Conflict pt.1

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Jimin POV

We walked towards the people and started hearing the discussion.

"You fucking bastard! What did I tell you about getting closer to my girl again?! Did you forget it or do I need to refresh that memory of yours?!" A guy yelled in the middle of the crowd.

"Ah, I can't see anything! What's happening?" I asked Tae, while I kept jumping in the same place to try to see what was happening behind all those people.

"Shorty~" I heard him mutter provokingly and I gave him a death glare, making him chuckle and lift his hands in surrender.

"Can you at least see something or what?" I asked him and he shook his head, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Idiot..." I mumbled under my breath quite loudly, without caring if he had heard it or not, and turned my attention back to the scene that was taking place in middle of all those people.

"Sorry, I may have a excellent memory, but I prefer to use it for things useful and important, not to remember what a worthless guy says." The second guy responded back coldly, pissing off the other.

Wait, I think I know this voice...

"What did you just say?!" He started shouting really loudly, only calling more people's attention like that.

"I fucking dare you to say that again, you piece of shi-" He yelled at the other's face but for, some strange reason, he stopped mid sentence and I somehow managed to hear him gulp nervously.

"I-I'm n-not scared of you!" I could hear the first guy's voice all broken and imagine him easily trying to hide and not show his fear to anyone, mainly to the supposedly scary guy right in front of him.

"Then why are you shaking? Then why are you stuttering? Then why don't you punch me?" He asked him in a provoking, but still cold, tone of voice.

"Just admit it, you are only a pussy too insecure and scared to accept that the fault of you not being good enough for your girl and of her stopping liking you is only yours and not of anyone else." He started throwing all those painful words mercilessly at the other's face.

"...Now grow some balls and move on with your life, ok?" He finished saying, making the other burst in an uncontrollable rage and not be able to hold back his anger anymore.

"You fucking..." He yelled and I guess he was going to punch him, but, before he could even have time to do that, he got suddenly interrupted...

"Stop!" A girl yelled in the other side of the hallway and started running to where those two guys were fighting.

"Babe..." The guy that was before yelling whispered, now more calm, after seeing her. "Oh, oh, Tae! That must be that guy's girlfriend!" I told him while I grabbed his sleeve and kept pulling it down, to call his attention.

"Yeah, yeah, but be quiet now. The fun part is just starting." He said and tried to do a malicious smirk, but it looked so silly and poorly done, that made me laugh at the idiot expression he was doing.

"Shut up and let me listen to them." He hit my arm softly and I stuck out my tongue playfully at him, before turning my attention back to what was happening next to us.

We saw the girl entering the crowd, with her arms separated apart, as she was going to get someone in a hug, and her boyfriend must have seen her actions, because he started acting all cocky and smug.

"See~? I told you that she didn't truly care about you and that she wouldn't ever leave me~" He said with a provoking tone, while the other just stayed quiet.

"And sorry for making you see such an ugly side of me, babe. I promise to not react like this ever again. Come here." He put his focus in his girlfriend and acted all sweet with her. But then an uncomfortable and strange silence took over the hallway...

"W-what?" He whispered and we could hear his voice losing his strength quickly in despair. "What's happening?" I asked Tae and he just shrugged and told me to wait patiently, to see what would happen next.

"Why...?" The girl's boyfriend asked in shock, before starting to speak in a tone much louder than the one he had just used. "Why?! Why the hell are you hugging that bastard?!" He shouted out loud with a harsh and really angry tone of voice.

"Just shut up, deep shit head! Don't fucking dare to talk to him like that and to try to punch him ever again! He's someone that people care about, not a useless and annoying guy like you!" The girl yelled back, with no mercy, and I could imagine how bad that guy felt, even by the way he started talking after.

"B-But babe..." He tried to say it the most firmly possible, but failed miserably, as uncontrollable sobs started taking over his voice. "I t-thought y-"

"Stop calling me babe, it's disgusting when it comes from your mouth. I don't want to have anything to do with someone that makes me feel sick just by looking at his face like you." She interrupted him coldly, hurting him even more with her severe words.

"Well... I-If y-you say so..." He whispered weakly and started walking away with quick steps, without saying anything more.

"Poor guy." I said inside my mind, actually feeling sorry for him. "At least, I'm finally going to see the other guy's face now." I thought at first...

...But I guess I was wrong, because everyone started talking with him and asking if he was okay, getting between me and him and taking away from me my chance to finally see him.

"Dammit!" I clenched my teeth, as I was already feeling really upset and impatient. "Tae, can you see how's the guy?" I asked him and he gave a sign to wait, that he would see what he could do.

"Let me see..." He muttered and started jumping around, hoping he could see how that guy was and describe him to me after.

And then he suddenly stopped jumping and I could swear that, for a few moments, he was with his eyes widened for some strange reason. But it must had been only my imagination...

"So, so, Tae?! Did you manage to see how he is?!" I asked with high hopes, but, sadly, he shook his head in response.

"No, I didn't. There's still too many people here and most of them are taller than me." He said with a small pout, that actually looked cute on him and that never failed to give me a huge desire to mess with him.

“Who was the short one here~?” I started teasing with him, but unfortunately he then lost his playful pout, revealing instead a provoking expression.

“Did you forget that I’m taller than you? You are still the short one here, idiot.” He said harshly, intentionally to hurt my pride, but I decided to just pretend that I hadn't heard it.

“Anyway…” I hopelessly tried to change subject, to an one that didn't involve height, but I guess my voice denounced myself and my true intentions got so obvious, that it made him start chuckling with my silly behave.

Of course, I ended up by gigging too and, only after a while, I continued what we were talking just a while ago.

“Do you want to wait a little longer or should we just get something to eat in the canteen? “ I asked him, as I could feel my hunger growing little by little and turning insupportably huge.

“It’s not worth it to wait, I think all these people surrounding him won't go away too soon. Let’s just go have lunch, I’m starting to feel hungry again too~” He licked his lips and made a failed attempt of a provoking expression, making me then laugh.

“And I bet you also want that~ I can hear your stomach rumbling, you know~?” He smirked and I started feeling kinda embarrassed, but I tried to not show it. “Ok, ok! Food it is!” I said cheerfully and we started making our way to the canteen, until we finally realized…

Wait… Where are Namjoon and Jin…?


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Feeling too lazy to think in something to say today. e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)
- Danielar

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