messaged David.

"Me and Anika back together." - He messaged him.

"OMG. I told you, Right. So happy for you, Bro." - David replied in the next moment.

"I said, Me and Anika back together." - He messaged.

"I understood, Bro. Granny called me home. I will be back, the next morning." - He messaged.

"I think your granny wants to spend more time with you." - Shivaay replied.

"Okay, I am taking leave for 3 days. Bye." - David cut the chat.


They were holding their hands. It was not termed as Lust but it can be named as their Longing for each other. Anika expected that moment but she never thought it will happen on her first day in L.A. But she couldn't stop herself after experiencing the moment of losing him forever. For shivaay, He just can't keep himself away from her. Even after knowing she was ready, He just can't stay away from her even for a moment.

He took her inside to his hostel room. The environment wasn't normal, The wind, The temperature, The situation everything works in collaboration to bring themselves close at that moment. No words were spoken, But emotions were carried equally by each other. He pulled her close to him, She was jerked by his sudden strength but she didn't get scared. Both read each other's breath before they explored the fierce by kissing each other passionately. Anika had no idea when he stopped her arms and her legs clung to him. But when it happening, They just couldn't believe fate. His hands which were holding her waist moved towards her bottom.

The moment, He placed her in the bed, He stopped, He couldn't figure out the reason. Whether it's because of the fear he had for a long time. He wanted to get tested over that time even he tested three days. He just wants to make sure before he could proceed. It was not about him. It was about her. He cared more for her than him.

"What happened?" - She whispered getting up from the bed. He sat next to her.

"Everything will be fine, Right" - He asked her with teary eyes. She didn't know the reason. But she wanted to console him. She placed her head in his shoulder and side-hugged him.

"I told you before. Nothing will happen to us Until we are there for each other." - She said while kissing his shoulder. He closed his eyes tightly.

"Tired?" - She asked him. He didn't say anything but made her rest in the bed. And the next moment, He hovered her.

"You have no idea how much I need at this moment." - He whispered against his lips. She pecked his lips.

"Not more than, Me." - She whispered back. That one word enough for him to cross any extent for her. He took off his T-shirt by pulling it off from his head. While their tongue explored, His hands were in her body unbuttoning her shirt button from the front. Anika wasn't scared but the excitement of exploring overhead her every scare. She felt like a heroine for her movie who explores what happens after the light-off.

"Aren't you scared?" - He asked her when his eyes fixed downwards of her body which was naked till her waist.

"Nope." - She said while cupping his face. That smile in her face makes her blush. When his lips made a contact with her breasts, Her eyes automatically shut. Rubbing his face against her stomach, He pulled her jeans downwards along with her inner. Her face paled, The pleasure led to tension. He moved towards her face and whispered. "Do you trust me?" Before she could reply he entered his middle finger inside her. A moan escaped.

"Tell me, Ani" - He ordered while entering another hand inside her. Her heartbeat beat against her chest. Her body trembled with every new thrust.

"Please!" - She whispered.

"That's not my Answer. Say, Do you trust me?" - He asked her. She nodded continuously to him while opening her eyes. But he was moving down towards her navel when his lips touched her buds. Her whole body got stiffened, She had no idea, How to describe it but she felt like flying in the sky without any boundaries. Over the next moment, Her moans banged the whole room.

When he gets rid of his pants, The nervousness hit her again. He took a small packet from his pocket and tore it open with his mouth, The next moment, It was in his erection covering it. When he matched the eyelids, She shifted her gaze. He nibbled her shoulder.

"You're safe, Now." - He whispered against her ears. She chuckled, Her chuckle changed into a jerk when he entered. Over the third thrust, she started to bleed. The evidence that she was not a girl anymore but a woman. Tears crossed her eyes. He slowed down until she gets adjusted. But the thrust became more and more strong each passing second. They reached the climax.

He collapsed next to her, There was no fear, But the sort of happiness. He was happier than her, Not for consuming but thinking he was the reason behind the smile. The smile in her face was constant.

"I love this life when you smile because of me." - He said. Smilingly she moved close and placed her head in his chest.


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