New people

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Jimin POV

I walked towards the school's office, as I needed to know my schedule and get my new dorm's keys.

I guess I shouldn't have slept outside for so long, as the class was already almost starting, but it wasn't like I actually cared. It was my first day anyway, so I could use that as an excuse in case I arrived late.

I arrived to my destination and knocked firmly on the office entrance's door and waited for an answer from the other side, until I got a lazy "Come in".

After getting that person's permission, I entered the room where a woman was sitting behind a desk full of papers, with some books and with a computer. She didn't look up at me nor took her eyes from the nails she was currently polishing, ignoring completely my existence.

In the background was another girl entertained on a second computer and making inhuman - not to mention, terrifying - sounds which started scaring me. For brief moments I actually thought she was going to have a heart attack right there, at any moment...

"Hey...?" I said quietly after watching what was happening right in front of my eyes. "Is she okay...?" I asked and the woman in front of me turned around to face the other with a serious and annoyed expression.

"Hey, bitch! You're making the new student embarrassed! Go fangirl to somewhere else!" She shouted at her, despite the fact she was right next to her.

"B-but "Number One - Vmin" sequel is finally out a-and...! C-can you believe tha-" She started saying but got interrupted right away by the other.

"Shhhhhh, don't give me spoilers or I'm going to kill! Go read that on your phone in another place, preferably really far way from here!" She commanded and the other, sulky, stuck her tongue out.

"Ok, ok, I'm going now! Have fun with the new hot guy!" She said shamelessly and left the room, already with her phone on her hand, slamming the door behind her. The other sighed and turned around to face me again, while forcing a plastic and ugly smile.

"She's okay, don't worry. She uses the computers to read fanfics almost all the time, but she does her job too and helps many times in my work." She started defending her "helper" and saying good things about her.

"She's the one who organizes everything and puts the papers, books back in their place." She told me, but then we both glared at the table right in front of us, which was all messy, with papers and books everywhere. "If only she did her job right..." She mumbled under her breath.

"Anyway, I don't know which is your dorm. The computer doesn't work and it will take me forever to find the information I'm looking for in this pile of papers." She told me, without really being interested about the subject nor concerned about that one impasse. "So... Should I just come another hour...?" I awkwardly asked her, kinda hesitant.

"Yeah. No, wait! Give me a second..." She opened the closest drawer to her and took a random key. "Take this key. You're in room..." She stopped in mid-sentence to look at the number printed on the key.

"69 room? Yeah, that's it. I hope you get along with your new roommate and bla bla bla. Here's the schedule too, you can go now." She said coldly and got back to her nails, forgetting my presence once again.

"Okay... Thanks, I guess..." I awkwardly thanked her and stood up to quickly leave the room in silence after. "Well, I think I won't be as late as I was expecting..." I thought at first, but I guess I was wrong, because it took me forever to find the classroom, as I was still new in the school...

When I finally found my classroom, I knocked at the door and got inside, making everyone's eyes lay on me. It's not like I got nervous or anything like that, I kinda liked that type of attention. "I can get used to this~" I thought smugly.

"Sorry for arriving late, I couldn't find the classroom." I apologized and gave them my usual eye smile, which made the girls gasp and start whispering good things about me, kinda loudly.

"OMG, his smile! He has such a cute smile and face! And OMG, OMG! Can you see his abs even with his shirt covering them?!" I started hearing them (girls and I think even boys too) having mini heart attacks and fangirling/fanboying over me.

I just stayed here, with my fake smile, while I waited for the teacher to manage to make everyone quiet and to start speaking.

"Are you the new student?" He said and I nodded in response. "Oh, welcome! I hope you are already enjoying our school!" He welcomed me with a simple smile.

"But I wasn't expecting you to belong to this class. Let me see your schedule." He told me and I gave him the piece of paper he asked for. He took it from my hand and analyzed it in silence, before saying something.

"Sorry, this isn't your schedule, they gave you the wrong one." He said and everyone gave a "Oh..." of disappointment and sadness, as they wanted me to belong to their class.

Dammit, that bitch gave me a random key and the wrong schedule...

"Wait, let me see if I can find your schedule in the computer of this classroom. Every computer in school currently has a copy of the schedules, as the girls in the office are just too incompetent to do something right and already did this mistake before... So many times." Hesincerely told me, without even trying to hide the - obvious - truth from me, and I hummed back in response.

So, I leaned on the wall, while I kept waiting for my schedule in silence, until the class started talking and making conversation with me.

"Hey, you're new here, aren't you?" A girl on one of the front seats asked me and I nodded. "My name is Jimin, it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled widely at her, making her involuntary blush a little.

"Hi, Jimin. I hope you're liking the school. And it's a shame you can't be in our class. We would love to have you here." The other next to her said and smiled at me.

"Don't worry, even if we aren't from the same class, we can still hang out someti-" I started saying nicely when I suddenly got interrupted.

"Hey, new guy!" A guy in the background yelled, catching my and everyone's attention.

"You shouldn't talk nor stay next to the girls from this class. They will only be around you, try to be your friend, just to get a chance to have sex with you, you know? I recommend you to stay away from them." He said loudly and put his arms behind his head, leaning on the chair and giving a provoking smirk to everyone.

"Who the hell are you to tell us that?!" Another girl in the class started speaking and turned around to face him with an angry expression, being followed by other girls, like the ones that were in front of me, doing the same.

"Yeah, who the hell do you think you are?! You're the one who accepts to fuck everyone, despite who that person is, their gender or their age!" One said already with her teeth tightly clenched in rage.

"So shut up!" Another continued. "You are just a sex toy to everyone, Jungkook!" She finished saying and he smirked even more.

"You say that now, but you loved to play with this slutty and dirty toy and even moaned for more of it before. Well, actually not only you, but also everyone else~" He smugly said and everyone immediately started shouting, yelling at him, while that guy only kept grinning cockily and watching all the chaos he had just created himself inside the classroom.

Damn, how the hell did I end up in this situation...?

I kept looking in disbelief to what was happening right in front of me, until the teacher finally spoke. "Quiet, everyone!" He harshlyyelled and, fortunately, that was enough to make all the students stop talking and get calmer.

"Anyway... I found your schedule. Your classroom is at the end of the hallway. I don't have the schedule on paper right now, so just stay around your classmates to not end up lost, while you don't get one." He told me and I nodded, thanking him and saying goodbye to everyone after.

But before finally leaving the classroom, I gave a quick glance to that guy called Jungkook and, for surprise, I noticed he wasn't smirking anymore, but was actually staring intensively at the floor, with a huge, although discreet, frown on his face, that passed unnoticed to everyone...

Hum...? Weird...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm no longer sick. \(*-*)/ Yay. \(*-*)/ XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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