The beginning of a drama.

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"Here is your black currant ice cream." - Shivaay said handed the ice cream to her while having his flavor vanilla. Anika sat on her seat where her side of the car opened wide. Her one leg was inside the car and her other leg was in the barricade of the pavement. Shivaay took the seat in the barricade and eating his ice cream.

"Hey, Can I taste that?" - Anika asked for his ice cream. He gave it to her without thinking for a while.

"Give me that." - He asked her, She denied to give it to him.

"What's logic is this?" - He asked when anika also denied to give his ice cream back.

"Whatever yours is ours and whatever mine is mine." - She replied while having both of the spoons in her mouth.

"You mad lady give my ice cream back." - He asked.

"Get yourself one why are showing stinginess in ice-cream." - She asked when he tried to snatch the ice-cream from her hands. At last, He snatched her ice cream from her hand and decided to eat it with his finger when she refused to give the spoon.

"Why it tastes so good?" - He asked while licking his fingers.

"Because it's my ice cream." - She said while trying to snatch the ice cream from his hand. He felt her gaining back herself but her confidence got a huge impact because of that. She got down from the car and started to walk when he snatched another ice-cream from her hand. He drove his car nearer to her at the same speed as her walk. She didn't turn around.

"I never know you like to see other men naked." - He said pointing out the old man who pissing on the wall.

"Yuck" - She got inside the car and he couldn't stop himself from laughing hysterically when he witnesses his instant reaction.

"Such a bad idea, I never go with you anywhere in midnight." - She said when she couldn't stop himself from laughing. He tried to control his chuckle but whenever he attempted to see her grumpy face, He laughs without even his control. But his chuckling sound was like a therapy to her, Whenever she hears them, She forgets the whole incident for a while. She thought nothing will become normal but shivaay started to prove her wrong.

They reached anika's house, She pulled off the seat belt and stared at him. She wanted to say one thing badly but didn't have any idea where to start.

"Um... Shivaay." - She called him with much hesitation.

"Yeah, What happened? Want to go somewhere?" - He asked her. But the smile in his face started to change when he felt the tension in his face.

"Hey, What happened?"- He asked her again. She heaved out the breath and started to speak.

"The thing is shivaay, I know the day after tomorrow is Om's birthday. And you planned a surprise for him."- She started.

"I planned according to your advice, What happened?"

"The thing is, Even though everything is sorted, I can't stop myself thinking about the incident again and again. I am feeling so insecure, Look at me, Have you ever see me wearing a hoodie in these 6 years? I don't know how to explain this but I am feeling like everyone staring me, I don't know how to explain but yeah, I can't make it." - She said looking at him.

"Make it what?" - He asked her.

"Om's birthday. I know it's only our circle but it's too much for me. I am in the state that even a little difference over their behavior can hurt me. And I don't want to step into it again." - She said. Before she could finish he held her palms and intertwined his palms over her.

"I know, I can understand. I am thankful for you that you're trying to come out of it. And I also know, You're there with me because you trust me. That's enough for me. And don't worry about it. I will manage it." - He said while cupping her face.

"Thanks." - She said hugging him.

"There's no urgency. Take your time." - He said kissing her cheeks when she hugged him. Their hug broke when her phone beeped.

"Oh my god, It's from daddy." - Anika exclaimed seeing the message.

"Get down from the car. It's already late." - Anika read the message and peeped through the window. Her dad was standing in the balcony looking at the car.

"Terrorist threat, Baby" - Shivaay whispered, Glaring at him she got down from the car.

"You will only understand this when you have your daughter." - She said and opened the driver's door and asked him to get down.

"Why I have to go with you?" - He asked terrifically.

"Because according to my father, you are the one who kidnapped me for the past three hours. So you owe him an explanation."- She said.

"But when did I kidnap you?" - He asked in an instant.

"I said according to my father. For my father, I am always a baby and you're the one to spoil me." - Anika said while pulling him outside.

"What kind of logic is this? I don't want to." - He stopped when her father's eyes fell on him. Shivaay's lips stretched to the widest smile when her father glared at him. He has gone inside when he thought they both were approaching them. He didn't know what to do when her father crossed his arms against his chest and stood on their way like a military person standing in the border.

"Hi, dad." - Anika said awkwardly when she stepped inside with shivaay.

"Hi Uncle." - Shivaay greeted him with the same wide smile in his face.

"Ani. It's already late. Go and sleep," - He said and anika left to her fastly.

"Are you an owl which awakes and gnarls all night. Don't you have any proper cycle to sleep? Go and sleep." - He said when anika stood behind him. His words took out the left out courage from shivaay. Anika couldn't able to control her laughter.

"Okay, Uncle. You to sleep. Good night. I mean Good morning. It's two in the morning." - Shivaay said Anika cupped her mouth when the chuckle escaped uncontrollably from her mouth.

"Ani. What did I say?" - He said turning around to anika. Anika left.

"And you. Leave." - He said to shivaay. He went without turning back. Anika ran back to her room before her father catches her and ask her some questions. She never knew just spending three hours with him will ease her to this extent. She was constantly smiling. By then she got a text from shivaay which converted her smile into a chuckle.

"I will never be this much terrific to my own daughter's boyfriend."

"Let's see, Future isn't far away."

"Di. Going somewhere?" - Hearing her laugher, Bhavya wakes up from the sleep and asked her while glancing her from head to toe. She moved towards her and sat next to her in the bed.

"Merry Christmas, My darling sister." - She said and kissed her forehead.

"Merry Christmas to you." - Bhavya wished her back while hugging her by the waist. She didn't say anything to her but hugged her and slept even though she didn't have any mood to sleep.


Bhavya was shocked to see her sister who woke up before her which didn't open in that lifetime. She was throwing her clothes from her suitcases, Bhavya's legs buried under her clothes.

"Di, What happened?" - Bhavya asked her confusingly.

"Searching." - Anika replied firmly while searching.


"Thank god. Here it is, I thought I left it in Seoul." - Anika replied and kept that black box in the pocket of her Jocking shorts which she was wearing.

"What's there in that box?" - Bhavya asked her.

"Nothing important, Can I ask you one question?" - She asked.


"Can I trust you?" - Anika asked her.

"What kind of question is this? Of course, You can!" - Bhavya told in an instant.

"You did the interiors of shivaay's house, Right. Do you have any spare key?" - Anika asked her. Bhavya half sat on the bed in an instant.

"Why did you want that?" - Bhavya asked her while raising her eyebrow.

"First tell me, Do you have any spare key?" - Anika asked her.

"He's having a digital lock in his house and the password is 0312." - She said.

"Oh." - Anika was taken back when she found it was the combination of their birth dates.

"What happened?" - Bhavya asked while stretching her arms.

"Nothing, If papa asks me, Tell him I went for a walk. Okay!, Hey, Where is the Scotty keys?" - She said and asks for the keys.

"Who goes for walking in winter? The keys are in the drawer. Come back soon." - Bhavya said when she saw her leaving her room.

Thankfully her father wasn't available, Before he could notice, She ran out from the house taking her scooty from the garage. She started the scooty after walking far away from her house. She started the scooty and started her way towards his house. She never knew one day she had to hide and go to his place for the first time. She mentioned the apartment name million times to her. She bribed the watchman when he was about to call shivaay and asks him about the visitor.

His floor was in the eighth floor. She got into the lift, Even the lift never failed to get her attention. She reached his floor and saw his boarding opposite to life. It was written as SSO in wood. Gazing that boarding, She entered the passcode and the door clicked open in the very next second. Her eyes got widened with the view which she saw in front of her eyes. Everything single was added in a thematic color combination. Tiles and Walls are shining in white color and the couch was in her favorite color, Satin pink. She was just amazed to see it. It was exactly like the house she could dream of.

"Oh my god!" - She exclaimed turning around. Shivaay denied giving her a house tour. Whenever she asks, He asks her to visit in person. She now knew the reason. He was always obvious about her, She never gets an opportunity to tell him what she likes but instead, he knew it before.

"Who are you, Mr. Oberoi?" - She exclaimed when she saw a white bean bag nearer to the giant transparent window which gave the whole view of winter Delhi. She always dreamed to have her morning coffee there stretching her whole body in than bean bag looking at the view. When her eyes fell on the balcony which was gardened with the different colors of roses, She lost her balance and her palms automatically cupped her mouth.

"What the heck?"- She exclaimed and moved towards the balcony. She never thought she could witness her every wish in reality.

Chiku Chiku. She turned around when she heard a sound from her back. She turned around and surprised to see a parrot sitting on one of the steps of the small tree planted nearer to the door.

"Hey! Cutie. What's your name?" - She asked while caressing it with her finger.

Chiku-Chiku - It replied. Tears crossed her eyes when she saw a white rose plant between the red and yellow rose plant. She never expected this, She thought she will get a chance to visit his lavish lifestyle but instead something else she's witnessing.

Her feet automatically moved towards the room which was slightly open and opposite to the balcony. She could see him lying in that slight gap. She never waited a minute to jump into him even he was sleeping.

"Ouch." - He screamed in an instant when he felt a sudden weight in his back. He woke up in an instant and taken back to see her next to him lying. Before he could say anything, She hugged him tightly, She almost choked his breath.

"I CAN'T BREATHE. LEAVE ME." - He screamed in his smiley face when she got up on him and hugged him tightly. She loosens up her grip but stayed above him. His hands automatically ran towards her waist and held her tightly for the support.

"It's incredible. Everything single thing. Oh my god, I am feeling like moving into this right now." - She said while placing her in his chest.

"Who is stopping you?" - He asked her while intertwining his fingers with her fingers.

"I thought of surprising you, But I got surprised instead." - She said raising her head facing him.

"I know you will get surprised. I tracked you from the start using this app."- He said showing their app in his phone.

"Oh my god, Is this a location tracker? You are tracking me for the whole time." - She asked sat next to him with a grumpy face.

"First I thought, It won't be you, But when you take a turn to my house, I immediately called the security and asked him not to create much drama. And now, You're here." - He explained everything.

"It means you knew it for the whole time." - She asked.

"Yeah."- He nodded at her.

"Dad was right, you're an owl." - She said, He pulled her hand and made her fall on his shoulder. The grumpiness in her face changed into a smile when he hugged her tight.

"I think you should think seriously about moving in. After all, This house is too much for me. And where else you will get this customized version of the bed along with me. You have to think about it." - He whispered against her ears.

"Come and talk to my dad." - She replied in that moment when he was about to kiss her earlobe. He looked at her in an instant and she laughed hysterically seeing his reaction.

"You better stay in your home and visit me occasionally." - He said half sitting in the bed.

"What you thought only you can annoy me?" - She asked while getting on his lap and wrapping his arms around his neck. He couldn't stop himself from smiling at her antics.

"I bought something for you." - She said and took that black box from his pocket and gave it to him. He opened that gift, He found a pendant. It has a black stone in the center, When he turned around the stone of his drawing sketch was there.

"Oh my god. Beautiful." - He said while hanging it on the air, She grabbed it in her hand and slid it in his neck.

"From now on, You're my wife." - She said while nudging the pendant in his chest.

"Ji Pati dev. What should I do for you?" - He asked while pulling her close to his lips, But she turned her face he kissed her in his cheeks. She released her from his grip and run away but he pushed her back to the bed, She chuckled hard when his every attempt to kiss her fails. There were only chuckles banged and reflected against the wall.


"Jab take hai Jaan Still running in theaters?" - She asked shivaay when the song Sans mein Teri played in one of the music channels. She was sitting in the couch which was infront of the television folding her legs.

"I guess so." - He said while handing her coffee and sat next to her.

"If this song so sexy how will be the whole movie then." - She asked him when the intimate scene appeared in the television.

"Only this song is sexy in the whole movie." - He said in confirmation.

"How did you know? You didn't watch this movie."- Anika asked him while sipping the coffee.

"I just guessed it, baby." - He covered it up.

"Don't guess it. Let's go and watch it." - She said and turned off the tv.

"Today!" - He asked her when she moved towards his room and opened his wardrobe.

"Yup! Tell me whether this sweatshirt looks good on me." - Anika asked while taking red sweatshirts from the wardrobe. He walked towards the room.

"Take the white one, It suits perfectly on you."- He said, She took the white one and stood before the mirror to change. Her facial expression when she saw her body in her inner in the mirror. She got stuck. Shivaay walked towards her stood beside her.

"Hey." - He back-hugged her. She shifted her gaze immediately from her body to him. When he planted wet kisses in her neck crook, She couldn't stop herself from laughing. She pushed him away and dressed up.

"Don't loose the smile in your face for anything." - He said kissing her Cheeks looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Smile will be constant in my lips when you're with me. You don't worry about that." - She whispered back. He held her shoulders and turned her to his side. In no time, His lips were on her kissed her hard. She kissed him back to his intensity and their tongue moved in rhythm. That kiss rode the emotion right from his heart, He never told her how much he felt when he got the news when she was admitted in the hospital but instead told her that he will never leave her even she wishes. It has more hidden emotion which only can be understood by her before she could completely understand the one, He caught the breath and again kissed her stronger than before.

Both of their chest heaving for breathing, But their forehead is connected. She never knew his emotions and pain can be this much stronger, But she confirmed nobody could love her as he does and not only today, She could sense the promise of forever in his every touch, every kiss, and his every word.

"I love you is not enough to show you my love for you." - He said before she could say that same word. She chuckled.

"Not even in the dictionary." - She said, He chuckled and hugged her in an instant.

They never know a sudden phone call from her sister had an intensity to break the peacefulness and happiness in the air. She attended the call having shivaay next to her.

"Di, Come home soon. You have no idea what's happening here." - Bhavya informed her in a very suspicious tone. Shivaay took the phone from her hand and turned on the speaker.

"Full Oberoi family present in our house, Including Pinky aunty and Shakthi Uncle." - She said. They both glanced at each other shockingly.

"Why?" - Anika asked her.

"What else? your marriage." - Bhavya said.

"Marriage" - They both exclaimed in chorus.

"I don't understand anything. Please come soon. They are saying something is wrong in horoscope, And marriage within January. Dad losing his mind. Come soon." - Bhavya said without leaving time to breathe.

"January." - He whispered shockingly at anika.

"Which January?" - Anika stammered in the phone due to shock.

"NEXT MONTH, DI" - She yelled in instant.

"Oh my god, My head is spinning." - Anika kept her other hand in her head. Shivaay held for the support.

"I can't say the whole thing in the phone. Come home soon. Your mother-in-law asked you for the third time, How much I can make excuses?" - She said and rested the call. But both shivaay and Anika stayed stagnated looking at each other in shock. They never expected this kind of twist in their life.


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