Regrets pt.2

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Just the usual ;)


Jimin POV

"Well, I fucked up." I carefully glared at both exits, where the people I wanted to see the less now - and forever - were standing without giving any signs of leaving too soon: the guy who tried to fuck me and the guy who currently wants to fuck me up...

I was stuck. I didn't have anywhere to go. If I wanted to leave the canteen I had to go through one of those doors... And that meant I had to be face-to-face with one of the two guys I had some kind of unpleasant backstory...!

I brought my hands towards my head and wiped the few drips of sweat sliding through my brow with my current nervousness and anxiety. I didn't have any fucking idea of what to do to resolve this.

My situation was more than just troublesome...! My available options, decisions, would give me all different - but huge and significant for my future - outcomes, which definitely had within them an almost 100% probability of me regretting everything in the end...

And I wasn't ready for any of those consequences...

I stepped back a little unconsciously, totally terrified and desperate either on the inside and the outside. Only then I glanced behind me, almost in an irrational move - an attempt to find the quickest escape route -, before completely turning around to find myself face-to-face to the cold truth...

My classmates were no longer there... They were completely gone by now...

The table was empty, empty like my hopes at the moment. There, only could be found several trays and the rest of food, papers and plastic, which they were too lazy to throw away. Yeah, the garbage didn't even bother to throw away the garbage they left, how ironic! I never expected such to happen!

However now I just wasn't in the mood to rant about this school's students, as way more important things were happening in my life - like my fucking messed up situation which I didn't know how to get myself out of! - and I currently didn't have enough neurons to be able waste some precious ones on them.

Slowly, the despair got upon me and started making my body get shaky, my legs weak, my balance unstable, my heartbeat rapid and my nerves all messed up, all at the same time. My head was now intensely aching and there was nothing in my knowledge and current situation that I could do to stop it.

I sat on one of the closest chairs to me, to rest and prevent myself from falling on the floor right in front of everyone. I then brought my hands towards my forehead to attempt to lessen the pain and I slowly calmed myself down as I exhaled and inhaled the most calmly possible.

Once calmer and no longer frightened - or, at least, not as much as before -, other emotions started taking place inside my mind and also taking over me: anger and hate. It was mainly anger and hate what I was feeling right now.

"Dammit... I hate it...! I fucking hate them!" I punched the table next to me and ignored the nosy glares I got from a few people surrounding me, which surprisingly didn't last too long - maybe because one of my hands was still covering my face and luckily didn't let them recognize me.

Deep inside, I was glad that I hadn't yelled nor started a scene - what was, in fact, a miracle, as I was really pissed off and ready to do whatever my mind told me to, in the same instant, without thinking twice -, or else I would have gotten way more attention from annoyingly nosy people. Maybe I would even have to deal with some of them in person - people who ended up deciding to talk with me for some stupid reason - and today I wasn't for that...!

Still, I would ignore them either way.

"They were clearly doing this for their own profit! They only came here to please me and get my attention! And now that I'm no longer with them, they lost all their purpose and interest in being here and just fucked off the same instant! How low can they actually be?!"

I clenched my one fist still lying on the table and frowned, but then my anger got its time to cease too and I sighed. "Dammit, that's what I get from thinking that someone besides me can actually be useful..." I sighed and stood up from the chair, to then rethink and analyze my options.

A guy who wants me naked...

Or a guy who wants me dead...

I think the decision wasn't that difficult to make in fact...

I started walking towards the chosen door, while dragging my heavy body with slow, hesitant steps, almost in a hopeless attempt to delay the event which future, destiny and my choices had reserved for me, impatiently waiting.

I knew I would regret this, I knew it...! But I also knew I would regret even more if I decided - okay, cross that; it would be just a sad attempt in the end, as there was no way I would be capable of such thing - to go through the other door: the door where Yoongi was at.

As I noticed my pace getting slower with the growing and inevitable anxiety, I decided to convince myself - even if that meant lying to myself - that there was nothing I needed to be worried about.

"Maybe nothing will happen... Maybe he will ignore me, maybe he will be too embarrassed to talk with me after what happened between us last time we were together... Maybe he will pretend not to see me, or maybe, if I'm quiet and quick enough, he won't even notice me at all...!"

"I will see that all this current anxiety and fear attacking me is completely irrational...! I will realize how silly I was being all this time...!" I told myself, but I knew all these encouraging words and now growing strength were clearly empty: just hopeless lies. However, it's not like I had any other choice - this was for the best, I continued telling myself.

I kept dragging my body and forcing my legs to move, while I kept repeating that one phrase inside my mind: "Everything is going to be okay."

"Everything is going to be okay."

"Everything is going to be okay...?"

"Fool, when in your life was something ever "okay"?"

A dark thought interrupted all my other thoughts, as it erased all my - fake - hopes at the same time. I could no longer suppress my fear, as that sharping voice, after whispering those painful words sinisterly on my ear, didn't show any signs of stopping tormenting me.

"Don't tell me you actually forgot?"

I gulped hard with the lack of saliva in my mouth and I unconsciously started arguing with myself like a crazy person.

"Y-yeah, but that time I was alone, I couldn't help it. Now I have people on my side, ready to do whatever I tell them without second thought. If something goes wrong I can just scream or start making a scene right here, that surely everyone, someone, will come to my rescue. And also... This doesn't even compare to that...!"

I was ready for more and more bitter words in form of thoughts, but the other voice suddenly got silent and didn't bother to reply me anymore after. I ended up sighing in relief - as, deep inside, I didn't think I was psychologically strong enough to have that one particular subject as topic of "conversation" without injuring myself - and I continued walking.

However, later, of course, I would realize how naive I sounded and was indeed being with that way of thinking... I just didn't know at the time, but, in the near future, I would get to know the truth, and not exactly the way I had in mind...

Because, not too long after, I realized once again...

I wouldn't always have someone around me to save me...


Yes, soon I would realize how real that voice inside my mind was being.


New chapter! \(*-*)/ When you're too lazy and unashamedly commit yourself to write "Regrets pt." on literally every title for the next chapters... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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