Old friends

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Jimin POV

They are here!

I ran towards the people that were waiting for me in the entrance and jumped on them, getting them in a group hug and startling them at the same time.

"Ah, Jimin! Why the hell did you do that?! Get off me, you're fucking heavy, whale!" The one with orange hair said, while he tried to push me off him, but still playfully.

"Hihihi, sorry, Tae!" I apologized with a huge and silly smile, letting out several chuckles, which made him chuckle too in the end.

"Hey, hey! Why the hell did you only say sorry to Taehyung?! There are other people here that deserve a true apologize too!" The other with silver hair said upset.

"Oh yeah, I had forgotten! Please forgive me for getting to apologize to you and for jumping on you... Jin!" I ignored totally the guy that was before complaining and started talking with the brown-colored hair guy next to me.

"Hey, I was talking about me too!" The taller kept annoying me and I stuck out my tongue in response.

"Do you really think I'm going to say sorry to someone that calls me jamless?! Are you kidding me?!" I told him and he gave me a provoking half smile. "I'm just telling the truth." He said teasingly and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm just going to ignore you from now on." I said, while I childishly turned my face away, and they started laughing, making me pout and feel grumpy, as they were making fun of me.

Only after a while, they stopped laughing and calmed down, giving me finally my turn to speak.

"Anyway, why did you come here? Oh, you miss me and you wanted to see me more than anything, that's it? Don't worry, I was already expecting that~" I said all cocky, but they interrupted me right away. "Stop dreaming, dumbass!" Tae hit my head, making me flinch and get even more sulky.

"We came here to see your school. Everyone says that this school is way better than ours and we wanted to see by our own eyes if that's really true." Jin spoke for everyone. "Oh, ok then..." I started faking a sad expression, to make them sorry for me.

"...I thought I had true friends, but I guess I was wrong... Well, I'm going now... Bye..." I started forcing a couple sniffs and walking away slowly, but, as I was already expecting, they stopped me before I could leave.

"We are just messing with you, kid." Namjoon grabbed me by my neck and ruffled playfully my hair after.

"Hey, stop treating me like a kid!" I yelled at him and hit his hand away. "Grow and then I will think about it." He said with a wide and hateful smirk, that made me frown and get upset.

"Shut up! I don't care about you neither about what you say anymore. Just fuck off now, that I'm going to show the school to Tae and Jin and I don't want to have to babysit you." I told him in a really upset tone of voice.

"Have a good day!" I finished saying coldly and grabbed the Tae and Jin's wrists, pulling them with me inside the school, in a quick pace, and leaving Namjoon all alone at the entrance.

"Ah, wait for me!" He screamed and started chasing us. "Ah, stop chasing us, you fucking creep!" I yelled back.

"No! Come back here then!" He shouted in the distance and, before we could even notice, we were running away from him and giggling like little kids.


"Damn, how aren't you tired?" I asked the guy that managed to catch us and that wasn't panting heavily or sweating one single bit like us.

"What were you expecting? You need to have a great physical resistance to be able to dance like me." He acted all cocky and started doing his famous weird dance.

"Ok... Let's just get done with this quickly, because I still didn't have lunch..." I said while I tried to erase that thing he called "dance" from my mind.

"You can have lunch while we put the conversation in day. We already ate before coming here anyway, so it's okay." Jin told me and I hugged him right away.

"Jin, you're the only one nice here!" I shouted playfully and he hugged me back, ruffling my hair softly at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah." He chuckled, but, right away Tae grabbed me from behind and Namjoon pulled Jin away from me, breaking our hug and separating us two.

"Jealous?" We both asked and they blushed, making us laugh. "Stop laughing!" Tae and Namjoon yelled really embarrassed and we kept giggling and making fun of those two idiots that were acting all shy in front of us.

"Anyway..." I started speaking after calming myself down. "Let's go to the canteen, I'm starving." I told them and they nodded, following me and walking behind me to the canteen after.

However, in the way, we got our attention caught by a group of students making a scene right in middle of the hallway...

"What the hell is happening there?" Namjoon asked curiously. "I don't know, but I want to see! Let's go!" Tae said excited.

And so, me and Tae decided to walk towards the crowd, to see what was happening, without even noticing that Namjoon had dragged Jin to somewhere else.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Well, I think I don't have anything to say today... e.e' XD Anyway... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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