New people pt.3

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Yesterday was my dog's birthday! \(*^*)/ My mom even made a cake with a picture of him. *Q* XD

(And by the way, sorry for only udpating now, I forgot that I had to update today e.e' XD)


Jimin POV

Go to hell, worthless playboy! I yelled inside my mind and clenched my fists even tighter.

"OK, Jimin. You can sit now at the window, next to the guy who just felt asleep again." She said and I nodded, while I kept making all my efforts to smile in front of her and of all my classmates.

I walked to my seat, ignoring everyone's gaze and attention on me without even realizing, as I was totally focused in the guy I hated already so much, although this was still my first day in this school.

I sat on my chair, without stopping glaring at the playboy who rudely didn't care about me and ignored totally my existence - and of everyone else -, making me get more and more upset.

However I tried to not think about him and to just ignore him, as I didn't want anyone to notice my anger - because it would give everyone a bad image of me -, and I started trying to pay attention to the lesson...

...Well, I tried at least for a few minutes, because after a while I had already given up and started looking outside the window, to try to not fall asleep with the boring lesson...

"Hi, Jimin!" Suddenly the person in front of me turned around and called my name, startling me slightly, as I was distracted and not expecting him to do that all of the sudden.

"Oh, sorry for scaring you, I just didn't know how to start a conversation with you." He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"No, it's okay. " I quickly got my cool back and gave him a small smile. "Hehe, if you say so. By the way, I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you. I hope you like this school." He smiled widely and I thanked him.

"And also... That guy that doesn't give a shit about anything and pass all the time sleeping is Yoongi, my best friend." He said while he pointed to the blonde next to me.

Right when I realized who was the person he was talking about, I hissed angrily and cursed under my breath, of course discretely, to not let him hear me. But unfortunately he managed to notice all my actions...

"Oh, so you already know him?" He asked surprised and I slowly nodded back and answered him back with a hesitant "Yeah, kinda...".

"Really?! I wasn't expecting that! My Yoongi is really popular, isn't he~? You only arrived in this school today and he already talked with you~ I didn't expect less from him!" He said cheerfully, almost having a fanboy attack for some strange reason, while I kept looking at him with an unpleasant expression.

"But I guess it wasn't a good meeting, right~? You don't seem to happy about it right now~" He said playfully. "Oh, can't you see that I'm happy? Look at my smile." I said ironically and gave him the most false, forced and ridiculous smile ever seen, making him laugh uncontrollably.

"Hey, Hoe and Jimin, just shut up for a while, ok?!" She scolded us and we apologized right away. "Wait... Hoe...?" I asked inside my mind and, almost like he had read my thoughts, he nodded and told me that it was only a "friendly" nickname. I didn't feel satisfied with his answer, but I didn't make any more questions about his "friendly nickname"...

"Well, I better pay attention to the lesson now or the teacher will get really angry at me." He said but, before turning around and pay attention to the class, he decided to tell me those last things...

"Ah, and don't worry about that guy right next to you. He can act all cold and everything in the beginning, but he's can actually be nice with his true friends."

How can someone be a true friend with a playboy...?! How can a playboy have true friends...?! How can a playboy be a nice person...?! Bullshit...!

"Well, at least, that's what happened with me." He finished saying and finally turned around to face the board.

I don't like this guy...


...He's strange.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm addicted to make covers now. TTuTT I don't even have any plot for them, I just keep making them. TTuTT XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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