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" Pietro help me!" Ana screamed.

" Ana, hold on," Pietro replied.

Pietro tried to grab her but before he could she fell down, screaming his name.

Pietro shot up out of bed. He realized it was just a dream. Ana was gone for weeks now. He looked over to make sure he didn't wake Wanda before slipping out. He went to the training room to punch one of the punching bags. Pietro took all the built-up emotions out on the bag, eventually breaking it.

" Can't sleep?" Steve asked.

" Haven't been able to since Sokovia," Pietro replied.

" Not a lot of the Avengers have,"

" They weren't as close to her,"

" We were a lot closer to her than you think,"

Suddenly the punching bag flew off the hooks. Pietro hated that he compared any of their pain to his. They didn't know her the way he did.

" Look, you don't need to agree, but people are here to talk if you need it," Steve offered.

" Oh, yeah, let's just talk about what a great teammate she was. You knew her for what? A couple of days? You know nothing about her!" Pietro replied.

" You want to fight so bad? Let's go a few rounds. Get some of that anger out,"

Pietro took up that offer speeding around punching Steve. Before Steve ever got a punch in Pietro hit first. Until Wanda walked in. She ran towards the boys.

" Pietro, stop!" Wanda yelled.

Pietro stopped when he saw the look on his sister's face. She was horrified. She walked over to him slowly and wrapped herself around him.

" We all miss her Pietro. You're not the only one," Wanda said.

" She's really gone, Wanda. I promised to protect her and I failed," Pietro sobbed.

" You can't protect everyone. You tried your best but in the end, it was her decision. You can't take it out on your friends,"

When Wanda heard the thoughts in her brother's head it made her feel worse. He was going to ask her out when everyone was safe, but she never made it on the carrier. But deep in her mind, she felt something go off and she knew exactly what it was. It was the bond she and Ana created a long time ago.

" Ana's alive," Wanda blurted.

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