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" I don't get it. Why is there laughing in the background? No one is laughing," Ana questioned, a genuine look of confusion on her face.

" It's the audience. They were laughing because something funny happened," Wanda explained.

" But why do I need an audience to know it's funny? I can see what's happening,"

" You're thinking too much, love," Pietro spoke, handing Wanda a bowl of popcorn.

" And this is what normal families do? They sit around a tv and watch shows?"

" Some do. Others play board games. It's an activity to bond,"

" Ah okay, I think I get it,"

Pietro's POV-

It made him sad, seeing Ana so clueless about everyday things. Sometimes he forgot she didn't have a childhood before they met up. She didn't understand how to relax.

It was nice though, seeing emotions on the girl's face. It had been the first time since they had gotten her back she actually smiled.

Her face was brighter, the melanin coming back to her skin. She looked healthy for once.

Ana's POV-

She looked over, noticing Pietro staring at her.

" What? Why are you looking at me like that?" she questioned, her eyebrow raised.

" It's nothing, just glad you're happy," he replied, giving her a smirk.

She pushed him over, turning away so he couldn't see the blush on her face. She could see Wanda smiling too.

It was a nice change of pace, not having to fight all the time. She still didn't understand everything, making her embarrassed.

" Miss Romanoff, Mr. Stark would like to see you in the lab," FRIDAY announced.

" God if this is another hand tweak I'm going to freak out. The damn thing is fine!" she grumbled, positioning herself in her wheelchair.

Wanda paused the show, clearly not wanting her to miss any of it. Pietro stood up, standing behind her.

" You know I don't need an audience every time I go somewhere. I am perfectly capable of doing it myself."

" Oh hush. Is it so bad to have company?" Pietro taunted, pushing her towards the lab.

" Глупый мальчик," she growled, folding her arms. (Stupid boy)

" You do know I understand Russian, correct?"

The lab was just as eventful as she remembered. Ana could hear the sounds of metal clanging to the floor, followed by swearing.

" You're always making noise, aren't you Stark?" she spoke, her tone teasing.

Things between them had gotten better- she stopped plotting his death and he warmed up to the assassin. She still held resentment, but she was coming around.

" Ah, well someone has to. Not everyone is weirdly quiet," Tony replied, giving her a small smile.

" Why'd you call me down here? It better not be stupid,"

" Stupid? When have I ever called you for something stupid?"

" Last week you called me down at four in the morning to make you coffee! I'm not your secretary Stark."

" Alright, alright that was my bad. I meant to call your sister. Anyway, that's not what you're here for. I have struck genius once again!"

Ana rolled her eyes, used to his behavior. She couldn't really blame him though, it had been at least forty-eight hours since he had last slept. The man was delirious.

He moved the table he was working at, pulling the sheet off in a dramatic fashion. His smile got even brighter as he looked at his creation.

The girl sat there, her body frozen in shock. In front of her was a metal leg, one that looked exactly like her hand.

" Tony you didn't," she spoke, tears coming to her eyes.

" Well a hand is easy, it's so small, but this took a lot longer. And with Bruce gone on a mission it was even harder, but I think I've managed a perfectly working leg!" Tony exclaimed.

" Tony, I can't repay you for this."

" You don't have to, kid. Consider this your welcome to the Avengers.

Ana reached out, touching the cool surface. The entire thing was smooth, the only seem running through the back of the calf. It was sturdy, but it wasn't heavy.

" Now, you'll have to take it slow. It'll probably be weeks of physical therapy before you'll be used to walking again, but with time you won't even be able to tell," Tony explained, trying to make it seem like it was nothing.

It meant everything to the girl. She thought she would never be able to go on missions again, her body too unstable to handle it.

Sure she could form a structure to keep herself upright, but that took a lot of energy. It was too costly in battle.

She could go back to doing the only thing she knew. She could go back and help her best friend. Elianna wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

" Thank you Tony, this means more than you could ever know."

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