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Jimin POV

~ Ding dong ~ (N/A: Stop, comment section! >-< XD)

Finally the annoying class ended! I just couldn't stand to be there any longer! Even because, despite the fact that the lesson was already boring, I had the playboy sleeping right next to me too! Why doesn't anyone, like the teacher, stop him from doing that?! Well, I guess I kinda know why now...

- Flashback -

"Please write this down, that it's important and you will need to remember it for the next test." The teacher told us and everyone started writing on their notebooks the formula already written on the board.

We could hear everyone's pencils and pens moving quickly and touching firmly the paper, but another sound kept echoing in the classroom and, after a while, it started annoying me quite a lot...

"Where the hell is that sound coming from?" I wondered already pissed off and stopped writing, to search for the source of that irritating and unfortunately repetitive noise.

I looked around me carefully, attentive to everything, until I discovered where all that was coming from...

As sleeping wasn't bad enough, the fucking playboy is snoring too!? I screamed inside my mind, already full of rage.

"Why doesn't anyone do or say something about it?! There's no way they can't hear him! He's just being so damn loud!" I wondered in shock and anger.

"There's better be someone that says something about him being snoring so loud and forces him to wake up, or I'm going to lose my mind!" I thought and, after calming myself down a little, decided to see if anyone would complain about that guy's behave.

However, sadly, no one said anything and the snores only got noisier...

"They're totally ignoring him!" I kept shouting in my head, with my calm and patient already missing, and I couldn't hide my emotions inside me anymore.

"Ok, I can't take this anymore! I'm going to wake him up!" I told myself impatient and started moving slightly my table closer to his, to able to reach him and wake him up in one of the most unpleasant ways.

When I felt like I was already close enough to him, I stopped moving the table and took a few moments to analyse my situation and see if the teacher could notice what I was doing.

After being sure that she couldn't see me from her angle, I smirked and, when I got back to that hateful guy, I came across with his peaceful, and actually attractive, sleeping face.

When I finally got back from my thoughts, I was already glaring at him and studying his features. "He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping..." I thought while I moved away his hair that stubbornly kept covering his eyes, carefully to not wake him up just yet.

"I..." I kept staring intensively at his calm face. "I..." I involuntarily moved closer to him. "I... I'm going to enjoy so much to wake him up and take away from this fucking bastard his so loved and peaceful sleep!" I won a malicious smirk right away, after having those devilish thoughts in my mind.

I turned my body slightly to the side, to be in a better position and have a better angle of his face, and softly touched the spot on his forehead, that I had chosen carefully to be where I was going to hit him on.

I laughed quietly, just by imagining the face he was going to make after, and I took a few moments to prepare myself to give him a finger-flick. I took a deep breath and started counting down quietly.

Three... I started nervous and even kinda excited.

Two... I whispered and bit my lip anxiously.

One... I closed my eyes, with a kinda childish smirk, and finally hit him.

I giggled, still with my eyes closed, and waited for his reaction. But as I didn't hear or got anything from him, I slowly opened my eyes, seeing after the blond glaring at me really mad and with his hand grabbing mine tightly and kinda painfully, in the middle of the air.

"I didn't manage to hit his forehead... He stopped me..." I looked at him with my eyes widened in shock and I gulped nervously, as I didn't know what to say and he actually looked really intimidating.

"What the hell were you trying to do, you fucking idiot?" He asked with a really harsh and rusky voice.

"I d-didn't mean to do t-that..." I stuttered weakly, as I was actually getting scared, because of the piercing and murderer glare that he kept giving me and because of his tight and bruising grip on my hand.

"Answer me!" He commanded even more upset and impatient and I tried hesitantly to free from his grip, as I had already given up in getting a excuse for what I was trying to do, but surprisingly, and unfortunately, I failed...


He's going to kill me...

- End of the Flashback -

"Seriously, I wasn't expecting him to be like that or to actually have so much strength! He even left an ugly bruise on my hand!" I complained about everything that had just happened, while I kept rubbing my bruised hand.

"I can't believe that playboy managed to intimate me and that I even was afraid of him! There it goes my pride! Dammit!" I punched the closet walk to me with the other hand, leaving now my two hands bruised, but I decided to just ignore the pain.

"And what was going to happen to me in there?! I don't even want to imagine it! I only managed to survive thanks to Hoseok, that notice what was happening behind him, between me and Yoongi..." I scratched my head nervously.

"...I guess I was lucky this time, but I can't just rely in my luck all the time and in the others... I need to be careful next time..." I thought and let out a deep sigh.

"Anyway, I should thank him." I thought and kept making my way to the canteen to get my lunch. "Maybe he's already in the canteen or in the cafeteria. I'm going to look for him in those two places and-"

"Jimin!" I heard someone behind me shouting my name and running in my direction. "And speaking of the devil..." I turned around to face a running Hoseok that stopped right in front of me, feeling really fatigued and panting heavily.

"Oh, Hoseok, I was looking for you! I wanted to thank you for saving me from Yoongi back then, so... Thank you so much!" I thanked sincerely, with my unique eye smile, and he only nodded, as he was still trying to catch his breath. Only a few moments later, he started speaking.

"You don't need to thank me, I only did my job: stop that idiot from killing people." He initially smiled, but then discreetly rolled his eyes, making me chuckle.

"Anyway, I was looking for you because there are some guys at the entrance waiting for you." He started warning me.

"You should go to there, maybe you know them. I only remember one of them saying "We are waiting for the most jamless person in this school.", but I don't know what he meant by that..." He told me and, right away, I won a silly and huge smile on my face and my eyes started sparkling in excitement.

"Really?!" I asked already feeling really happy and I started running to the entrance, without asking anything more to Hoseok, and leaving him all alone there.

"Thanks, Hoseok!" I shouted from the other side of the hallway and, after finally losing sight of him, I didn't looked back again neither got my attention caught by anything else.

I can't believe this...!

I kept running, totally ignoring my surrounding, and with my mind totally focused in something else, focused in seeing them.

After a few minutes, I had finally arrived at my destination and, as I was already expecting, after looking carefully at every place in the entrance of the school, I found the people I wanted to see the most waiting there for me, making me smile even wider involuntary...

...They are here!


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm going to my friends' party today! \(*-*)/ Yupi! \(*-*)/ XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

- Danielar

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