Conflict pt.2

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Jimin POV

I was already having lunch, with Tae sitting next to me, when Jin and Namjoon came, with their hair all messy and their lips really red, swollen and even with some visible bits on them.

"Where the hell were you? And also doing by the way...?" I asked with a disgusting face, after seeing the state they were in the moment, while Tae just started laughing like the stupid person he is.

"They were having fun, can't you see~?" Tae said with a wide and perverted grin, making the others blush bright red, and I hit his arm to make him stop being like that with them.

"Shut up and leave them alone! At least, they're not a forever alone that doesn't get laid and that decides to annoy the few persons that still hang out with him, all the time, like you!" I insulted him to see if he would be quiet for a while, giving Namjoon and Jin their turn to laugh.

"Hey, you say that, but you aren't any different!" He protested, still really embarrassed and giving death stares to us three.

"Really~? Are you sure~? Then let's try something~" I told him provocatively and then I picked a spoon, to throw it discreetly to the floor, like it had just slipped from my fingers without me wanting.

"Ops, my spoon felt on the floor! Where did it go~? I hope someone can help me~" I said it out loud, making everyone turn their attention to me and the spoon.

Right away everyone there stood up and ran towards the object that was on the floor, to grab it and give it back to me. And that's how the chaos started taking over the canteen...

"Oh..." Was everything the three managed to say, in awe, while they couldn't move their eyes away from the war happening right around them and from the people there ridiculously fighting just to be them the one giving me back that piece of metal.

But, eventually - and fortunately - a girl managed to pick it up for me and gave it to me carefully, putting an end to all that.

"Thanks." I thanked her with my old eye smile, making her start to blush madly right away, and then she walked away shyly.

"See~? I told you~" I said with a huge smug smirk, but I guess he didn't want to accept defeat just yet. "But still...!" He continued stubbornly complaining. "...I don't see you getting laid or anything like that!"

"Oh, that's because..." I started explaining, but I interrupted my own sentence right away, when I felt my cheeks getting hotter.

"Own, my little baby is in love!" Jin exclaimed cheerfully after seeing a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. "So, so...! Who's the lucky one?!" He asked impatiently, as he was dying to know, making me feel more and more embarrassed.

"I'm n-not in l-love with a-anyone!" I stuttered unintentional, making them share smirks between each other. "Well, even if you don't tell us, we will end up by find out anyway~" Namjoon said with his creepy and provoking grin. "Good luck with that..." I whispered while I looked away.

...Because neither do I know who that person is...


"Don't you have to go now? Lunch break is almost over and I know you still have classes this afternoon." I asked them while we walked by the main hallway. "We still have some time left, our lunch break is longer today." Tae answered.

"Oh, and you decided to spend your free time with me? You're so nice~" I said jokingly, even if I already knew that they would start act all mean with me right away. "It's just that we don't have anything to do." Tae told me, to provoke me.

"I already knew that you were going to say that..." I mumbled under my breath, but still loud enough for him to hear, while I started pouting like a little grumpy kid.

"So why do you keep saying that we are nice if you already know that~? Are you a masochistic or what?" He asked and laughed after seeing my huge frown creeping out.

"Can't you stay quiet for at least a few seconds? You're really annoying!" I told him upset, but then something caught our attention...

"You fucking bitch!" Suddenly we heard someone shouting angrily, in the end of the hallway. "Damn, everyone in this school is so friendly!" Namjoon said sarcastically with his old creepy and weird expression, that never failed to give me shivers.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just see what's happening." I said impatiently and they followed me to where that person's voice had coming from.

"What did I tell you about getting around my girl?!" We started hearing more clearly what he was saying and also some unusual sounds that I didn't manage to recognise right away.

"I guess my warnings weren't enough! Thanks to you, I lost my girlfriend! But don't bore yourself to feel sorry now, it's too late anyway!" He yelled more and more loudly, and then I realized...

...Those unusual sounds were punches and kicks...

"Look at yourself right now! You are all alone and miserable and no one here cares enough about you to come here and save you! So what are you going to do now?! Cry, beg for me to stop? Just give up, none of those things will be enough to make me stop!"

As we got closer, we started being able to see what was happening: a guy kicking the other on the stomach, while the other just stayed there lying on the floor receiving all the kicks and the pain, without doing anything to stop him.

"You make me sick!" He kept shouting and kicking him, but suddenly the other grabbed his foot, stopping the kicks temporarily.

"Fuck... you..." He said weakly, between the heavy panting and the painful coughs, making the taller get even angrier. "What the fuck did you just say?!" He yelled with more rage than before. "You will regret this, you fucking-"

"Hey." I interrupted him, before he could start stepping on the other's face. "What are you doing?" I asked while the four of us stared coldly at him and kept sending him death glares.

"Because, whatever you are trying to do, you better stop it now before it's too late... For your own good..." I warned him, as a dark atmosphere started surrounding us.

"Tsk." Was everything he said, before chicken out of there with quick steps. "Hmph, fucking pussy...!" I mumbled under my breath and then I turned my attention to the guy on the floor. "Hey, do you need help?" I asked with my usual eye smile and my hand stretched in his direction.

But then I realized...

"Wait, I know you..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry, but I think I'm going to stop updating every two days. :/

It's just that I don't want to force myself to write everyday, even when I don't feel like writing at all, or to even have to stay up until really late just to have the chapter ready to update next day. :/

Now I will only update when I have the chapter truly ready, so that I can take my time writing without having to stress myself out. The chapter can take the usual two days, three days or four days to be out, but I promise it won't be more than that. I hope you understand. :/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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