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Double update! \(*-*)/ Sorry for not updating for so long TTuTT


Another shitty FF Video e.e' XD


Jimin POV

And that bring us to now. It's lunch break and I'm heading to the canteen, while being followed by a considerable big group of people, several of my classmates, mainly girls, at the same time.

I walked through the hallway with a slow and calm pace, without losing sight of my new and stronger than ever shield. Or without losing sight of my sacrifices - whatever you may want to call them.

Many names could be given to them, but, in the end, I would always stick to one in particular: "sheep", that's what I had behind me, a bunch of brainless sheep following me.

So many adjectives could also be given to them, but none of them were actually good nor anything close to compliments. Such words would never be related to them nor be in their characterization, at least not by me.

Also, I knew my vision of them would never match the others, the reality. They were humans and persons for everyone else, but, for me, they were quite only objects (shield) or animals (sheep). Still, I didn't feel guilty for having such vision of them. It might not be the reality, but it was something really close to that, with no doubt.

But what other choice did I have?! Of course, I didn't have any! I needed to get along with those creatures, listen to them, talk to them and even be friends with them...! Everything for many important reasons, which you probably already know about: Of course, to be protected... And to be able to bring the playboy down, defeat him and have my so desired revenge...!

"Jimin, did you know that..." We shared words and created our own conversations, which, for me, were, with no doubt, only gibberish and pointless, meaningless and useless subjects.

The girls - who were the big constituent of my followers/shield - talked only about the "newest and most interesting" gossips - their own exact words, not to forget to mention that - and with a high pitch, too loud and annoying, voice, as the theme of the conversation itself wasn't bad enough...!

The boys were only a few in that same "harem" of mine - dare to call it that a way - and were also more discreet, especially in comparison with the other gender - anything was more discreet than those creatures, to be honest... - They only kept following me in silence, without taking their eyes off me.

I could say, without being the slightest mistaken, that some of them looked at me weirdly, almost with hungry and... Thirsty eyes...? Maybe eyes of a person who wanted more of me...? I wouldn't doubt that though... Even because, after that incident with Jungkook, I've been introduced to a new "type of people" and... Let's say I've actually been more careful around guys...


We finally reached our destination and we picked up a random empty table to sit at, after picking up our food at the nearby bar/cafeteria. I was the first one to get the food, so I decided to take a seat right away and wait for the others who still hadn't gotten anything to eat.

My current happiness was huge, but so huge that I wanted to shout out loud, jump around and let all my emotions out. My feelings started getting wild and completely uncontrollable inside of me. I needed...! I needed to share my recent and first victory against the playboy with someone, anyone!

And so, I picked up my phone and, with a true and really wide smile, I turned it on and went to the contacts. "I...! I need to share my victory with him!" Was that one thought which quickly took over my mind and started making my body move by his own.

I rolled down through the several names until I reached to his number. I clicked on his profile and went to the messages, while I started forming inside my mind and deciding the words I was going to send to him.

However, when I already had the sentence well thought and ready to be typed, my fingers froze and refused to move. It took me a while to understand why my fingers, my mind, my whole body had suddenly shut down. It was only when I found myself staring at the smartphone's screen that I realized...

"Dammit..." I whispered to myself, as my smile quickly faded away and was replaced by a broken, agonizing and miserable expression. That was the (hopefully) temporary - although the first in so many years - fall of the indestructible mask I committed to wear everyday... To wear for him...

Ominous tears threatened to form in the corners of my eyes, but I just bit my lower lip and held them back. It was painful... Too painful...

"I'm sorry..."

His last message was still there, like a stranger looking coldly at me, completely still and silent. It was shown as the most recent message from him, as he still hadn't texted me since then...

"I'm sorry..." Those were the last words he "said" to me. The same words that held within them the most pain ever felt by someone, which caused - and still doesn't fail to cause now - the greatest damage to me...

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry..."?

"I'm sorry..."?!

"No, you're not sorry, I know it! Why do you keep lying, hiding and running away from me?! I had already enough of all this! At least, tell me why you can't! Why can't I see you?" I tightened my grip around my phone and I felt my hand slightly shaking, but I just ignored it.

"Why...?" Just why...?!" I involuntarily clenched my teeth next.

"Why do I keep loving you when what I want the most is to hate you?!"

That thought almost turned into a yell, but I still got back to my senses in time and started thinking rationally when the group, before following me, returned and shouted "Sorry for making you wait, Jimin!". I rapidly put my smartphone back inside my pocket and flashed a fabricated, last minute, smile.

"What am I doing?! I can't do such mistakes as show my weakness at school, in front of everyone, now...! I can't give to the privilege to let other people truly know me, to be closer to me and to be able to "touch" me...! No one must break the distance I created between me and everyone else...! And I will do everything I need to make that stay that way...!"



New chapter. \(*-*)/ Why is Spain way more beautiful than Portugal? ;-; XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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