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Jimin POV

"Fuck me." He pleaded and grabbed my shirt's collar, to then pull me closer and smash his lips on mine.

His actions startled me at first, but then, right when I realized what he was doing, I pushed him away and broke that sudden kiss.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at him and he lowered his head, without giving me as answer right away and letting a painful silence surround us.

"Jungkook...?" I asked hesitantly, as I started getting worried with if I had been too harsh with him.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you-" I started apologizing, but I suddenly got interrupted as he grabbed my wrists and pinned down on the bed, topping me and pressing his body against mine.

"Why did you break our kiss?" He asked with a deep and low voice, while his hair covered slightly his eyes and gave him a dark atmosphere.

"Why don't you want to fuck me? Am I not good enough for you?" He continued with his now surprisingly really husky voice and started provokingly moving his leg between my thighs and pressing it on my crotch.

"I can be your sex toy, if you desire it that way. I can give you more pleasure than anyone else and make you feel things that you never felt before with anyone else. You can use me however you wish and make me do whatever you want, that I will do it without complaining." He leaned his face closer and tightened his grip on my wrists, to not let me run away.

"You probably already heard how good I am..." He whispered seductively on my ear. "...But I rather show you in person and let you experience the whole thing by your own." He finished saying and moved his face closer again to start kissing me deeply.

However, right when I felt his lips on mine, I pushed him again, making him this time fall on the floor on the side of his body.

"What's wrong with you?! Why the hell do you keep acting like that?!" I started yelling at him, while he just kept sitting on the floor and rubbing the part of his body that he had just painfully hit the floor with.

"Just stop it, I won't fuck you or anything like that!" I kept shouting, ignoring totally the fact that I had hurt him when I pushed him off me and that there was a high possibility that people could hear form the hallway. Only after a good while, he stood up and started speaking...

"Is that so...? Do you really mean everything that you just said...?" He whispered sinisterly, sending several shivers through my body, but I decided to just ignore them. "Yeah, I meant all that." I said firmly and I heard him letting out a discreet and angry "Tsk.".

"Really...?" He asked again, while he kept slightly frowning, without caring with if I could see it or not, and locking his piercing gaze on mine.

"Then I only need to make you change your mind." He said confidently, maybe even too confidently. "What...?" I asked hesitantly, as he started glaring at me with a somehow scary look.

"I will make you want to fuck me more than anything else. You will see, just wait." He finished saying and he left the room right away, without giving me time to respond him back, and leaving me all alone there.

"What...?" I kept staring at the door for which Jungkook had left through.

What the hell just happened...?


Jungkook POV

Dammit, dammit, dammit...

I walked in a quick pace to my hiding spot: a small classroom that no one ever used it and that was almost abandoned by everyone in the school.

It was really dusty and dirty, as the cleaners of the school didn't care one single bit about that room and totally ignored it, but I didn't mind that at all.

Even if it was in really bad shape and with a dark and unpleasant atmosphere, that place was always my resource to try to calm myself down and to forget everything that was troubling me at the moment, in my worst times. However I hated that place with all my heart...

"Dammit! Why the hell is this happening all over again?!"

...Because it kept reminding me of so many things I didn't want to remember...

I finally arrived my destination and I quickly got inside the room, closing the door behind me and leaning my back on the closest wall to me, to then let my body slide slowly through it and fall emotionless on the floor.

"Fuck! Why did he had to be like he used to be?! Why did he had to remind me of him?!" I shouted and punched angrily the floor, hurting my hand quite a lot, as I exaggerated in the strength I had put in the punch.

I flinched with the sudden pain that made me feel even more upset with everything that was happening, but somehow I managed to calm myself down after.

"There's no use to keep getting angry like this anymore, it isn't worth it now... It won't bring any good..." I whispered weakly and ruffled my hair frustratedly, before lowering my head and landing my eyes on my lower zone. "Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath...


I sighed when, as I was already expecting, found myself with a boner, that unfortunately my pants still let really obvious and that didn't seem that it would go away so easily.

"Why does this keep happening to me...? Why does my body keep reacting like this when I think in him...? Why can't I just get over it and forget him already...?" I muttered faintly, while I felt a deep sadness taking over my mind.

"I hate this... It's so painful... But I just don't know how to stop now..." I muttered and I started unbuttoning and unzipping my pants, to then let my slide cold fingers under my boxers and start touching and stroking my hard member.

I let out several moans, that were just too painful for even my own ears, with that sinful pleasure, letting my touch take over me and my mind.

"Why...?" I whispered between my shameful moans, while I kept touching myself "painfully" with my hands, in pleasurable and repetitive movements, and trying to get rid of my boner with that sensation which I was already used to feel almost every day because of him...

Just why...? Why can't I take you out of my mind...?


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I think everyone in this fanfic is fucked up in a certain way... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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