I must...

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Jimin POV

"Dammit! This is still only my first day in this school and it already happened so much!" I ruffled my hair frustrated, while I kept walking back to my classroom with a discreet frown.

"I met new and really strange people... I ended up in the same class of the guy I had a first awful impression - as I was already expecting - early in the day and that I wanted the less to see... My old friends came to see me and we watched to two fights... And guy tried to fuck me in the nurse's office.." I started remembering everything that had happened today.

"So many things happened..." I let out a nervous and deep breath. "What the hell is going to happen more to me today...? I don't even want to know..." I sighed annoyed and then I finally arrived my destination, where my classmates were chatting with each other and the teacher wasn't nowhere to be found.

"I guess I'm still early." I thought and I decided to just walk to my spot next to the window and sit on my chair, while the teacher didn't come.

Right when I stepped inside the classroom, everyone noticed my presence and I felt their hungry eyes on me, along with whispers saying good things about me, making me smirk with that sight.

"I think it will be way easier to take the playboy's place than I was expecting~" I thought with a provoking grin at first, but then my expression changed to an upset and annoyed one.

"Well, it's not like he cares about it and is stopping me or doing anything against my actions..." I sat on my chair and glanced angrily over the guy who was sleeping, with his arms and head resting in the table, again right next to me.

"At least, he's different from all the playboys I met until today... Finally, an unusual and special cliché...!" I thought kinda admired and fascinated at first, but, right when I realized what I was thinking, I shook my head roughly to take those thoughts out of my mind.

"No! He's like any other cliché! I can't start saying things like unusual and special clichés! There's no such thing like that!" I bought my hands to my head and locked my fingers on my hair frustratedly.

"The clichés are all the same! And that's why I must them...! That's why I must hate him...!" I bit my lower lip nervously and with strength, making it almost bleed and making me start feeling a piercing pain growing slowly on that zone, but I decided to just ignore it.

"I must hate it... I must hate it...! I must hate it!" I kept shouting inside my mind, letting my thoughts take over me without even noticing. "I hate it so much! Hate it! Hate it! Hate! And that's why I will hate it forever-"

"Jimin!" I snapped out of my painful thoughts when I noticed Hoseok in front of me, calling out my name. "Damn, you were really spacing out! I'm trying to talk with you for a good while! There's something troubling you?" He asked worried and I gave him a little smile, as a sign to tell him to not worry.

"Sorry, I was distracted." I laughed nervously after lying to him, but be continued with a worried expression. "But really... It's everything okay? I noticed that you were frowning and everything... " He asked again and I nodded in response, still with the same simple and fake smile.

"I'm okay, don't worry. I'm just with a slight headache." I insisted in telling him that I was okay and he sighed in surrender. "You're really stubborn..." He said with an actually cute pout growing little by little. "I know." I answered with a smirk and he stuck his tongue out playfully.

"That's not a good thing, idiot." He hit my head softly and we started laughing. "Anyway... What were you doing during lunch break and before coming back here, to our classroom? I couldn't find you anywhere." He asked curiously.

"I was with my old friends, showing them the school and mainly talking with them." I told him, hiding totally from him the event that had just happened a few minutes ago, between me and Jungkook.

"Ah, you are talking about those guys that were waiting for you at the entrance?" He asked and I nodded back. "Yeah, why?"

"Actually I had already seen them before. I used to be in their school." He told me with a simple but true smile. "Oh, oh, did they recognize you?" I asked him cheerfully, but he unfortunately shook his head in response.

"No, even because we never had a true conversation or anything like that. We only saw each other a few times in school, but I never got the courage to talk with them all those times." He said and I let out a "Oh..." full of disappointment.

"Well, I was already expecting them to not recognize me too anyway. They were really popular and I was a no one in that school." He told me, while he laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey, don't say that!" I pouted, making him chuckle with my grumpy expression. "Ok, ok, I won't say it again." He ruffled my hair playfully, while he both giggled, but then, before we could continue talking, the teacher arrived.

"Students, get back to your seats and open your books. Class is starting." She said firmly and everyone did as they were told.

"Well, we better pay attention to class, because this teacher throws whatever she has in her hands at the face of any student that isn't listening to her." He said, while he let out some quiet laughs. (N/A: Exactly how it happens in my brother's physical chemist classes, where the teacher throws pens at them without any mercy XD I kinda feel sorry for him e.e' XD)

"Thanks for the warning." I laughed back and then he turned around to face the board and pay attention to the class. However he didn't just finish there...

"Ah, and by the way, Jimin..." He started saying, but without turning around and still with his back facing me. "Yeah?" I asked him, while I waited for him to finally finished his sentence.

And so, he said that last word and didn't speak with me for the rest of the lesson...






New chapter. \(*-*)/ Why doesn't Sony Vegas Pro work on my computer? ;-; Dammit, I needed it ;-;

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)
- Danielar

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