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" Your friends are never going to help you, I guess you mean nothing to them," Elisa taunted.

" I already told you this! I was barely there two days, you think they're going to drop everything for a loose cannon?" Ana questioned, her tone sharp and angry.

" Oh well, I guess there's no use for you then. Boys, you can do whatever you want with her,"

Elisa walked away, Ana shouting at her. Pleading with the woman.

" Sit tight, it'll make it easier for us," one of the thugs spoke, his voice smug.

" No stop it! Please, don't come any closer!" she cried, her body shaking.

She backed herself into a corner, curling herself into a ball. Slowly they were gaining on her, sick smirks on their faces.

Ana jolted awake, a scream escaping her throat. She saw someone out of the corner of her eye, reaching towards them with the one hand she had.

" A-Ana it's okay. It's Natasha," her sister struggled, gripping the girl's hand.

She quickly jumped back, releasing the Avenger. Her face contorted into one of pain, tears filling her eyes. She had just hurt her own sister.

" Natty I'm sorry, I-I thought you were an intruder," Ana quickly explained.

" It's okay, you didn't hurt me,"

" If I had both hands I would have,"

Natasha sat up, putting her hand on the girl's shoulder. Her eyes were softer than normal, her expression understanding.

" What did you see?" She questioned.

" The same things I always do," Ana replied, running her hand through her hair in frustration," Either Elisa or her men. I'm always trapped, tortured. But it's not a dream- they're memories."

" It gets better, Ana. It may not seem like it, but it always does,"

" But does the pain ever go away?"

" For some people it does. For us, we use it to grow stronger,"

Ana was pulled into a hug, the girl tensing up. She wasn't used to affection, especially the physical kind. She relaxed, returning her sister's gesture.

It was nice, knowing someone was there. She didn't have that for most of her life- being forced to do terrible things for other people. She didn't have time to care, she was too busy getting her hands dirty.

" Come on, Tony has something he wants to show you," Natasha spoke, getting off of the floor.

" Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Ana questioned, wary of the man.

" That's for you to decide,"

The lab was messy, parts and papers strewn everywhere. Tony was scrambling around, talking to himself as he did.

It was a very active environment, something drastically different from the deathly still air in her room. Ana hadn't even realized how suffocating it had been until she finally left.

Natasha wheeled her in, pushing her over to a table in the middle of the room. Bruce was standing nearby, looking up when he noticed them.

" Hey Ana, it's good to see you," Bruce greeted.

Tony's head snapped up, looking over at the trio. His eyes lit up, making them look less exhausted.

" Ah, finally! I've been wanting to show you this for like an hour now," Tony spoke, making his way to the table.

He picked up an object the same metallic color as the surface it was on. It took Ana a second to realize it was shaped like a hand.

" You didn't," she spoke, her voice heightening in disbelief.

" Ah, I did! Well, we did- Bruce helped out too. It would've been done sooner if I didn't have to take so many breaks, but it's finally finished! Go ahead and try it on," Tony exclaimed.

He held the hand out, his hand shaking with the amount of coffee he had consumed. She took it, clicking it into place.

The metal limb changed color, matching her skin tone. It moved in any way she wanted it to. Any normal person wouldn't be able to tell her hand was gone.

" Guys, this is too much," Ana said, her voice wavering with emotion.

" It's no big deal. We have a leg in the works, but it's not ready yet. It'll be made of the same material. Should be sturdy enough to help you in any situation," Tony explained, his face lit up as he talked.

" Thank you,"

" Now go do something, I'm having Friday lock your room,"

" Hey!"

Ana stared at the target, lining up her shot. She pulled the trigger- the bullet hitting the x in the middle of the target.

" Yes!" Ana exclaimed, a smirk coming to her face.

" Are you always this excited about hitting a target?" Clint questioned, jumping the girl.

" Jesus! Where did you come from?"

" The gym, you know the one connected to this room,"

" Yeah, yeah smartass. And no, I'm not usually this excited. I'm rusty and bored. Tony locked me out of my own room,"

" You know, most kids your age would take that time to watch tv and eat junk food,"

Ana looked at the man, raising her eyebrow. Hah, a kid? She was far from it.

" Do I look like most people my age?"

" I guess you got me there. Have you ever shot a bow?"

" Once or twice, I'm not very good at it. I don't use weapons any more, I get by quite fine without them,"

" That's a bad mindset to have. What if you come across an opponent with the same skill sets as you?"

" Who says I'm going to go against anybody else? I'm free now, I can do whatever I want,"

" And yet you're here, practicing. You are free Ana, but you're also not the type of person who can leave this behind,"

The girl sighed, knowing it was true. She couldn't do what normal teenagers did, it just wasn't who she was. She had to help people.

She had to redeem herself. It seemed like a selfish reason, but maybe if she helped people it would cover just a fraction of the red on her ledger. The red she had been forced to spill.

" Hand me that damn bow."

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