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Yoongi POV

I got closer to the tree to have a better look of that inconvenient and unexpected person there lying.

It was a guy with a dark brown hair, kinda messy, with a body that I could see clearly that was more fit than mine - well, actually everyone has a body more fit than me, but anyway - and maybe even with abs and everything.

His silver rings on both ears, similar to the one I had on my right ear, kept swinging in harmony with the wind, while he stayed there sleeping peacefully leaned to the tree... While he stayed there sleeping... On... My... Spot!

"Hey, fuck off. That's my spot." I said coldly, this time not faking my playboy personality but actually being myself, to wake him up and make him leave. I just get really grumpy when someone get between me and my sleep. That's something I just can't forgive!

He slowly and still sleepily opened his eyes, sharp as I was expecting, and rubbed them lazily, stretching his arms after.

Only then we looked around and locked his piercing gaze on me, without saying a word. We stayed there glaring to each other coldly for a good while, almost like we were in a mental fight, and he then coarsely rolled his eyes.

"What?" He asked emotionless and kinda rudely, almost like he was trying to provoke me, but I just ended up ignoring the hateful tone he had just used to speak with me.

"I told you to fuck off. That's my spot." I repeated harshly and he lifted his eyebrow in amusement, but still without losing his blank expression.

"Watch out your language. Did no one ever teach you manners?" He responded back, with the intention of pissing me off and actually succeeding in doing that.

"Who does this fucking kid think he is to tell me what to do...?" I mumbled angrily under my breath, without actually being worried with how loud I was saying that, even because he most likely had heard it anyway.

"Oh, sorry about my lack of manners in the way I just spoke to you. Let me correct myself." I put an ironic smile on my face, receiving an sarcastic smirk from him back.

"Does your excellency mind to fuck off of my spot?" I told him and he sat up, to be in a better position to talk with me. "Oh, don't worry. As you apologized and asked so nicely, I forgive you. Now just let me think in my answer..." He pretended to start thinking really hard and then gave me a provoking look, making me slightly frown.

"...Fuck no." He finally said and smugly put his arms behind his head, letting it rest on them. "Do you fucking know with who you're talking right now?!" I threatened him angrily and he flashed a smirk, before getting back to his blank expression, but this time with a slight angry look and a small frown on it for some reason.

"Yeah, I know. I already heard many people talking about you." He moved his arms away from the back of his head and let them fall emotionless next to his body, gaining a straighter posture.

"It seems I'm really popular~" I smirked, although I actually hated that attention I kept getting daily from those idiots with no brains, and he gave me a quiet and discreet "Tsk."

"No, you know what really you are? You are a cliché. And a really boring one. I don't like it. I hate it." He looked away, upset, and I just stayed there standing with a dumbfounded look, confused. "What? A cliché?" I tilted my head to the side, as I wasn't sure if I had heard it right and wasn't in fact imagining things.

"You heard it, grandpa. I said you are a cliché." He placed his gaze again on me and gave me a smirk, which, weirdly, seemed actually forced and painful. However, that moment I didn't care one single bit about the signals my mind was giving me, because I had just gotten really mad with what he had called me.

"Grandpa?!" I asked him while clenched my fists in rage. "Damn, grandpa, you must be really old for me to have to repeat myself over and over again. And yeah, I meant to call you that. Only a grandpa would be really tired and panting heavily after walking some meters like you." 

He laughed quietly, purposely to make even angrier, and, after admiring my current and obvious dark expression, he decided to continue...

"Calm down, you may have a heart attack if you stress yourself out that much, old man. We don't want that, right~?" He gave me the most arrogant grin ever, as he knew that everything he was saying was actually making effect on me, and I didn't manage to hold it back for any longer.

I walked slowly towards to him, while he watched all my movements quietly, and he didn't stop me nor reacted in any way when I suddenly grabbed his shirt's collar. 

He only widened his eyes when I managed to pull him up from the floor, forcing him to stand on his feet, and pushed him against the tree.

However, he didn't want to reveal his shock and, to hide it from me, he quickly put his poker face again, while glaring at me. "Hey, watch out, playboy. You don't want me to ruin your reputation, do you? I think you should let me go." He threatened me and grabbed my hand as a sign for me to release it.

"Playboy"...? Ah, I get it... He's like the others...

I lost all my anger, which right away turned into disappointment, and I let go of him, emotionless. The shorter in front of me just stood there, looking at me admired, as he wasn't expecting me to do that, and I sighed.

"Yeah, you're right, I don't want you to ruin my reputation." I took some steps back, without breaking eye contact with him. But before starting to walk away, finally leaving him all alone, I flashed him a quick and broken smile and said that last one sentence...

"Too bad that it's already totally ruined."

Jimin POV

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting from a playboy...

I kept looking dumbfounded at the guy who was walking away from me... "And who I can clearly see that is struggling a lot to not stop walking to rest and catch his breath... Only to keep his cool and not look bad..." I looked at him with my lips forming a straight line, while inside I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"But I'm sure that he's the playboy everyone talks about... So why didn't he react like any other playboy...? Why did he seem different from them...?" I asked inside my mind, but then I got my thoughts interrupted when I suddenly heard my phone ringing with a new message.

"Who could it be...?" I wondered, as I picked up my smartphone and went to the messages.

"Jiminie~ I need to ask you for a favor~"

"Aish, what does he want now?" I sighed, although, deep inside, I was really happy with the fact he had messaged me and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Just cut the the chase and say it already. -.-"

"So mean ;-; XD Anyway, you probably already heard about that playboy in your school, right? Well, I guess I don't have to say anything more ^-~"

"Ok, ok, I got it. -.-"

"Thanks! ^-^"

I put my phone back in my pocket and took a deep breath. "Why do I have to do these things for him...?" I tiredly rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, at least, thanks to him, I..." I faintly smiled and even blushed with that thought.

"Ok, I'm going to do it!" I confidently told myself and Ifirmly hit my chest at the same time. " I'm going to do it for him! Now, I only need to...!" But then I realized...

"Wait, he's talking about that guy who with I just had a not really that pleasant meeting a while ago..." My confidence dropped right away, as I found myself in a complicated situation. "Dammit..."


How the hell am I supposed to do it now...?


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Dammit, I'm still sick. TTuTT At least, I'm going to miss most of today's classes. \(*-*)/ XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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