Questions pt.1

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Jimin POV

"Damn, when will this lesson be over already...?" I asked inside my mind, already feeling really impatient, and I let out an annoyed sigh. "This is so boring...! I'm almost falling asleep...!" I stretched my arms discreetly and yawned, as I started feeling sleepy.

"And the playboy next to me isn't helping at all..." I glanced over the guy who was unsurprisingly sleeping. "No wonder he is in the same year as me, he must have failed so many years like this." I thought after giving him a cold glare.

"And I can't talk with Hoseok too because of this teacher...!" I looked over the guy in front of me who was pretending to pay attention to class, just like me.

"This crazy old woman, that calls herself teacher, threw a pen at a guy's face just because he asked for a fucking rubber to the person on his left! And he still has a red mark on his cheek with the form of the pen!" I looked quickly to the last victim of that teacher and frowned.

"Is this teacher out of her mind?! And what the hell is the director of this school doing, to be hiring people like her, like those women in the office or like even the cleaners that this school has currently and that don't do a damn thing?!" I asked mentally, while I clenched my teeth in anger.

"No one here can do anything useful, not even the damn director!" I yelled in my mind, as a deep rage started taking place inside me, but I managed to stop her in time and to calm myself down. I sighed.

"I hate this school... It fucking sucks... Why did I have to come here anyway...? I hate everything so much..." I thought weakly and lowered my head for a few moments, until I remembered...

"Yeah, I almost forgot... I'm not doing this for nothing... I'm doing all this, because..." I lifted my head and clenched my fists tightly, to try to cheer me up and make me continue with determination. (N/A: Jimin, please stay determined... >-< XD *References* e.e XD)

" I need this more than anything... I need this...! And that's why I won't give up and never will...! Jesh, I'm so idiot for forgetting it...!" I let out several quiet laughs and, after finishing laughing, I stayed with a faint and discreet smile on my face.

"I'm so idiot, ain't I...?" I whispered weakly, still with my somehow forced smile. "But I know I'm not going to change.... I guess I don't have any other choice than just accept this and live with it-"

"Students!" Suddenly the teacher shouted, startling everyone and interrupting my thoughts. "Aff, I knew no one was paying attention to me." She sighed after seeing everyone's terrified face.

“So, does anyone know the answer to this question?” She asked the students, but none of us answered, making her slight angry.

“No one knows the answer?” She asked again and the silence took over the class again. But then another sound started being heard clearly in that now quiet classroom…

Yeah, it was the playboy snoring...

“And who the hell is sleeping and snoring?” She asked angrily and I grinned maliciously. “The playboy screwed up, the teacher is going to kill him! I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next!” I started feeling all happy, as I knew the guy I hated the most was going to be severely punished by the teacher.

“I want to see you trying to get out of this situation now, you fucking dumbass~” I smirked even more, while I turned my gaze back to him for a few moments. “Good luck~” I whispered provokingly, even knowing he wouldn’t hear me, as he was still sleeping.

The teacher ran her eyes through everyone in the classroom until she spotted him in the background sleeping. “You again?!” She yelled and almost as an impulse, she threw at him the pen she was holding at the moment, with no mercy.

Everyone followed the movements of the pen in the air, including me, who was watching everything attentively and was finding the scene really fun, but then the unexpected happened…

...Unfortunately, right when that “murder weapon” was almost hitting him, he lifted his head and he grabbed the pen in the middle of the air, before it could even touch him.

Afterwards, he glared at the object in his hand and send cold and mad stares to all the people in that room, especially to the teacher. “I think you lost this, teacher.” He said harshly and threw the pen back to the teacher.

“Be more careful, this school doesn't have enough pens for you to keep throwing them. You should give the example to your students, you know that?” He told his teacher, without caring one single about talking with her with respect, the one who had power upon him and everyone else in there.

“Oh, really?! You seem to know really well what you are talking about!” She started speaking all sarcastically. “As you know so many things, why don’t you answer the question on the board? I will forgive your bad and disrespectful behavior if you give me the right answer.” She started suggesting.

“But if you don’t give me an answer good enough for me, I will make you be suspended for several days and maybe even get expulsed from this school, as this isn’t our first time warning you about his and telling you to change.” She threatened him, making everything way more interesting for me.

“You lost, idiot~ There’s no way you’re going to be able to answer it! No one knows the answer, this teacher doesn’t accept just any answer and also doesn't play around, and you weren’t even paying attention to the class! Just give up already~” I said inside my mind, without taking my gaze away from him.

“So, can you answer me or not? Hurry up, we don’t have all day.” She repeated severely, putting more pressure on him purposely, while the other surprisingly just stayed there with a blank expression.

“Sorry, but I guess this is a goodbye, playboy~” I whispered in a playful tone and chuckled involuntary after.

And so, then...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Happy birthday, Suga!!! \(>-<)/ I'm not late, am I...? e.e' XD

I'm going to have French test today. TTuTT Wish me luck. TTuTT

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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