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Jimin POV

"Wait, I know you..." I widened my eyes, as I realized...

"You're that guy... Jungkook!" I said his name right away, after analysing his features and recognizing his face.

"Yeah..." He smiled back, but still with a broken, faint and forced smile, because of the huge bruise he had on his left cheek, and he picked my hand slowly, to have some support to be able to stand up.

I helped him to get up and he almost felt on the floor again, because of how weak he felt and with pain in every part of his body, but I managed to catch him before that, wrapping my arms around him and letting him lean his body on mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked him worried, but he ignored totally my question and just rested his head on my shoulder without answering me.

"You..." He whispered weakly on my ear, between his faint and heavy breath. "I...?" I asked him while I tried carefully to get him in a better and more comfortable position.

"...You remind me of him..."

He finished saying and then passed out.


"Is he going to be okay?" I hesitantly asked the nurse and she flashed a sweet smile. "Yes, just give him some rest and he will be okay in no time." She told me, making me more relieved.

"And sorry, I have something important to do and I need to go for a few minutes. If you want, you can stay here watching over him. I think your friend would be way happier seeing that he isn't alone when he wakes up and that you are still here for him." She said nicely and I nodded, watching her leaving the room after.

"You can go now too. I don't want to hold you back any longer, your classes will start soon." I told to the three that stayed there in silence. "Can we really just go like that? Will you be okay by your own?" Jin asked me with a worried expression.

"Damn, Jin, you sound like my mom! You don't need to worry, I grew up and now I can take care of myself, ok?" I said with a playful tone of voice and with a true smile growing little by little.

"I doubt about the part of growing, but I got the message..." Namjoon said with his little annoying smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Just fucking go." I said coldly to him, making them laugh, except for Tae that just kept looking away with a huge frown. After noticing his expression, I smirked and got closer to him, before starting speaking again.

"TaeTae, for someone that didn't want to come to see me, you are really upset about leaving now~ Why did you change your mind so suddenly~?" I played with my voice to tease with him.

"Shut up! I don't care, I'm leaving now! Bye!" He said all grumpy and left the room, making me let out a few chuckles. "Wait for us, idiot! " Jin yelled and started chasing the other.

"Bye, Jimin!" Jin stopped right at the entrance of the room for a few seconds and told me goodbye, while he waved at me cheerfully, to then go after Tae, leaving me all alone with Namjoon.

"Well, I better be going, they surely won't wait for me." He laughed and, after telling me goodbye, he started walking away calmly. However he stopped right at the door and, without turning around to face, he spoke...

"By the way, Jimin..." He said, still with his back facing me, and with a really harsh, deep and low voice, making me know that what he was going to say was something to be taken really seriously.

"What...?" I asked hesitantly, but still with a serious tone, and then he finally said those last words, before leaving me all alone in that white room...

"We know."


They know...




"Humm..." I suddenly heard low and in pain groan, making my attention get caught by the person right beside of me.

"Oh, Jungkook! You're finally awake!" I said with a wide smile and he weakly smiled back. "Y-yeah..." He whispered with his head lowered and I sat on the bed he was laying on, right next to him.

"Hum...? What's wrong...? Do your bruises still hurt...?" I asked worried and concerned about him, but then he shook his head in response. "That's not it..." He started saying faintly and took a deep breath before continuing.

"Sorry for making you all worried about someone like me, a nobody that only brings problems to everyone around me..." He started unexpectedly apologizing all of the sudden.

"What? What are you talking about?! You're none of that! I may still not truly know you, but I can already tell that you are a really nice guy!" I started saying everything that was going through my mind.

"So, don't say that ever again and think instead good things about yourself!" I told him, in a tentative to convince him to stop bringing himself down, but I guess I failed in doing that...

"Exactly..." He looked away...

"You don't know me..."

...He said with a surprisingly truly emotionless expression and I frowned slightly with his answer. "What did I already tell you? Just stop acting all emo and cheer up, idiot!" I grabbed his shoulders and moved my face closer to his, to force him to look at me in the eyes.

I gave him a serious look, without breaking eye contact with him, and he looked shocked at me for a while. However his shock started fading away and instead a cold expression started taking over his face.

"I was right, you are different from everyone else in this school... You are like him..." He muttered weakly and lowered his head. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked, but, as I was somehow already expecting, he didn't answer me.

"Why...? Why?" He started "thinking out loud" and acting kinda crazy, while I just stayed there, having my existence and presence totally forgotten by him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him hesitantly, but he ignored me once more and kept talking alone. "Just why do you have to be like this...?" He kept making those weird questions and I started feeling impatient.

"Jungkook, stop ignoring me and answer me." I ordered him with a harsh, severe, but also worried, tone of voice, and he looked up with his teeth shut in rage and with his fists discreetly clenched.

"Then fuck me."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm going to try to make a FMV. TTuTT Wish me good luck. TTuTT XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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