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Jimin POV

"Let me think..." He said in a quiet tone of voice and started making weird, funny, faces, as he was in deep thought and struggling with himself to make up his mind.

I involuntary let out a few chuckles after noticing his expressions, but, at the same time, kept being the most quiet possible, as I didn't want to distract him – or else, he most probably would seriously get mad at me...

"Hum..." He whispered for himself - still being audible for me - and even stuck his tongue out, in one of the corners of his mouth without even noticing, what actually gave him a cute look, in my opinion.

A few, after several, now many, steps were given by us and loudly echoed through the empty hallway. Aside for our feet beating and dirtying the floor, only his repetitive "hums" could be heard in that comfortable silence, signs of his mind working and still in current indecision.

I only continued following him, quiet, by his side, waiting patiently for his decision. He had showed how determined he was to do something for my sake, so there was no point in trying to argument with him.

"Maybe his favor can even be useful to me!" It was that thought that prevented me from changing my mind and that made me lose all my past hesitation. "Maybe he can actually be useful!"

However, after a quick while, we eventually arrived at our destination, our classroom, and he still hadn't neither said anything nor made up his mind. It quite surprised me how little time it took us to arrive...

"We're already here..." I said with a tone of voice showing slightly my disappointment and sadness, as I found myself in front of that unwanted door. I glanced over the taller behind me and he looked weirdly at the before mentioned door, almost with an amused and cocky expression.

Still, it might also have been only my imagination, because he offered me a small pout right away, erasing the other expression in the same instant I turned around.

"Own, already~?" He played with his voice - grumpily, I guess? – and he gave a few steps back. "Well, you better get inside. It's already getting late and I still have something else to do. I'm probably going to be late, so there's no use to wait for me. Just warn the teacher for me, ok?" He asked me.

"Ok, I guess...?" I replied him with those few words, dumbfounded, as I wasn't expecting the other to just change subject so suddenly, to change it just like that, and leave without even making the decision he insisted so much to have my permission to do.

"Ah, and I will tell you about my final decision later, ok?" He told me and waited for my reply, before deciding to do anything else. "Yeah, no problem... I think..." Was everything I managed to say in response, as I was still kind of shocked with that unexpected change of mood, which surrounded him with an atmosphere weirder than usual.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go in our separated ways." He said and flashed at me one last, simple, - honest...? – smile. "See you later in class." He finished and started walking away in a quick and energetic pace, this time without even waiting for an answer from me, what normally would make me get angry, upset, and maybe even yell at the person, but now I was too speechless for that...

"Yeah, see ya..." I whispered hesitantly and quietly, maybe even too low for him to hear, but he still didn't turn back and asked me to repeat what I had just said. I watched him creating a bigger and bigger distance between us and I decided to just not think about it and get inside my classroom.

I turned around, with my back facing the way Hoseok had gone, grabbed the side of the door which was already slightly opened, and slowly pushed that piece of cheap wood to create a wider passage for me to be able to enter the room.

However, when I had already opened the door and given a few first steps inside the room, I heard someone calling - actually shouting desperately... - my name from the hallway that my classroom was connected to.

"Hoseok...?" I stuck my head outside, through that small fend between the wall and the door, to find the other in the end of the hallway, smiling at me with a wide grin - or maybe actually smirking maliciously at me: I couldn't tell, because the distance between us blurred his image and expressions...

However, that didn't matter at all, because the next words he yelled, which I wasn't expecting him to say at all that moment – along with the others words that were for coming next from him too - made all the difference...

"I decided!"

"He decided...?" I asked inside my mind, but still didn't dare to let any sound out, just to let him speak and finally tell me about his decision, as I was more curious than ever now and needed to hear his answer before going insane. But then...

I regretted it... And regretted everything...

"I'm going to make you change your mind about Yoongi and be friends with him! That's how I'm going to win your forgiveness!"

And with that he started walking away, in a fast and bouncing pace, leaving me there alone, dumbfounded, speechless, still trying to process what he had just said.





New chapter! \(*-*)/ I guess J-Hope is a Yoonmin shipper... e.e Hehe e.e *wink wink* e.e XD

And I have internet again! \(*-*)/ Yupi, finally!!! \(>-<)/ I'm so happy!!! \(>-<)/ To commemorate, here you have an update. u.u You're welcome. u.u XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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