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" Nat," Ana whined," I'm seventeen. I'm allowed to have a boyfriend."

" Having sex is way different than having a boyfriend! Did you even use protection?" Nat pushed.

" It's none of your business! Besides aren't you supposed to be the assassin who doesn't have feelings? Right now you're being a bitch."

" I'm just looking out for you!"

" You aren't my mother!"

The look on Nat's face instantly made Ana feel guilty. It almost looked like the former assassin was going to cry. Their mother was a bad subject, seeing as her death was the reason they were in the Red Room in the first place.

" I'm sorry, Nat. I know how much mom meant to you," Ana apologized.

" It's okay. You didn't know her as well. Just realize I really am looking out for you," Nat replied.

" I know, I guess I just haven't gotten used to having a parent figure in my life. Between you and Barton it's just a lot,"

" Well, I guess you have to get used to it. I'll try to lay off a little bit but I made a promise to mom and Barton is Barton, you can't really stop him,"

" No, you can't,"

" Well, now I have to go train with Steve. Next time, use protection,"

" How-"

" I used to be an assassin. I know a lot,"

Nat left the tomato faced teenager a smirk on her face knowing she got what she wanted. Suddenly, Clint walked in.

" Are you here to lecture me too, because Nat just beat you," Ana quipped.

" That'll have to be another time. Damn that speedy bastard. Anyways, I came to tell you I'm heading back to the farm. I want to spend some time with my family," Clint explained.

" I'll be sad but I understand. You have a life outside of the Avengers. Just promise you'll visit,"

" I promise. And when you're better you can come to the farm too,"

" I'll keep Pietro away as long as possible. You're his favorite to bother,"

" Yeah, yeah I'll miss you,"

" I'll miss you too. Now go, Laura is waiting,"

" How'd you find out about Laura?"

" The same way I found out about the farm, Nat. Now seriously, you need to go. That's an order,"

" Yes, ma'am,"

With that Clint left. Ana finally got to put on actual clothes. Suddenly she heard FRIDAY speaking to her.

" Miss Romanoff you're presence is required in the lab," the AI spoke.

" Tell Tony I'll be right there," Ana replied.

" Right away,"

Ana rolled herself into the lab curious to see what Bruce and Tony were working on. When she got there they were bent over the table working on something.

" What is that?" Ana asked.

" Well, we finally figured out the prototype for your new leg! Hopefully, it'll work. Come on why don't you try it on and we'll run a few tests," Tony replied.

" Alright,"

" Tony that may not-" Bruce started.

" Relax, we're in a totally safe area. If anything goes wrong we'll be here to help if needed," Tony explained. 

" Come on let's go already!" Ana exclaimed.

Tony handed her the leg and she clicked it into place. It didn't have the cloaking tech, because it was a prototype, but Ana didn't mind. She stepped out of the wheelchair and onto both legs for what seemed like the first time in a long time. Tears came to her eyes as she realized, eventually, she could walk again. The first steps she took were wobbly but eventually, she got the hang of it. Until the leg started sparking.

" Tony!" Ana screamed.

" Get it off quickly!" he replied.

She unclicked it and threw it across the room. Suddenly, it blew up.

" Like I said it was just a prototype. We'll keep working on this until we have a perfect leg for you," Tony promised.

" It's okay Tony. You and Bruce get some rest. I don't need to walk again," Ana replied.

" Nonsense, now go. We have work to do!"

As she wheeled away from the lab she realized something, she would do anything to be able to walk again.

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