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Here you go e.e' A random FF Video e.e' You're welcome e.e' XD


Jimin POV

"How are you going to react?"

How would they react? Only the same old shock, without any change or difference in their state of mind from the first reaction, spontaneous and still unconscious? Or anger, a new and wilder rage?

Yeah, those were the different reactions between the people surrounding me. Anger, especially anger and rage. However, surprisingly, those dark emotions weren't actually targeted to me: they were to Yoongi! The flames of hate on their eyes reflected the image of the guy I hated the most, and only of his.

Of course, that was what I wanted to happen... That was the point of all this... But I still couldn't believe I had actually succeeded in doing it!

"How...?" A girl in front of me mumbled under her breath, while she clenched her fists discreetly, but still noticeable for my eyes. "How?! How could he do such thing?!" She started yelling out of nowhere, almost startling at me, and everyone followed her and began to shout too.

"Yeah! How much of a dishonest asshole can he be to actually manage to do those things and harm you for no fucking reason, without feeling guilty, bad, nor hesitant?! He's a huge coward! He only gets the "courage" to do all that when no one is seeing, behind everyone's back!" A guy added.

"I know right?! I can't believe we used to look up to him and even trust him, when we actually didn't know anything about him!" Another girl spoke, to who I was dying to say "And I can't believe you're doing the exact damn thing to a guy you only know for like one, two days!", but I still left my mouth completely shut.

"He's the worst person ever! Total garbage!" Another said and everyone else started yelling insults, which no longer could be understood between all that gibberish, as there were too many people speaking all at once.

"Please, everyone!" I suddenly interrupted them, as I couldn't take all that meaningless and worthless rumbling for any longer - not without losing my sanity or going totally crazy indeed. They looked at me with a surprised expression, as they didn't expect me to actually higher my voice so abruptly, but they still got quiet, exactly like I wanted.

"Please, everyone...! That's what he wants us to do... Get angry, agitated, create chaos...! He's manipulating us without us even noticing..." The cringe and the cliché were strong in that sentence, but I still managed to handle my inner feelings and say the words without losing my current role of a weak and hurt person.

"But, Jimin...!" A girl got closer to me and rapidly started speaking, but I didn't give her the opportunity to finish, as I interrupted her mid-sentence and touched the small space between her eyebrows with my index finger.  

"Don't frown, please... It will only ruin your beautiful face... I don't want that...!"I told her, pretending to be worried, and she started blushing a lot, while the people behind her, or got jealous, or started fangirling/fanboying.  

I moved my hand away from her face and gave everyone a kind grin, before starting to manipulate them with empty words all over again.

"I don't want any of you to make such "strong" expressions when you have such gorgeous faces...! He doesn't deserve your attention, even because that's all he wants: to be noticed...! That's why we shouldn't - and mustn't – react to his actions or to him at all...!"   

I gave voice to my true thoughts and kept getting more and more excuses, in an attempt to prevent them from acting recklessly and going on Yoongi without actually following my plan, as that was the last thing I wanted to happen.  

If they ended up actually deciding to talk with the playboy and fight him without me knowing, he would find out that I've been working on a conspiracy against him. He would find out that I tried to attack him and bring him down, right behind his back. 

And that would have been the end of the plan, the real purpose of me being here...

It would be game over for us. Our plan would never succeed...  

"Then how are we supposed to help you? We can't just sit back and watch you suffer without doing anything! That would be too cold from us, there's no way we're going to accept it! There's no way we're going to accept not fighting back and letting him continue with his completely asshole behavior and hateful actions!" A guy, who seemed almost invisible in that crowd mainly of girls, said.  

"Yeah, he's right! We need to stand for it! He needs to realize the huge mistake that was trying to hurt you right behind our backs!" A girl with a really annoying and pitch high voice, which almost blew up my eardrums and made me slightly deaf, added.  

Right away, everyone started talking at the same time again, making every word impossible to be understood or comprehended. It was all only non-sense babbled by dumb and stupid angry teenagers, which themselves, the creators of that pointless noise, weren't even aware of.  

"Everyone, calm down!" I struggled to not submit myself to the urge to yell "Just fucking shut up!" at them and I put all my efforts and mind in keeping the image of a nice guy. I couldn't ruin everything now. Not now that I had them right in the palm of my hand and was really close to have everything I needed.   

They got quiet and started paying attention and listening to me.  

"Let me explain. Talking with him, fighting against him, having our revenge: it doesn't matter, it won't do any good. You can stand for it, do whatever you want on your reach, but all your efforts will be for nothing. Nothing will change in the end." I started explaining to them.  

"You may get him scared and even restrained for a while at first... But I know... I'm more than sure that, not long after, he will go after me and bully me again, even more angrily than now, full of grudge, when no one is seeing." I finished telling them with the most heartbroken and pitiful expression I could possibly fake.  

"Then...!" A girl shouted already quite emotionally unstable, as she, I guess - or better: I didn't have any doubt of – couldn't take seeing me in so "much" pain, like everyone else. "Then what should we do?! We want to help and we won't accept a "nothing" nor a "no" for an answer!" 

She kept yelling with an enormous frown on her face, which left pretty obvious her rage for Yoongi ready to explode any moment - the same anger that gave me a strong urge to smirk at how amusing everything in front of me looked.

I let out a deep breath and gave them a really serious face, to make sure everyone's attention would stay on me. I could see their nervous, tense expressions and I felt relieved. I now knew they were attentively and carefully hearing me, so I could finally speak.   

"Sorry for this, but I'm going to be selfish one more time. Is it okay for all of you?" I asked and they all firmly nodded, clearly determined to do everything for me. I smiled at them – and grinned maliciously for inside after noticing I had reached the critical point of my plan – and continued.

"I wanted to ask you for a favor..."  


And that bring us to now. 


New chapter! \(*-*)/ Good news! You can expect more updates in two weeks! \(*-*)/ (That's when I won't have my computer to make FF Videos e.e' XD)

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar  

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