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Namjoon POV

"H-hey, Namjoon...!" Jin said hesitantly, while I grabbed his wrist tightly and dragged him through the hallway. "W-where are we going...?" He asked, but I just ignored him and kept walking without saying any word and without even looking at him.

"H-how about Jimin a-and Tae, Namjoon...? W-we can't just leave t-them behind like that... What if they are worried...? They must be looking for us and asking themselves about where we are right now...!" He kept talking with his shaky and weak voice.

"How about we go back now...? Jimin still has lots of things to tell us...!" He tried to convince me to get back to where Jimin and Tae were, but, as I kept without saying anything, he realized that nothing would change my mind and that he hadn't any other choice than accept to follow me.

He kept walking behind me in silence to where I was dragging him to and, as we arrived to the entrance of a dark room, I pulled him inside with me and locked the door behind me, making him gulp nervously and quite loudly to that empty place.

"N-namjoon...? W-what are you doing...? W-why did you bring me here...? W-why are we here all alone...?" He asked almost in a whisper, surprisingly without struggling against my grip still on his wrist, and I decided to finally speak.

"So, who were you trying to make jealous~?" I asked him with a provoking tone of voice and I walked towards him with a really obvious malicious grin, making him take some hesitant steps back and move discreetly away from me.

"A-ah, what are you t-talking about...? I was just kidding...! Y-you actually thought that I meant to make you jealous...?! You're s-so silly...! Hahaha...! Haha... Ha..." He laughed nervously until he started losing his voice when he felt himself getting cornered in one of the corners of the room.

"Really~? Because it almost looked like you were trying to mess around with me and to provoke me back then~" I kept moving closer to him and I noticed him slightly widening his eyes when he felt his back hit the wall behind him, leaving him without anywhere to go.

"N-no...! Y-you got it wrong...! It's just m-misunderstanding...!" He kept stuttering while he looked around to try to find an escape route and an opportunity to run away, still carefully to not let me notice his actions and realize his intentions, but hopelessly, as l already knew really well what he was trying to do.

"Oh, so you're telling me now that I'm wrong~? Then what you were truly trying to do~? Answer me~" I asked him and pinned him on the wall right away, to make now totally impossible for him to get any chance to run away, what he was trying to get so desperately already for a good while.

"I-I..." He tried to find an excuse, but I could see clearly that he wasn't being able to think in one. "You...~?" I kept teasing with him and I could hear perfectly his shaky and nervous breath, with how close we were already to each other.

"I... I..." He continued repeating that nervously, in a tentative to get more time to think in something to get him out of that situation. I just kept watching attentively his actions and analyzing his features in silence, and, eventually, I started finding funny his embarrassed expression and laughing quite loudly...

"Hahaha! You're so cute and silly, Jinnie!" I said, while I tried to hold back my laughs and while I covered my mouth, to not make him mad at me, but actually his reaction was different than the one I was expecting first...

"Now..." He whispered and, now that I was laughing and with my guard down, he used that chance to run away and try to leave the room. However, before he could even touch the knob of the door, I grabbed his arm and pulled him in a tight hug.

"Where do you think you are going~?" I asked him, while a really bright blush started appearing on his cheeks. "You aren't going anywhere without me." I pressed our bodies closer and, as he felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter every second, he hid his face on my shoulder to not let me see it.

"Jinnie~ Please, don't hide your beautiful face... I want to see it~" I told him and grabbed his chin carefully, to lift his head and to make him look at me, but he hit my hand right away.

"Why do you keep teasing with me? Stop it already!" He started hitting my chest repetitively, while I chuckled with his cute actions. "Jinnie~" I called his name again while I played with my voice to provoke him even more.

"Stop it!" He repeated, but before he could start hitting me again, I grabbed his wrists and pulled out a serious expression. "You want me to stop?" I asked firmly and I could see that he was starting to feel intimidated with my tone of voice and my expression.

"Y-yeah...!" He tried to say it confidently, but his shaky voice didn't give him permission to do it. "Oh, really? Then..." I started speaking while I let go off his wrists and wrapped my arms around his waist. "T-then...?" He asked weakly, without fighting against my sudden hug.

"...Don't hug anyone else except me..." I leaned my face closer, forcing him to look at me in my eyes. "And don't ever play with my emotions again too..." I whispered still without breaking eye contact with him and, before he could have time to say something or even react in any way, I suddenly pressed my lips onto his, creating a true kiss.

My sudden actions startled him at first, but he started corresponding the kiss back right away. Between the skillful movements of our lips together, I got his body closer to mine and he locked his fingers on my hair involuntary, making the kiss even more passionate.

I licked his lower lip to ask for entrance, which he gave me right away, and I slipped my tongue inside his mouth. I touch every corner of his hot cavern, without leaving anything untouched, until I reached to his tongue.

We started fighting for dominance and, as we were both actually already expecting, I won that pleasurable battle in the end. I started sucking his tongue, making him moan quietly with my skillful actions and involuntary let out many sounds that were music for my ears, and so, we only broke our kiss when we were in need of air.

"...Because you are only mine." I finished saying firmly, making him blush madly and get really embarrassed after hearing those words. "Hey, why are you making that expression? You should already know this really well, right~?" I teased with him and he hit my arm softly.

"S-shut up!" He said with a small pout and I chuckled with how cute he looked with that expression, making him, in the end, chuckle too.

"Anyway, should we go back?" Jin asked and I calmly shook my head in response. "No, let's stay here. I want to stay alone with you for a little more..." I said sincerely and he nodded with his cheeks already getting with a slight tone of crimson.

Sorry, Jin...

"Jin..." I whispered his name quietly. "Namjoon..." He whispered back and, before we could even notice, we were already kissing each other again unstoppably.

...I'm really sorry, Jin... Sorry for hiding things from you again... But I have no other choice... You know I only do these things to protect you... And this case is no different...

"At least, I..." I thought, with a piercing frown started getting visible on my face, but that he fortunately couldn't see, as he was with his eyes closed during our kisses.



New chapters. \(*-*)/ Were they already dating? e.e' I don't even know. e.e' XD Well, why not? e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

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