Thanks for the life.

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It takes time to overcome, Even you have been harassed in the middle of the road in the middle of the night, Even there's no eye-witness for that, It will have an impact on you. You will leave with no choice, You have to move on. You have to move on for the people whom you love. You have to move on for the responsibility you have. It's also that if nothing pushes you, You will stay as a dumb for a long time. That slight push is needed.

"I just want to sleep that's why i took medicines, I have no idea when it collapsed me." - Anika bothered to explain to the doctor when he asked for the reason. Shivaay and her father stood on either side of the bed where she was lying. They didn't reply anything but stayed silent crossing their arms against their chest.

The doctor came to know about the situation, As we all know, We shouldn't hide anything from the doctors and lawyers. If we lie, We are gone. Anika answered every question patiently. After having a conversation with her father and shivaay, Her mind was clear, She has to move on. she had no options other than that.

"I will have a word with the doctor. Okay?" - Her father said and excused himself after the doctor left.

Her eyes stared shivaay who was standing beside her, He pulled the chair and sat next to her. He looked a little bit relieved but the tension was still in his face. He held her hand and buried inside his two palms.

"Even I didn't sleep for the past three days." - He said looking at her. His words again provoked her tears. He wiped it off with his thumb.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But don't know what was happening to me." - She whispered.

"It's okay. But I need a promise from you on the behalf." - He asked her.

"Anything." - She replied in an instant.

"Prefer to talk it out than suppressing it in your heart. It's not healthy. Even it's rubbish, Talk it out. I am all my ears for you. Keep it in your mind." - He said, Smile launched in the corner of her lips when she heard those words from him. Seeing her smiling, A smile automatically appeared in his face.

"I should talk to you even I have confusion about what to wear?" - She asked him controlling her chuckle.

"Even you're having a confusion of what to eat." - He said while caressing her cheeks.

"Are you for real?" - She asked and hugged him in no time. He hugged her back. He had that question always in his mind. Is she for real? when she wasn't ready to leave him till his last breath, She was there as his hope and love. Even he lost his patience in his last stage, she didn't loose her hope on him. She said He will only understand her when he's in her situation. After experiencing the situation, He understood.

"Promise!" - He whispered against her ears.

"I promise." - She replied and hugged him even tighter.


Anika got discharged from the hospital on the next day, Nobody left her alone for a while. Anika understood their fear. But didn't get irritated started looking at it positively, She got to know how much they wanted her in their life. Jhanvi stayed with her for the whole time and chit-chated with her. She didn't leave her in silence even for a minute. Surprisingly that didn't annoy her. Shivaay was there with her for the whole time from morning 7 to evening 8. After that, Entry blocked for him as per anika's father rule.

Whenever shivaay was around, Anika could sense the mute competition between her father and him when it comes to taking care of her and most of the news passes from his sister. Feeding her meals and medicines became her father's job. When shivaay tried to interfere, He tends to see his terrorist's side which annoys him a lot.

"Your father is so annoying." - Shivaay said to bhavya directly when he straightly asked him to leave sharply at 8 in the night and pouted sadly at anika who laughed hysterically seeing his condition.

"Your father didn't know everything that happened between us." - He spoke through the phone while opening the door of his apartment.

"I didn't remember anything, What happened between us?" - Anika asked while controlling her chuckle. Shivaay raised his eyebrow when she again started to play with him. But relaxed when he witnessed her getting back to herself slowly. But still, that didn't fail to haunt her.

"Listen, I want to ask you something." - Anika asked him. With her tone, He understood what she going to ask.

"Ask" - He said taking the seat in his couch.

"Well, What happened to him? I mean, I know everything sorted when it comes to the video, But what happened to him?" - She asked shivaay in her lowest tone. She tried not to think about it but she couldn't stop herself from asking him this question.

"His jaw and his neck bone broke, He was in the hospital before three days, Now in jail. Your channel fired him and filed a case against him. According to them, His life is finished. But I won't leave him right there." - He said controlling his rage and holding his fist tightly. Anika didn't reply to anything. But after feeling his anger over the phone, She chose to change of topic which will eventually calm him off.

"And one more thing." - She started.

"What?" - He asked her calmly.

"How did you manage to sneak into my house before 6 years when I refused to talk with you?" - Anika asked in an innocent tone.

"What? Why you want to know?" - He asked her, The tension in his face faded away in a second.

"I am craving for ice-cream since morning. I asked papa, He just says no, I can't argue. He locked the main door also. There's no way for sneaking out. That's why?"- She said in one go.

"Oh-Oh. Ice-cream?" - He asked in a mischievous tone. She hit her head with her hand when she completely forgets about the other meaning of ice-cream in their dictionary but that didn't provoke the smile in her face.

"I am craving for some Blueberry ice-cream, Not talking about anything else." - She said in a slight anger tone. That tone didn't fail to provoke the chuckle from the other hand.

"Stop cover it up." - He said in-between his laughter.

"You know what? Stay there in your apartment, I will find a way to sneak out. If i can't, I will sleep. Who are you to worry about it? Bye, Good night." - She said and rested the call. She changed her clothes as she knows he may appear anytime.

Within 15 minutes, Her phone beeped which was nearer to bhavya who was sleeping like a log. She saw his message, Without opening the chat, she sneaked out through the window of their room. He was there leaning on the door of his cars. He smiled when his eyes caught her. She didn't smile back rather opened the chat and replied.

I am there outside, Come. Let's go.

Of course, I am going but not with you.


I can't go with the person who didn't fail to tease me every single time.

Baby! But I came for you for so long.

From the Himalayas. I don't know you live so far away.

Okay! I am sorry. Please come down.

If you remember, I asked you how did you manage to sneak into my house.

Wait there. I will come up.

Anika looked at him through the window. He kept his phone inside his pocket and jumped inside there compound wall, Holding the brick which left unbuild in a corner. He sneaked inside. Anika jerked in an instant when he jumped towards kitchen windows slab and reached their balcony. Anika ran towards their balcony and gave her hands. He reached the balcony.

"You're looking so cute in this hoodie." - He said and tried to hug her but she slightly pushed him away having stern look in her face.

"I don't have time for this," - she whispered.

"Okay! You're craving for ice-cream, I understand." - He whispered back while giving her a teasing smile.

"Forget it." - She nodded in disbelief and attempted to go inside. He held her hand, she turned around. He released the grip.

"I am sorry. Shall we leave? Otherwise, Terrorist will wake up." - He whispered.

"Don't you dare to call my father a terrorist." - Anika argued in an instant and moved close to him with the stern face.

"Baby! Ice-cream, Our priority, Let's go." - He held her hand. He first jumped in the kitchen slap and forwarded his hand to her. Holding his hand, She jumped, they reached the floor. Anika stayed at the top of the red-brick compound and refused to jump down in fear.

"Baby! Come down. I will catch you. Trust me." - He said while widening his arms and was ready to catch her. Closing her eyes, She jumped. In no time, Shivaay was holding her and his hands on her waist.

"Shall we?" - She asked when he stayed stagnated looking at her eyes. Even she didn't want to spoil the moment, She had to do it for the real ice cream.

Moving ahead, He opened the car door for her, She took a seat and shivaay rushed towards the driver seat and drove the car. The smile in his face didn't make a name of fading away. She didn't ask for the reason because she knew the reason. It was because of her progress. But when her eyes fell on the sceneries and crowd. She couldn't stop herself from breaking the meaningful silence.

"Is anything special? Why it's decorated everywhere?" - Anika asked him.

"It's Christmas night." - He replied in a cherished mood.

"Oh my. Seriously." - She asked him while rolling her eyes in shock.

"Why will I lie to you?" - He asked her.

"Go to Sacred Heart Cathedral church." - She asked him in an instant.

"What about ice-cream?"

"We will have it later, First let's go there." - Anika insisted, He U-turned his car and drove it to the church. Anika believed in god, but not in particular. She believed there's energy beyond us and people describing it with a different name.

Anika has always been to this church during Christmas with her mom as her mom was half-catholic and half-Hindu. Bhavya always gives importance to her sleep than anything else. So every year, It will be Anika and her mom who celebrates Christmas and attend the midnight mass.

The lighting effect and the white pillars of the Italian architecture didn't fail to gain her attraction when they were meters away from the church. Shivaay knew her habit of going to church on Christmas but never knew the reason. He accompanied her every year from 2014 to 2019. And always she celebrated as a festival. When anika asked him to take to her to the church, He didn't get surprised.

Anika intertwined her fingers with his fingers when walked towards the church. The mid-night mass was about to begin and they were in perfect time.

"You know, I used to come here with my mom every year. As she's half catholic." - Anika whispered to him before the mass about to begin. He was surprised but didn't ask her anything when the mass started. Shivaay had nothing to ask but he had many things to say. But he would be forever thankful to the god for this second chance.

"Amen" - Everyone said in a chorus line including anika who didn't open her eyes throughout the prayer. The moment she opened her eyes, She saw a two-year-old girl smiling at her from her mom's shoulder. Anika smiled at her back, Over then, She recalled her mom's words. God will appear in any form to bless his devotees. Her smile relieved anika from some sort of pain that refused to leave her for a long time.

"Shall we?" - Shivaay asked her while forwarding his hand to her. She held his palm and stood up from her place and walked out with shivaay. When she was about to buy two candles, He asked her to buy one candle.

"You don't wish anything." - Anika asked him.

"One candle is enough for us." - He replied and took the candle from her hand. He never fails to amaze her. He lights the candle and made her hold it above his hands.

"You know why i said one candle is enough." - He asked her. She nodded no.

"It's because my only wish to the god will be granting your every wish. I know you also wish the same. So for us, One candle is enough." - He said and place in the middle of other candles having her infront of him. His words, His gestures never fail to fall her in love with him again and again. She leaned back to his shoulders and kissed his cheek in an moment.

"I just thanked for this life. With you." - She whispered.

"Even I thanked the god for this life." - He whispered while back-hugging her.


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