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Hey. For how long do you pretend to stay like that?


It's okay if I want to give up...?


It's okay if I give up...?


Will you let me give up...?


Will everyone else let me give up...?


But... Can I still give up...?




...How can't I...?


Yoongi POV

School. Another boring day of school. Seriously, why the hell do I have to go to school everyday?! We don't learn anything useful or anything that will help us later in our daily lives.

They only teach us what other schools teach to get in the rankings with the best grades, just for this stupid reason called "prime" that it's so important for them.

Useless, selfish, hateful. That's the image I have from a school.

...But what any other choice do I have than go? I already got enough problems in many schools - yeah, I already changed school a few times in the past - and now I don't want to get any more.

I won't get anything good from it, I already got to know that from my own experience. So, I've been trying to provoke the less problems possible and to don't miss school.

All these changes kinda changed my life from the one I used to have before, but I can't say it was for better...

...Even because, thanks to them, my life got way more dull and now it's every single day the same thing: my alarm clock annoying me in the morning, my teachers annoying me and classmates annoying me all day...

"Oppa, fuck me! Right here, right now!"

...And all these bitches annoying me every time they see a chance!

For fuck sake, it's 7.30am! Don't they have anything better to do?! Who wants to have sex at this hour in the morning and inside a school?! It's because of people like her that I can't sleep in peace in school anymore, without being afraid to get raped in my sleep!

Really, I'm not exaggerating! One time, I woke up with one bitch touching me everywhere without my permission!

And as I'm a really heavy sleeper, they can do whatever they want with me when I'm sleeping, because I won't wake up so easily to be able to stop them and beat the crap out of them as they deserve so much! At least, that time, I was lucky enough to wake up before she could do anything else to me...

And the worst part is that I'm known as a playboy in school despite the fact that I NEVER FUCKED SOMEONE IN THIS SCHOOL! Like, are you kidding me?! Where did they get that idea from?!

I already heard many rumors about me in school, but when I ask anything about them, like from where all they came, everyone always changes subject and pretend to not know anything! People really can believe so stupidly in any rumor they hear and try so awfully to hide it from others, can't they?

...But it's not like I care anymore. Now I just go along with it and start being everything they say I am. Yes, I've been pretending to be a playboy since I decided to correspond that fake idea that everyone has from me...

However, of course I still didn't fuck anyone, ok?! Oh, they wish they could see my naked body and touch me in places that would drive me crazy! Hell no! That's never going to happen!

"Maybe later, babe~" I got closer to her with a fake smirk and placed my hand on her shoulder, leaning my face towards hers.

"I'm still too sleepy and I want to give it to you with all my energy and strength~ So please wait patiently~" I whispered seductively in her ear, making her blush, and I took my hand away, to then start walking away from her. "Another stupid girl that believed in my empty words and in my lies..." I sighed.

"When will this fucking end...? This is starting to get really annoying..." I scratched the back of my neck, yawning at the same time, as I was still sleepy, and I picked up my phone to look at the hours.

"I guess I still have time to sleep before class starts..." I thought and put my phone back in my pocket.

Yeah, I said before that I couldn't sleep in peace anymore because of all these hoes always chasing me, but I managed to discover recently a place where it's really rare to someone come and find me.

The only sleeping spot I managed to find was outside, in the school's garden that the windows in every classroom gives view to... Yeah, it's in a place where everyone can find me so easily, but that they still never do... And you know why they don't find me...?

...Because they are all addicted to their fucking phones! They pass all day inside the classrooms playing, texting, talking with people on the phone, going to the internet, doing useless things, or even watching porn! In summary... Wasting their damn life on their phones!

I think that they don't even know that the school has a garden! A garden with those things called trees, flowers, plants that they must had seen way more times behind a screen! Well, actually it's not like I'm complaining about their addiction or anything like that... At least, now I can sleep without being annoyed by other people...

I walked lazily to my usual sleeping spot, under a big tree that took place in one of the corners of the garden. All I wanted now was just to sleep and shut myself down temporarily from this world, forgetting everything that happened before falling asleep and not remembering anything after finally waking up...

Yeah, I know that when you are asleep your brain selects the important memories, keeps them in your mind and trash away the other ones, the useless memories, to never remember them again when you finally wake up.

Like that, our brains retains the useful information that we need for the next day and let us learn the new information of the following day way quicker and easier. And that's one of the many reasons why it's healthy to sleep, so please... Shut the fuck up you fucking dumbasses that say "We don't need to sleep, we have coffee"! Anyway... Where were we...?

...But strangely that isn't my case... When I wake up, I don't remember any recent event neither have any memory of what happened before falling asleep, for much I try to remember. I guess that nothing of what happens in my life is truly important for me...

So, whenever I want to forget something, I just sleep. Simple like that. Isn't that so easy? Yes. Isn't that kinda sad? Maybe. Does that make me sad? No. Does that make me happy? No. Does that make me feel anything? Sadly, no...

It makes me feel more and more empty...

I sighed, as I had just started having those deeps thoughts again without wanting. Those repetitive thoughts were taking all my energy again and, even knowing that sleeping wouldn't give my energy back and would only make her not go away for a while, I started getting more desperate to reach to the tree and finally fall asleep.

Today the door directly connected to the garden was closed - as the school didn't care a single bit about the garden, even because students never go there - so I had to leave by the door on the other side of the school and go around the building to get in the garden.

However, as I was already really tired psychologically and as I wasn't fit or anything like that, that distance seemed so ridiculously big to me, even if it was a distance that anyone could walk easily.

Fortunately, after a while, I found myself already really close to my destiny and I could finally see the tree in the distance. I smiled faintly at first, but, when I walked towards my sleeping spot, I lost my smile and got it replaced by a frown right away, as I noticed someone on my spot...

"Who the hell is that person...?"


First chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, I think I was really angry with life when I wrote this. XD

Ok, as in this chapter it still didn't happen anything interesting, I'm going to update the next chapter tomorrow. :P I just hope that this wasn't too bad for a first chapter... e.e' XD

I'm sick, so no school for me today. \(*-*)/ XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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