New people pt.2

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Jimin POV

I left that classroom and walked to my actual one, where my first class was indeed taking place at and where I was going to meet my new classmates.

Actually, I wasn't nervous or anything like that to see who would be the people I was going to pass - hopefully - all year with.

...Even because I knew I wouldn't need to be worried about ending up in the playboy's classroom, as he was two years older than me.

Such cliché like ending up in the classroom of the person you are somehow "interested in" - despite the fact I truly don't care about him at all and actually hate people like him more than anything - can be actually useful, but it's just annoying.

I just hate this kind of "coincidences" that I keep having constantly in my life so much! But at least that wouldn't happen this time.

I knocked at the right door and after asking permission to enter, which was given quickly, I entered inside quietly. "Oh, I guess I don't know anyone from this classroom..." I thought, as I looked around and didn't see any familiar face.

"Sorry for being so late, I got into some problems before arriving here and it took me a while to find the classroom." I apologized by the second time today and the teacher stopped writing the lesson on the board, to started talking with me.

"Don't worry, it's okay. You must be the new student, right?" She asked with a calm smile and I nodded back. "Well, I hope you enjoy your time in this school. Please, introduce yourself to your new classmates." She asked me and I started speaking to everyone in the classroom.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin. It's my first year in this school, so I hope I can have a good year with all of you you and make new frien-" I started making a quick and simple introduction, but suddenly I got interrupted...

"Sorry for interrupting you, Jimin, but wait a little, that I need to do something kinda urgent..." She said and turned around to face all the students. "So..." She took a deep breath, before continuing...

"Wake up, you fucking lazyass idiot!" She yelled and suddenly a guy groaned in the background.

"Hum...? Where did that groan come from...?" I looked around, looking for that guy that had just groaned, until I saw a person with a familiar bright blond hair lifting his head lazily, behind a guy in the third line of the tables.

Oh, please don't tell me that he's... That playboy!

He totally lifted his head, revealing his grumpy face, as he was upset for the teacher having wakened him up. "What?" Was everything he said with a angry glare and the teacher just sighed. "Aish, will you ever change...?" She rolled her eyes and decided to just ignore him.

Why is he here?! He shouldn't be in my class, he's even two years older than me! So why?! Why...?

I kept glaring at him, with my fists clenched discreetly, and after a while we made eye contact. He gave me a blank look, making me only angrier, and suddenly stuck out his tongue, provoking inside me a deep rage.

"Fucking playboy..." I mumbled under my breath, to not let anyone hear it, and the teacher turned her attention back to me.

"Anyway... Now you can finish your introduction, Jimin." She said with a small smile and I did as I was told to.

"Well, I just hope I can be friends with you all." I finished my introduction and gave them my special eye smile, that, exactly like it had happened before in the other classroom, made all the students start drooling over me. I smirked discreetly with that sight in front of me.

See, playboy~? Do you see how everyone acts around me~? Do you see how I attract everyone's eyes and attention~? You should watch out and keep an eye on me, because I may take your place, steal your popularity and destroy your reputation more quickly than you're expecting~

"And I bet you're all scared now~" I kept acting all cocky inside my mind and glanced over him with a smug look after, until I noticed...

He's sleeping again...


Go to hell, worthless playboy!


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry if the chapters start to get shorter from now on. ;-; I'm still going to try to not make them too short, ok? ;-;

And if you want, I can update the next chapter tomorrow, as this chapter wasn't as big as the usual. TTuTT Please, say that you don't want. TTuTT XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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