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Anika was the one to get down when Austin stopped his car in his parking lot. For an unobvious reason, She felt so dizzy. Austin didn't ask anything to anyone reading the strange silence in the car. All three were so tired because of the continuous 24 hours journey. Anika was silent neither she said anything nor cried. 

Gauri's father said he was arranging an apartment for them. But when she came here, She realized the reality that they were going to stay with his father's friend's house. Gauri had been betrayed by her father. 

"Why I had to go through this every time?- Gauri asked with a pity face to Kalpana. Even though they weren't in a position to laugh or enjoy the moment, Kalpana chuckled looking at her pity face. 

"I hate you, Father." - She muttered and they proceeded her way to their room. Anika rushed to the washroom as soon as they settled there. She threw up everything from whatever she had in the flight. Gauri and Kalpana rushed inside. 

"Easy, Ani" - Gauri said while holding her hair. There was no energy left in her even to stand up. Kalpana and Gauri helped her and made her rest in the bed. Anika didn't say anything but closed her eyes and cuddled the pillow which was next to her in the bed. Within a few seconds, Both heard her silent snores. 

"Don't know, What to say?" - Kalpana said to Gauri who sat next to anika in the bed. 

"he didn't look like cheater type." - Gauri said while zooming in the photo in Facebook. 

"Life is too unpredictable." - Kalpana said while holding her hand. 

"Let's not talk about this until she feels comfortable sharing. After all, It's for a long time." - Gauri said and rested next to her. Kalpana took the couch and within a few seconds, All the three dozed off. 


"This is unacceptable, mom. I know you do it on purpose." - Om asked his mom, Who was watching the Tv with a smiley face. She didn't bother to reply to anything to him. But the expression in her face told him everything even she was silent. But up to his surprise, She called Tia from her phone. 

"Hi dear, How are you guys?" - She asked in a delighted tone. Before Pinky could take another word. Om snatched the phone from her hand and spoke. 

"Tia, GIVE THE PHONE TO MY BROTHER." - He asked her in the rudest tone. 

"For that, He should be available here." - Tia chuckle which irritated him to an extent. He moved aside. 

"Tia, I am not in any mood to play with you. Please give the phone to my brother." - Om said in a calm tone. 

"But he left, You have to call him, Rather calling me. And please ask your mom not to call me. I can't be sweet every time." - Tia said, Before she could finish her sentence, Om held the call and tried to call his brother from his mom's phone. This time, He cut the call purposefully. Om threw the phone to the couch and took his phone from his pocket and called. After the whole 43 hours. He got the hold of his brother when he attended the call and spelled 'hello' in a weak tone. 

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" - Om spelled when he answered. 

"In the hostel. With David." - Shivaay replied in a frail tone. Before shivaay could answer anything, Om cut the call abruptly and proceeded his way towards his hostel. 

On the other hand, David inquired about the party. Even though he was guilty as hell. He decided to open up everything to him. He said everything to him, How he met tia and how he got drunk. David was shocked but listened to everything patiently. 

"It means it happened." - David asked him. 

"No. I got fits due to fever." - He said. He was burning in a fever when he whispered anika's name continuously. But he never failed to realize what he was up to. He was feeling too guilty even in the state. 

"That's why You didn't attend any of our calls." - David asked him. He nodded helplessly. But his eyes had lost hopes on everything. 

"Hey, Nothing happened, Right. Why are you so dull?" - David asked him.

"Don't know what happened to me when i saw her. I just forgot about everything. I can't forgive myself for this." - He spelled while holding his head. Tears escaped from his eyes when the slight thought of Anika crossed his mind. He was resisting himself from thinking about her. Because he know if he does he couldn't stop himself from breaking down. 

"It happens, bro. And you didn't cheat on her." - David tried to console him. 

"But I intended to, Right" - Shivaay replied to him in a low tone. 

"Hey, You're thinking way too lot. It happens with everyone. Everyone would have gone through it once in life. But what you have done, That's important. You chose Anika over Her. That's the conclusion." - He tried to console him. But shivaay couldn't forgive himself. 

"Take rest, First. And call her back. She called me many times asking you. Every time my answer was the same. I don't know. Call her back. You will feel relaxed." - David asked him. Nodding to him, Shivaay opened her inbox. There were 200 unread messages only from anika. Even though his hands were shivering in guilt. More than angry, She was worried about him. 

"Oh my god." - He exclaimed and tried to call her but it came up with the message, Not reachable. 

"Her phone is not reachable." - He murmured to David who sat next to him. 

"Call her landline." - David asked him. Nodding to him, He dialed the number. Before someone could attend, Their room door knocked. David proceeded his way to open the door. Om rushed inside as soon as he opened. He was burning in rage. But composed himself when he saw his tired eyes. 

"Did ani call you?" - Shivaay asked him as soon as he entered. Om stayed silent. He thought he might witness someone. but here he was his same brother with huge eye bags and tired frame. 

"Where were you?" - Om asked him finally his anger faded without any trace. David takes hold and told everything to him while he was trying her unreachable number. 

"Shivaay, Why can't you call me?" - Om asked him. 

"I was about to, But when mom continuously called tia, I stopped. I don't want to create a scene." - He said while trying messaging her which got failed every time. 

"Where is she?" - He yelled while trying her phone for the nth time. Om decided to tell him. 

"Shivaay!" - He sat next to him and took his phone from his hand, "She called me this morning." He said in a low tone. 

"She called you, Did you say anything?" - Shivaay asked him in a shocking tone. 

"I didn't, But." - Om stopped. 

"But, What?" - Shivaay asked in a shocking tone. 

"Mom told her everything." - Om said.

"Mom. How?" - He asked him confusingly. 

"She's here, Shivaay. In L.A." - Om said everything to him. From her phone call to her visit. He even said about Pinky and Shakthi. It was huge to shivaay, But om had to say it to Shivaay. Shivaay was blank when om showed his pic which was taken in the party without his knowledge. They look so intimate in that picture. Shivaay was too stuck to process anything in his mind. He thudded back in his bed. 

David who partially understood everything tried to get him up. He insisted to search for her and say everything to her. But he was stuck, Tears crossed his eyes without even his control. Om and David continuously saying something to him but he couldn't concentrate on anything. He just zoned off. His heart assured him, He lost her forever. 


Anika was the last to wake up. She was too tired to open her eyes. Her vision went to her friends who were having tea in the couch. Up to her surprise, They were silent which made her half sit in the bed and confront them. 

"Are you guys okay?" - She asked them in a very weak tone. They turned towards her and proceeded their way towards her.

"We have to ask this, Are you feeling okay?" - Kalpana asked her. 

"It's because of the lassi. It tasted weird, Even now I am feeling like vomiting." - Anika enacted. She sounded normal, Both Kalpana and Gauri exchanged the glances when she didn't feel any sort of sadness in her voice. 

"Any call for me?" - Anika asked checking the time. 

"Yeah, Your father called while ago, Kalpana said you were sleeping." - Gauri replied to her. Anika stretched her hand and asked for the phone. They gave the landline to her. Gauri said the instruction to call, But anika dialed the number directly and kept it in her ears. Both Gauri and Kalpana were confused. 

"Finally, Hello. Anika here." - Anika introduced herself from getting off from the bed. 

"Hello, Shivaay. Are you there?" - She checked the connection when she didn't get an answer from the other hand. Kalpana and Gauri exchanged the glances as they were both shocked. 

"Yeah, I am in L.A." - She replied. 

"Yeah, Just before 8 hours." - Anika checked her watch and told. 

"Are you alright? Why you're sounding so low?" - Anika asked him in return in a very casual tone. 

"Oh, Okay. Shall we meet?" - Anika again asked him. 

"Okay, I will message you the address to your phone. Wait, You're fine, right?" - Anika again asked him. 

"Okay, I will get ready. Are you sure, You're fine?" - Anika asked. She rested the call first which rarely happens. When her eyes crossed her friends, She bothered to explain. 

"Can you please tell us what's happening." - They asked her while crossing their arms infront of her. 

"Three things guys, First I love him beyond limits." - Anika said.

"But he." - Anika stopped Kalpana abruptly. 

"Let me finish." - Anika requested her. Kalpana remained silent.

"Second, I trust him." - Anika said. 

"Don't be a mad, Ani. Have you seen this picture?" - Gauri lost her patience and showed the image again. 

"Have you seen this picture? See his eyes are closed. He might be not well, She would have held him for support. Anything might happen. And I accept this fact, He owns me an explanation. For that, We have to talk, Right. How can i decide on my own?" - Anika asked them.

"Don't be so blind in love, Ani. It's not healthy for any relationship." - Kalpana advised her after listening to her. 

"Miscommunication is also not healthy for any relationship." - Anika replied to her. 

"Can't you see this image?" - Gauri asked her losing her patience.

"Even If you show me his sex clip, Even then I will opt to talk to him." - Anika said and Gauri stayed silent. 

"And you know the third thing, I can't easily give up on him." - Anika said and went to the washroom taking some of her clothes from the suitcase. Both Gauri and Kalpana were stunned to hear her. But only anika knew her anxiety, She tried to prepare her for every situation, But there were no flashes that appeared in her mind if he says everything is done. 


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