Not there

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Jimin POV

I stepped inside the classroom with some measured, hesitant, steps and still with a dumbfounded expression on my face, almost scared. Slowly, I started understanding what had just happened and I realized the impact that those words would have in my life...

"It can be for real... Did he really mean it...?! Is he out of his mind?!" I wanted to scream, let out all my angry feelings and thoughts, but everyone – all my undesired fangirls and fanboys...! – had already laid their hungry eyes on me, leaving me without any other choice.

Therefore, I just put a fake smile and an "overly happy" atmosphere around me, to not get any more annoying attention from them, which was already pissing me off. I started walking towards my seat, still trying to make the less eye contact possible with everyone, until I realized...

He still hadn't arrived...

The seat next to me was still empty, silently waiting for someone to sit on it: more precisely, waiting for him... I discreetly looked around me and opened my ears attentively, but I couldn't hear anyone commenting about his absence.

I sighed and decided to just silently sit on my chair, before moving my gaze outside the window, not really looking at anything in particular: only looking into the void, to get a distracted look that would keep away everyone I didn't want to see right now.

I slightly frowned and ended up by unintentionally whispering a few words to myself...


"Who cares...?"


That boring class was making the time pass terribly and painfully slow when the bell finally rang. I was already half dead, half asleep and something else I didn't even know anymore, but that "~ Ding dong ~" was enough to make me regain all my energy back and resuscitate me back to life.

"Finally!" I wanted to shout out loud, but I decided to just say it quietly for myself, because I didn't want to get any more desperate, thirsty eyes locked on me. I lazily stretch my body on top of the table, lying after my head on it, in an intentional tentative to let my thoughts flow better inside my mind.

Eventually, I got conscious of how tired I was already and the thought of that being only the first class of the day didn't make anything easier nor make me feel any better. There was still too many class to come and torment me, I knew it...

And I could already say there was no fucking way that I would be able to survive the whole day...!

I let out a deep, almost annoyed, breath and I unconsciously looked beside me, kind of hesitant, until I realized the true size of that little simple action. Of course... Of course...! What was I thinking...? What was I expecting...?

Of course, he isn't there...!

Why was I checking...?!

The awkwardly empty, free chair only stayed there alone, still waiting for his owner or anyone that there decided to sit – what I guess was no one, as I had never seen a person having the nerve to sit on that specific place in these past few, although longer than I expected, days, since I got transferred to this school...

Not only that, but I had also noticed that there wasn't anyone who dared to touch the playboy's things and belongings nor even get near to one of his "sleeping spots", without his permission. At first, I wasn't sure why all that caution with the playboy, but, now, I guess – no, better: I'm sure! – I have the answer to that: a guy that gets scarier than anything else when he's angry...

I sighed, somehow relieved, after seeing he wasn't there and after realizing that I would live for a little longer, even if it was only for a few more hours. However, I knew all that still meant bad news for me...

His noticeable absence only meant more - but not new - nightmares to me, which all fulfilled me with the simple, usual and, by now, normal feeling of regret of my own actions: a playboy mad at me, building up his rage little by little, ready and prepared to kill me at any time soon without hesitating...!

However, as if that wasn't bad enough, my possible future murder was my classmate and roommate too...! He was the person I would see the most times every single day, independently of me wanting or not...! He was the person who had all the opportunities he wanted and needed to have his revenge and beat the crap out of me, if not kill me...!

In summary, what I was trying to say is...

...I'm totally fucked!

"Jimin, is something wrong...?" A group of girls suddenly surrounded me and forced an impenetrable wall between me and the door, right when I was going to stand up and leave the classroom, unfortunately. All started making questions, worried about me after noticing my considerably big frown, and ended up attracting the attention from other people still in the room.

Part of me got annoyed and even felt sick with that unexpected, intrusive, visit of those "brainless sheep" I despised so much, but then something crossed my mind... Something actually good, not the usual depressive or hopeless thoughts for once...! Maybe even the solution to many of my recent problems in this school, if not all of them!

"Wait..." I widened my eyes in shock with that sudden realization, which quickly erased all my other thoughts.

"How didn't I realize this before...?!"


New chapter! \(*-*)/ Well, I currently don't have phone, it stopped working again. -.- How lucky I am, am I right? -.- Damn, I will never get used to it...! -.-

But leaving that aside, do you like the new cover? ^-^ I think the old one was okay too, but this one seems more... "Clean"? e.e' Is that the word? e.e' XD Still, what do you think? ^-^ I would love to have your feedback. ^-^ Maybe I will make a few more changes in the future, but for now it will stay like this. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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