New life.

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"How do you both know me?" - Raima asked them when they brought her to their house, Anika noticed her, She was too weak to walk, but somehow Shivaay and Anika managed her and got into the house. They didn't ask anything to her. Shivaay wonders to see her anika, not having any urgent to know about her but held her hands.

"We worked with your dad, Raguvendra Raichand. He's kind of mentor to me." - Shivaay explained to her when she denied coming inside their house without knowing about anything. We lost trust in everything when our fate gives us back to back hits. She looked stress-free. And she accompanied them inside. Anika made her sit in the couch and rushed to the kitchen and fetched a glass of water. She gave it to her hands, but she dropped due to the lack of strength.

"I am sorry." - Raima heaved out in a lack of strength.

"It's okay! Relax." - Shivaay said, bringing her towel to clean herself. But Anika took her to the spare room and made her sit.

"Have you had dinner?" - Anika asked. She nodded yes, but when her eyelids locked with Anika, She couldn't able to say further lies. She nodded no to her bowing her head down.

"I will bring you something to eat. Wait. You can't stay in hunger during this time." - She said, looking her with an intense glare, That glare didn't convey that she hates her visit, but the care formed in her heart for her.

"Sorry." - She spelled, bowing her head down. Anika rushed outside and heated the food taking out from the fridge in the microwave oven. Anika didn't ask for anyone's help, but shivaay willingly came to her side and asked whether she needs any help.

"Can you help me some fresh orange juice?" - She asked him.

"Okay!" - He said, taking out the oranges from the fridge and prepared some juices. Over then, Anika proceeded to her room with a food tray. But she dozed off.

"Raima, Wake up, Don't sleep in empty stomach, You're already weak." - Anika said, waking her up and made her sit in the bed. Her feet were swollen and eyes were in the red. She could see the veins in her body.

"I will feed you," - Anika said when she saw her hands shaking in weakness. Anika fed her, Raima couldn't stop herself from crying. She glared at her and gestured her to eat first, Raima quickly wiped off her tears and ate it from her hands. Colour raised in her pale body within a few minutes after having dinner.

"Juice!" - Shivaay handed the orange juice to her when she finished up with the dinner.

"Have it." - Anika said and helped her to drink the juice.

"You should be more careful, Right. Why are you staying in hunger?" - Anika asked her.

"I just got to know about it today!" - Raima replied in a tired tone.

"Today? How?" - Anika asked.

"Pregnancy Kit?" - Raima said, and it shook shivaay to an extent, It means she still has no idea about her illness. A huge lump formed in her throat, thinking about her reaction after getting the news. But he stayed silent.

"Oh! How many months?" - Anika asked her.

"I don't know." - Raima replied innocently, Anika's heartaches when she heard that. But she quickly changed the topic and asked her to sleep. She turned off the light switch when Raima dozed off in the bed.

Shivaay drew her to a hug as soon as she came out of her room. He didn't say a word but wondered how she's understanding everything before he speaks out. If any other were there in her position, They would suspect him for doing this much for an unknown girl. But she stayed with him till the last moment. She hugged him back while resting her head in his chest.

"Thank you, Ani." - He said, kissing her forehead.

"She's seventeen and pregnant."- Anika whispered, Even he couldn't be able to see her. He could sense she would be crying. He hugged her even tighter, thinking how could he console raima after getting tested. That poor girl didn't have any idea what had happened to her.


"Who are you to her?" - The doctor asked shivaay and anika who signed as guardians in the hospital form as she didn't turn eighteen. Anika and shivaay glanced at each other when they sensed the tension in the doctor's face.

"I am her brother, and She's her sister-in-law." - Shivaay didn't wait for a while to answer. Anika nodded to her positively.

"Then I think you must know what happened to her."- The doctor said while rubbing her fist in distress. Shivaay's heartbeat against his chest, He knows what will happen, But he expects a miracle in her life just like he had one in his life.

"We know she's pregnant." - Anika said in a low tone.

"That's not the only issue she's going through right now." - The doctor started, Shivaay's hope for a miracle faded away like a passing cloud when he heard that.

"What do you mean?" - Anika asked her in fear.

"She's HIV positive." - The doctor opened it to her. Her grip to the chair released, Shivaay closed eyes his tightly when his time glanced his mind in a second.

"It can't be. Shivaay. Doc. Doctor, please check once again. It can't be true." - Anika stammered, switching her gaze from shivaay to doctor.

"I know it's shocking, Mrs. Oberoi. But unfortunately, She has HIV. You have to pace yourself, Mrs. Oberoi." - The doctor said in a consoling tone. But Anika couldn't stop herself from breaking down. Shivaay's heart goes for her when she shed tears for the unknown soul. He held her palm tightly and understood she didn't stay with him only because she loves him, but the innocent soul in her let her do so. She's pure.

"And about her child, She can take measures and save it from the affecting. But on the other hand, She's too young to give birth. As her guardians, You both have to ask her about the baby." - The doctor said, Shivaay supported her, and they moved out of the ward. But she thudded herself in the waiting benches beside her as soon as she came out. Shivaay kneeled and cupped her face.

"Ani. Please don't cry. Please," - He asked while wiping off her tears. Even he was crying.

"Why?"- The only word slipped from her mouth.

"Even I have no answer for it, Ani. But we can support her throughout." - Shivaay hugged her.

Even it was challenging for Anika to face her, But they did. Confessed everything to her after two days, Getting her back to home. Neither she shed tears nor spoke a word But looked shattered. Anika stayed with her every passing second. But after three days, She came to Anika and said, She was ready to take the measures for saving her baby from affecting and indirectly conveyed to her that she needs her baby at any cost. Anika didn't say anything as she felt more connected to the child which she's carrying.

Anika busted off everything to her father when he called her, He tried to console her, but Anika didn't get pacified, He proceeded his way towards their house, She threw herself to her father as soon as he arrived at her doorstep. He also promised Anika that he would stay with her decision even the world goes against her.

Raima was silent for the past month. Harshvarthan decides to talk with her. He looked kinder than usual. He entered her room with a juice tray in his hand. She was all awake, staring at the view over the window, and she completely lost herself.

"I am Anika's father. Have juice, Beta. Anika said you didn't have anything since morning." - Harshavarthan said, having a seat adjacent to her in the bed. Tears grouped in his eyes when she keeps touching her belly and looking through the window. But he controlled himself from breaking down. As a father of two daughters, He watched her as his daughter. He understood she didn't do anything on purpose, but it happened. He can guess what must probably be running in her mind.

"Raima!" - He again called her when she didn't respond to his words.

"Hello." - She stood up from her place in a shock.

"Why are you standing? I just came here to meet you, and I am Anika's father." - He said and handed the juice to her with a smile.

"Oh, Hi, Uncle." - Raima greeted him, and He smiled at her.

"You know, Anika had joined you in the pottery class. It's on the down floor—sixty-year-old lady teaching it. And you have to go there. Even my wife tried in her second pregnancy, and She said it's too relaxing." - Harsh said with a smile. She looked at him, puzzled. How can a person like him exist in real-life? On the one hand, The hostel authorities where she lived for the six months thrown her out in the midnight after knowing she was pregnant, But here, Shivaay, Anika, and now along with her father behaving opposite with her. She didn't respond but looked at him shockingly for a while.

"Raima?!?" - Harsh snapped his fingers at her.

"How can you guys do this? Sometimes I wonder, Whether I am on earth or not? Till now, I didn't see anyone who shows this much care to me." - She said, looking at him. Her eyes welled up in tears when she said so.

"No. You are on earth. And We are humans, Not aliens. We are supporting you because we understand you, You didn't do anything willingly, Beta. but It happened, Why will I blame you for the mistake you didn't do. And you know one truth, Even though I am sixty years old, It's still difficult for me to understand this world. This society gives more value to the nuptial chain than anything else. But long before, I have decided I won't raise my daughter according to their wishes, But I raised them independently, Both Anika and Bhavya are independent. In that order, I wanted to add Raima. I want Raima to ignore everyone and live her life like a free bird. Will she do it?" - He said, looking at her and forwarded his hand.

"You called me as your daughter." - Raima said, Tear's peeping out from her eyes.

"I see you as my daughter, Want to change your surname?" - He asked her, She busted out to laugh.

"From now on, No tears, No stress, Nothing. Only enjoyment, Candies, Chocolates, and outings. What do you say?" - He asked while forwarding his hand again, and Smilingly she gave him Hi-fi.

"Now, get ready for your pottery class." - He said and helping her to stand. Harsh went outside when she got ready to go. Up to his surprise, Shivaay was standing outside of their room with teary eyes.

"Are you eavesdropping our conversation?" - Harsh asked him in his usual rude tone, It had been three months since they got married, But His behavior towards shivaay remind the same. But that didn't stop shivaay from hugging him. Harsh hugged him back.

"Thank you so much, Papa." - Shivaay murmured.

"I am very proud of you, Beta. My respect for you reached infinity after seeing what you did. You did the thing which I longed for doing it for the past twenty years. You're great, Beta. Feeling very lucky to have you as my son-in-law. Sorry, Son." - He said, patting his back. Shivaay chuckled. Only he knew who is lucky; It's him to get into the part of their family. 


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