The Defect Piece.

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Her father was the one to come inside first when the nurse announced that she gained consciousness. He asked her sister and others to stay outside. He moved inside. He wasn't weak like bhavya imagined when she revealed everything to him.

He entered, Anika's eyes were wide open but it was blank. Her father read everything from her facial expression, He pulled the chair next to her and sat while caressing her hair. She turned her face towards him, Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Pa." - She spoke in a very frail tone.

"You know the day before your mom died. She just asked me one promise for you both. You know what's that." - Her father asked ignoring the tears which were crossing his eyes. Anika nodded no.

"She just asked me to be your both strength, Not your both weakness. She said, Whatever you girls do, I should support you both. Because she realized over then, You girls became too matured and can go through any worst situation in her life. Maybe that would have made her soul rest in peace." - Her father said, Her mind didn't ignore his words but listened to him.

"When did you come to know about her condition?" - Her father asked her, He knows talking this in this situation wasn't advisable but it's very necessary.

"Before a month." - She replied.

"Exactly, You knew it before a month, But then too, You didn't feel weak even it's very hard to digest. That spot both I and your mom realized what mistake we are about to do."

"We both decided not to say anything to you girls. Because we didn't want you both to go through the same pain that we were gone through. But after everything, We both are amazed to see you both taking those painful decisions in the early stage of life. Your mom's pain came to your mind first when the doctor asked you about the surgery. When you stood against the option of surgery, We understood, You're so precious. I am still blaming me for underestimating you." - Her father said Tear crossed her eyes when she recalled her old self which was buried somewhere deep inside her heart.

"We believed that nothing is impossible for you. We still believe that. I know it shouldn't have happened. Video leaking, that stuff." - He added.

"You knew it." - Anika asked him.

"Just now, I am not angry with anyone but you. You shared everything with me, You promised your mom that you will share everything with me as you shared with your mom. Why did you break the promise, Ani?" - He asked her. Tears crossed her eyes.

"Leave that, It shouldn't have happened with you, In fact, Not with anyone. But do you want it to break you down? My ani isn't this much weak. Even though I missed you, I was happy because You're following your dreams, You're happy going in the path which you choose. You earned a name that too in 2 years, Can you please tell who can do it other than you?" - He asked, Her ears are all open.

"Other than your name, I can't take anyone else name. And remember god gives obstacles only for the person who is having the will power to overcome it. And be thankful, He chose you, Prove him, You're the strongest girl. Okay." - Her father asked her. Tear crossed her eyes, In no time, She raised her upper body and hugged him.

"I am sorry, Papa. I am sorry. I won't repeat it, I swear." - She whispered against his ears. He didn't reply anything but kissed her cheek. Even he felt so low for not being strong beside them. After his wife's demise, He also started to depend on his two daughters. But now, He realized what mistake he did. It was a reality check for both.

"Whatever bothers you, Talk it out, dear." - Her father broke the hug and kissed her forehead. Anika nodded positively. Bhavya arrived inside when she couldn't take it. She was crying badly. She didn't wait for a moment but hugged her sister tightly when she saw her half-sitting in the bed.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone. I am sorry." - Words escaped from bhavya's lips, But when anika attempted to see shivaay's reflection in the door which was closing, Her brain stopped working. Automatically, the Feeling of inferiority invaded.

On the other hand, Shivaay heartbeat skipped for a while when he comes to know about her from the watchman when they both decided to meet anika. He didn't expect that Om took the driver seat and drove it towards the hospital. He was stuck until he saw her unconsciously lying in the emergency ward. He wasn't ready to believe anything. He just wanted to ask her one thing. Whether she thought about him when she was ready to take that drastic step.


May 2019

Before the reboot.

"I can't deal with your mood swings, Shivaay" - Anika shouted at him when he became very reluctant and decided to stay in hunger until she gets convinced to go on to his decision. Things became complicated when he denied taking medicines.

"Why the hell you're behaving like this?" - Anika shouted at him when he threw the medicines outside.

"You know why I am behaving like this." - Shivaay said coldly when turned around him for the answers.

"Okay! What do you want?" - Anika asked him heaving out the breath and tried to be calm and composed.

"Take this offer." - He said while showing her the mail from her phone. It was the offer letter to the executive producer, But Anika denied to take it up. Since their laptop connected to her laptop, shivaay got to know about this.

"You know, I can't." - Anika replied coldly while crossing her arms against her chest.

"WHY?" - He thundered in an instant which made her jerk in shock. She was shocked to hear him shouting at her for the first time. Everything blacked out for shivaay when he realized he was reaching the last stage. Everyday fever, fatigue, and his no control over his bowl made him so sick. But Anika continued to give him hope that there's more time.

"What's happening to you? Why are you behaving like this?" - She asked him while moving close to him. He backs off. This time, He never going to get convinced of her words. Everything has a limit.

"Because I don't want you to loose your life on me. You have your whole life ahead." - He said out of patience.

"Shivaay, Everything has its own time." - She said even though she made up her mind spending every second with him.

He got frustrated than before, He had no idea what he was doing. He pulled his t-shirt from his head and let her look at his red, Pink rashes all over his body, His sudden action made her rotted at the spot.

"You said you want to marry me. I said yes. You said you don't expect any kind of physical intimacy in your life, I accepted it even though it was too hard. You signed Prenup, Even though it hurted me to the core, I hell accepted your every decision. Now I am asking only one thing on my behalf. Can't you do this for me."- He asked in a very helpless tone.

He was feeling helpless, Not because he was dying but because thinking about her every moment after his death. He knew she's completely devoted to his presence than anything. And her dependency over him increasing each passing day. He couldn't take it when he felt that he left with no time. Tears crossed from his eyes thinking about her helpless condition.

"Shivaay, It's nothing like that. I didn't reject it, I felt this is not the correct time for this. That's why." - She tried to console him while moving close to her. He rather held her hand forcefully and made it touch his rashes in his chest to his stomach. She cried bitterly while feeling that.

"You're losing your whole life for this DEFECTIVE PIECE. This is what you're doing." - He said when he felt her shivering hand. He had no emotions in his eyes but the anger.

"Please. Leave. My. Hand. Please." - She cried when he held her hand so tightly and refused to release it from his grip.

"I am losing hope, Ani. I thought you will move on in your life. But seeing you doing all these, I don't think you will move on after my." - Shivaay stopped when anika cupped his mouth to take it another word.

"Please don't take another word." - She cried. He took off his

"Why? You're scared? It will happen one day, Maybe tomorrow, Who knows?" - He spoke most reluctantly. Anika closed her eyes when she couldn't able to take his words.

"That's why I am saying. Don't depend on you, If I can, I will be there with you forever. But I can't. This baseless relationship isn't forever. I want you to be strong, Independent. Until You're there with me, You won't be focusing on anything else. So it's better to leave now than later." - He said whatever he had in his heart for her.

After hearing those words, Her tears sealed up. Those words not only relieved him but also tore her apart. He told her that because he loves her. She ignoring his words because she loves him. Both balanced in love.

"It's very easy to say, Mr. Oberoi. But don't even dare to think that your words will have an impact on me. I will never give up on you, Even if you ask. My love for you isn't so weak to fall for your words. I WILL STAY WITH YOU, RIGHT HERE, EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT ME AROUND." - She said and released her hand from his strong grip and left the place.

"What did you say? A defect piece. Let me remind you one thing, Staying with this defect piece or not, Loving this defect piece or not. It's my business, Not even you dare to interfere. Remember. For me, This is not a defect piece, I could see my life in this. So think before you speak. And you will understand me only when you're in my situation." - She said, Her words again reminded him how much she loves him. She left the Place leaving shivaay stagnated at the same place.


Anika didn't say anything when her father told that shivaay was waiting outside with his brother. When she thought about shivaay, Her whole body fell weak. The thoughts disturbed her for the past three days came to existence. She neither wants to say to let him inside nor ask him to leave. She was dealing with the most terrible situation. Her father went outside excusing himself from meeting the doctor. But bhavya stayed with her holding her palms.

"He's too disturbed di. I think you should meet him." - Bhavya whispered while looking at her palms. Even for that, She didn't say anything.

But when shivaay rushed inside as soon as her father left, The hesitations in her heart started to fade away, When she saw his tired frame and welled up eyes, She cursed her brain for manipulating her against him. Bhavya stood up from the bed when he approached her. In no time, He dragged her towards his him, In no time, He hugged her tightly. It was too quick for anika, but when she felt his warm tears on his shoulders. She couldn't resist herself from hugging him back.

"Remember one thing, Whatever happens, I will stay with you, Right here. Even if you don't want me around." - He said against her ears which invoked the tears in her eyes and wiped off the insecurities which she troubled and manipulated her in the past three days. She closed her eyes and hugged him even tighter.


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