Regrets pt.1

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Jimin POV

"Sorry for making you wait, Jimin!" They shouted as they sat on the empty chairs around me, some making a fuss to sit personally on the seats beside me.

"No, no problem. I just sat too, I haven't been here for that long." I answered and they grinned happily at me after getting my response. "Uff, we're glad to hear that!" They replied and placed their tray with food on the table.

"By the way... I still don't know how to thank you enough... And I know thanking won't change anything too... But... Thank you. I'm really thankful to every single of you...! I never expected you to accept my request...!" I pretended to be really grateful and commoved with their kindness and compassion with me.

"What are you thanking us for, silly? We still didn't do anything, we only accepted to be around you to prevent Yoongi from doing anything bad to you." One in front of me said.

"Yeah! And, in fact, we should be the ones thanking you for giving us this huge opportunity! You're making our dream of being close to you actually real!" Another said, totally frank and genuine to herself, and gave me a nervous laugh as she started rubbing the back of her own neck.

"I don't care."

I wanted to say. "I don't care if you're using me, manipulating me or acting by your own benefit or gain. It doesn't matter to me as long I can use you back and have you ingenuously protecting me." I said inside my mind while I slightly frowned - frown which they didn't notice, as I was careful enough to make it discreet.

However, after that thought, for some reason, they started looking weirdly at me and with their eyes widened open in something similar to shock. "You... You don't care...?" One eventually spoke. "What do you mean by that...?" She asked still with a clueless expression.

"Dammit, I accidentally said the first part out loud...!" I clenched my teeth as I realized the mistake I made, but then I quickly smiled at them again.

"Oh, I meant I don't care about your true intentions, because I know that you're truly nice people and that I can always trust you." I lied before they could make any more questions and get suspicious of me. They, of course, stupidly believed in me the same instant, as they shared a "Oh, I get it" and "Ownnnn" in choir.

"Fuck, that was close..." I thought and sighed. "I need to be more careful or they will end up finding out my true intentions and nature...!" I could feel my expression darkening drastically, but I didn't care one single bit about it now, as they were no longer paying attention to me and were totally focused on their food.

"Dammit, these mistake are unforgivable...! I can't give to the luxury of making them now...!" I looked up, once that I was before with my head lowered and staring down at the floor - and sometimes secretly at their foods (I had already finished mine). I locked my gaze on the people surrounding me and slightly scowled.

"I need to get away from them...! If I keep around them for too long, I will regret it and make more and more mistakes...!" I involuntarily clenched my fists with that thought. "And it's not like I need them now anyway, the playboy didn't and surely isn't coming today to school...!"

"Useless. They don't have any use to me now."

"I don't need to go through the hassle of having them following me everywhere I go for now, I can just discard them away. I have, at least, one day without the playboy around in school, so I'm not going to waste it for nothing. Having to babysitting annoying teenagers and pretend to care about them is just out of question now."

I won't risk my medicine just to play a stupid little game where everyone is friends with everyone and I need to "socialize" with brainless people!

"Oh, sorry everyone, I need to go now! I just remembered I planned to meet with a friend at lunch break." I said as I dragged the chair away with my body and started standing up. "Own, stay for a little longer~" They said all at the same time and pouted disgustingly at me, in an annoying attempt to convince me to not go.

"I'm truly sorry, I really need to go. I promised to meet him once his class was over." I replied to them and they all gave me sad expressions. "That's a shame. Ok, just call us whenever you need something!" One talked for all of them and I nodded back.

"Of course! See you later." I said in response and started walking away while they cheerfully waved the last goodbyes at me.

"Dammit, why the hell did I agree with this...? I never expected it to get this tough...!" I felt like screaming, letting everyone know how frustrated I was with everything currently happening in my life, but I just kept my mouth tightly shut.

I swallowed my words and hung my head down in desperation, before glancing one last time over my classmates still sitting at the same table.

"And it's not like they're doing this for me anyway. It's just too damn obvious, they even gave me permission to leave so easily, despite the fact I was "deeply hurt" and "weak" until a few minutes ago and asked them to follow me everywhere to protect me." As I felt distant enough from the table, my pace got melancholy slow.

"They probably don't even remember – that's if they were actually listening to me before – hearing me talking about the playboy who's trying to beat the crap out of me! They're clearly doing this to win attention, my attention! They're not even trying to hide it from me anymore! But again...! My answer to that and them is still the same..."

"I don't care."

I gave up on wasting my precious neurons and time thinking about people like them and I decided to just ignore them: I only needed to focus on getting the hell out of here.

The canteen was quite spacious for a school like this – what I wasn't in fact expecting, as this school had a really, I mean a really REALLY, deficient maintenance and no one responsible or useful in charge: more space meant more work, which I doubt anyone in here was going to do...!

It had two distinct doors, both on the opposite sides of the wide room: one on the right, another on the left. Those were the exits that would get me the temporary salvation from being surrounded by undesired people. I only needed to pass through one of them, any of them... Any would do the work...!



...That was if something hadn't gotten in the way...


Left door: Jungkook

Right door: ...


The playboy, Yoongi...


New chapter! \(*-*)/ I can't understand anything! ;-; Why did I come to Spain without knowing anything in Spanish?! ;-; XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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