Souls Straight From Heaven.

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In the next few days, Raima became normal and almost forgot the incident which happened with her. Bhavya available with her whenever both shivaay and Anika have urgent work at the same time. Bhavya connected with her within a few days because of the less age gap. 

"People say, It's like a diabetic, Raima. Don't worry, Chill out." - That's what bhavya said when she spoke distress about her future to her. Shivaay overheard that, And tears welled up in his eyes thinking about his time where people used to ignore him like insects. And both anika and bhavya completely forgot about this and made her feel like a normal pregnant lady. 

Sometimes, Raima messaged anika in midnight and she reaches her room in a second, They go outing probably to eat, But shivaay reminded acted like sleeping till she comes back. For Raima, Shivaay was too strict compared to Anika. He didn't let her eat whatever she wants. But Anika has always been a saver to her.  

"Promise me, You won't cry before her." - Anika asked Gauri who cried for consecutive two days after hearing about Raima. She came along with Omkara Standing in their doorstep. They said they met in the airport.

"Promise! I won't." - Gauri wiped her face and switched to smile. 

"Now, Come inside. And remember she has to be stress-free. Seven months pregnant." - Anika said and welcomed them inside. Shivaay stayed with them. 

"What about the baby?" - Om asked shivaay. 

"He's fine, Not affected. Thankgod." - Shivaay relaxed after getting her latest report. His concentration went to Raima when she heard her chuckling sound when Kalpana cheated while playing UNO. Gauri became impatient when she refused to take more cards, She hit her head and they all busted to laugh. 

Seeing her stress-free smile, Shivaay recalled his wish which he conveyed with anika when they met in the restaurant for the first time. He just wanted to see their stress-free smile and no worries about the future. And Anika made it happen even in this life. 

"Anika." - Raima stopped while holding her flaunting baby-bump. Anika dropped the cards and held her shoulder. Shivaay rushed to her either side and looked at her shockingly. But Raima took both of their palms and kept it in her bump. 

"Can you feel him?"- Raima asked them with a wide smile. Shivaay's eyes welled up when he felt moment in the center part of his palm. He couldn't stop himself from recalling his last few moments. Rihaan was not ready to leave his hand. Even his breath chocked, He wanted his presence which led him to accompany him inside the ICU. Now, He badly wanted to see him. 

"Oh my god!" - Anika cried and bend her lips towards her belly and kissed him. Again she felt the kick when anika kissed her belly. Shivaay felt the jerk and understood, For Rihaan, Anika always comes first. Kalpana and Gauri accompanied them. Om stayed stunned to see shivaay's closeness with the kid. Also wondered how he was sure about his gender. But he stayed silent. But his parents didn't stay silent like him when they come to know about Raima and her condition. They called Shivaay immediately. 

Both Anika and Shivaay tried to explain it to them but they constantly asking whether they sign any documents as her guardians. Because if they signed any document, The responsibility of their child will come to them when something happened to Raima.

"If you do everything to the world, What will you both give when it comes to your children?" - Pinky asked out of patience, Anika stayed silent as she gets too angry due to their way of conversing. 

"I don't know anything about our children, Mom. Why we have to worry about something which didn't happen yet."- Shivaay asked out of patience. 

"Anika, Say something to him. He became crazy." - Pinky asked anika over the phone. 

"He's right, Ma. We don't know about the rest of the people who are suffering, But when we think we are the reason behind Raima's happiness, Our happiness went out of boundaries. With God's grace, We have everything, Money, Supportive parents, And a peaceful life. If we become selfish, What will the rest of the world do? We are not doing any charity but we doing it for our satisfaction, Ma. And about Raima and Her child. She's just seventeen, Ma. We will let her go off, Only when she's independent to handle herself. I think with the money I have earned, I think I can help to continue her further studies. Let's see, Ma. God is there with us and You're there with us. What else we can ask for?" - Anika asked her, She didn't attempt to talk like that, But when they talked so selfishly, Words automatically came from her words. Shivaay smiled whenever she said that they are there to support them.    

"Studies? I am hearing it for the first time." - He asked anika as soon as they rested the call without talking much. 

"She got 95% in biology in her twelfth." - Anika said. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. 

"Even she didn't say anything, I understood, She wanted to be a doctor. And If she followed a proper diet and proper medications, She will be fine. She will be fine, right?" - Anika questioned him. They were on their way to the supermarket and shivaay was driving the car. 

He nodded positively to her but only he knew the pain of it. Before he met anika in his life, He wanted to die every passing second. But After meeting her, It was a different story. He accepted to live with that pain forever because of Anika. Because of that, He is always protective about Raima. 


Shivaay was all alone in his house, Raima went to her pottery sessions. And Anika was in her office, He finished his video conference from home and dozed off in the couch. But Acted like sleeping when he heard anika voice calling shivaay from the entrance. He was all awake but tired. 

"Shivaay, I was calling you. What happ." - She stopped when she saw him sleeping in a sleeping posture in the couch. She smiled when he buried his face in the upper cushion of the couch. She knew Raima would be in her pottery sessions and she quickly locked the door and rushed to him tugged her inside the blanket which he covering half of his body. He smiled looking at her antics but continued his acting. She carefully unbuttoned his first two buttons of his shirts and tugged her palms inside and hugged him tightly. 

"Why you're so yummy?"- She murmured and wrapped his legs with her legs. He couldn't stop himself from smiling so hard when she called him yummy. He turned around in an instant and now locked her legs with his legs. 

"What did you say?" - He whispered pulling her close to him. Their lips were just an inch apart but they didn't kiss. 

"You're awake?" - She asked him shockingly. 

"For the whole time!" - He said looking at her eyes, She chuckled. 

"You are calling me a pervert and taking all the advantages when I was sleeping." - He whispered. 

"My husband, I have rights. Who are you to ask?" - She snapped her fingers before him. 

"If I say this, You would have called me Male chauvinist." - Shivaay said while unbuttoning her shirt and squeezing her bottom on the other hand. She closed her eyes and opened it when he does that. 

The energy between them charged in a few seconds. Both had no idea when did they started to kiss each other mercilessly. He hovered her in a few seconds without breaking the kiss and threw her top along with her inner garments aside. And she rushed to undress him. She tugged his pajama's down. He will be usually in night Pajamas and formally dressed in the top for video conference. Brushing his face against her Rigid peaks, He pulled down her pants and squeezed her waist hard. 

"Will you wait?" - He asked looking at their room where the protection was placed. 

"I can't." - She said before he could finish. He didn't waste a second, Holding the couch handle as support and entered. Even the Airconditioner was on in the pleasant temperature, They were sweating. Kissing her forehead, He increased the pace, Her toes tightened the grip in his butt. He groaned when he came inside her. Within a few seconds, Her moans reflected around their house. 

Smilingly, He dozed next to her and pulled her towards his chest. She smiled at him, He smiled at her back. They never knew They will be this much hungry for each other even after eight months of their wedding. And they only realized they are married for so many months if anyone reminds them. 

"How was your meeting?" - He asked her. 

"Good, So many good contents. Finalized three novels to publish this month. Two of them are debutants." - Anika said while making patterns in his chest with her fingertip. 

"Okay, How's your conference went?" - She asked him. He kissed her forehead and pulled her more close to him. 

"Of course, It went good, And nothing more interesting, Same talks. They have questions with our Weekend deals, 50% OFF." - He said brushing her shoulder. 

"You're making everyone fool, From that 50%, Thirty percent will be deducting the delivery cost and rest of the twenty percent reducing the taxes. What's the point of using 50% OFF code." - Anika asked him while raising her head. He chuckled and hit her head. 

"Why you have to worry when you're having your head-chef all-time in your house, Madam? And it's business tactics, ma'am."  - He said placing her head back in his chest and closed his eyes. 

"Have I ever said that you smell so good?" - She asked him inhaling his scent. 

"And you're so yummy." - He said pulling her too close to him. She chuckled, And In a few seconds, Both fell asleep in their embrace. There was no fear in his mind, He had no idea how that fear got faded away from his heart but everything is happening for a reason. 

They woke up in a jerk when Anika got a call from Raima who asked her to come downstairs to her pottery class urgently. Anika switched to her dress and shivaay was wearing his shirt and searched for his phone in the other hand, He was all set to call the doctor. They rushed downstairs. 

"Bhaiya! Anika!" - Raima smiled widely standing up from her seat flaunting her baby bump. 

"Everything has a limit, Raima. Why you always want to scare us like that?" - Shivaay asked her when Anika relaxed looking at her fine. 

"Bhaiya, I am fine. What will happen to me until I have you both with me." - Raima asked in return. Shivaay and Anika smiled glancing at each other. 

"You learned to speak, Raima. If your pottery lessons got over, Come with us, It's the time to have juice."- Anika called her.

"Anika, Bhaiya. I am having a surprise for you."  - She said and held their hands, Proceeded their way towards her pottery desk. They both shook when they saw the sculpture which she sculptured.

She sculptured shivaay and Anika in-between there's a small smiling boy. Shivaay's eyes welled up when he recalled Rihaan's drawing. He had drawn shivaay, Anika, and Him in the middle holding their hands. Anika responded with a wow, Shivaay couldn't able to say anything. He's the first person to miss him before his birth. 

"It's Bhaiya, You and The middle our chottu." - She said touching her bump, Her facial expression changed but soon shrugged off her thoughts. 

"I can't see you here, Why you didn't sculp yourself?" - Anika asked She was still amazed by her talent. 

"I don't know Anika, I can't picture myself with chottu, But I can see you three," - She said, Anika's facial expression changed in an instant. 

"Nothing will happen to you, You better sculpt yourself." - Shivaay said in an instant. 

"And Anika already planned your future after baby's birth." - Shivaay added. 

"Yes, You're going to prepare for your medical entrance after baby's birth. And yeah, No objection, I will never stay in peace until you become a doctor." - Anika said to her while side-hugging her. 

"I can't imagine for now, But I will never let you both in peace, Even this life end in a bad note, Mark my words, I will bear as your daughter and trouble you both like anything." - Raima said gazing the boy's face. Both shivaay and Anika looked at her shockingly, Both have no idea why she suddenly feeling negative. 

"I know about you both, But then too, I am asking. You both take care of my chottu, Right? If anything happens to me." - Raima asked holding both of their palms. 

"I will never think before slapping you if you talk like this, Again." - Anika said gritting her teeth in anger. Shivaay stayed silent. 

"Come to the house with her, I am leaving." - Shivaay showed his anger. Raima's eyes welled up. 

"Bhaiya, I am sorry. I didn't mean to say this but don't these thoughts disturbing me for the past few days. I am so sorry bhaiya." - She said, Shivaay turned around and hugged her. She hugged him back. 

"First tell me, How do you both know? A boy will be born. It can be a girl also, Right?" - Anika asked them. Shivaay chuckled breaking their hug. 

"Don't know, I guess He will be a boy. And also I decided the name." - Raima said Both looked so delighted to hear that. 

"What name?" - Both asked in chorus. 

"Sorry Bhaiya, I kept his name by thinking only Anika in my mind." - Raima said looking at shivaay. 

"First say the name." - Anika urged her.

"Anika ka Aniket."  - Raima spelled looking at her. Tears welled up in her eyes. Shivaay couldn't able to think anything else, All he could think is New name and new life. 


It's still clueless how people get the spark that something going to happen to them. Raima was healthy till the last minute, But out of sudden, Her health condition was deteriorating and they have to admit in her hospital. Anika was constantly crying, Shivaay didn't cry but scared. He don't want the history to repeat. He wanted Abhi or Rihaan to get raised having Raima in his side. He made up his mind to adopt him but not for losing raima. 

"We are hopeless, I think we should proceed with the cesarian procedure."- The doctor said. 

"But she was in her eighth month." - Anika interrupted. 

"Baby is healthy and completely fine. And We can't trust Raima's condition. We have to save either one of them."- The doctor said hopelessly.

"What do mean either one of them? Raima is just seventeen, Is this an age to die?" - Anika busted out to tears. But they helplessly agreed with the doctor. Harsh and Bhavya reached the hospital within a few minutes. Harsh stayed next to Anika who was deeply depressed looking at the ward. In a few minutes, Nurses rushed inside and outside. 

"It's a boy. Since the mother is not in consciousness, the Doctor called either one of you to accompany and proceed with Incubator procedures." - The nurse informed. Anika stood up from the chair when she heard it a boy. But At that point, She couldn't enjoy the moment. 

Shivaay heaved out a deep breath, But he wondered why they didn't hear the baby crying sound. Harsh asked them. The nurse replied that he cried and his tone was very frail. Harsh thanked God for saving the child. Bhavya asked about Raima. 

"She's still in danger, Said her immune system is failing. But they were trying their level best." - She said. Without asking anyone, Shivaay got ready to go with them for filling the incubator procedure. Anika nodded positively to him when he turned back while entering the ward. Heaving in a deep breath, He moved inside. 

"Here's the baby!" - The nurse handed the baby when he stuck seeing raima having an oxygen mask in her face and both of her hands connected with strings. His heartstrings when he saw her in front of his eyes. But the moment he saw Rihaan in his hands, He found his lost heartbeat, He was extremely happy, This time, He will have his whole life to live, And shivaay could see him living, That was the only thing ran inside his head. 

"Oh my." - He busted off to tears when his lips parted to 'o' shape. He didn't expect that reaction. He didn't open his eyes but he sensed he is in safe hands. He kissed his forehead gently while leaning his head towards his hands which carrying Rihaan. Rihaan sneezed and cried, But he didn't shiver in fear. 

"This way!" - The nurse pointed her way towards the incubator which was kept in the ward connected to it, Shivaay walked carefully holding his happiness in his hand. The nurse took the child in her hand and kept it in the incubator.

"Please Sign here." - The nurse gave him the form. He took out the pen from his pocket and signed it. He had no urge to go out but when the nurse, Infection can spread easily to the child due to the child frail condition, He immediately had gone out. 

"How's the baby?" - Anika rushed to him and asked.

"So cute. Just like Raima." - He smiled widely having tears in his eyes. Anika cupped her mouth and cried, He pulled her to him and hugged her. 

"Now, I have only one wish. Please, God. Please save Raima." - Anika murmured and cried bitterly. But What is meant to happen should happen. 

Raima passed away the next day after many tries. But Atlast, Her other wish came true. She didn't want to die on the same day of her child's birthday. And god always has a rush to take back the souls which came straight from heaven. 


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