Questions pt.2

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Jimin POV

"Bye bye, playboy~" I whispered in a playful tone and chuckled, still without taking my eyes away from him. "See you one day~"

And so, then...


He gave the right answer...




"What?! How the hell did he manage to answer?! I didn't even know the response to the question and he gave a perfect one without any mistakes!" I asked inside my mind while I looked in shock to the guy who was still with a blank expression.

Actually I wasn't the only one shocked there, but in truth the teacher and everyone in the classroom was. Well, I guess almost everyone because...

"Pfft... Hahahaha!"

Hoseok was laughing quietly in front of me, unnoticeable to all the people in there except me. Then I heard him mutter something like "He didn't change at all." or "He's still the same.", but I didn't hear it clearly enough to be sure. I decided to just not think about it and to only focus in what was happening around me.

"Yes, I guess you gave the right answer..." She whispered still dumbfounded, like all of us, with what had just happened.

"Yeah, I know." He said coldly and then he laid his head again on his arms, that were still resting above the table, ignoring everyone around, even the teacher, and falling asleep right away. She let out a discreet "Tsk." and decided to just ignore him and continued the lesson.

"How did all this happen?! Is he actually smart and know a lot without even paying attention to the classes?! Then why is he in this classroom and not in the one she should truly belong to?!" I wondered, feeling a mixture of shock and anger, as I had just lost my perfect chance to watch the playboy leave the school and never have to see him again.

"I need answers! And now!" I shouted inside my mind. I moved closer to the guy sleeping and grabbed his sleeve, to pull it repeatedly and to wake him up. "Hey, playboy!" I tried to get his attention.

"How did you managed to answer that question...!? Why are you in this class if you are that smart...?!" I half yelled, half whispered, and then he groaned lazily, showing me that he had woken up.

He lifted his head slowly, making me even more impatient to get the answers I wanted so much and so desperately to have, and he locked his piercing gaze on me, but still without saying anything.

I gulped nervously after noticing the cold look he was giving me, but I decided to just speak and ask him again.

"Answer me...! How did you know the response to that question...?! Why are you here if-?!" I started asking firmly, but, before I could even finish asking, I suddenly I got interrupted...

"Who the hell are you?"

...He asked harshly, making me widen my eyes in shock with that weird and sudden question, and then he hit my hand away coldly and kinda painful.


Taehyung POV

"Tae, you've been frowning quite a lot since you left Jimin's school so suddenly. What's wrong?" Jin asked worried, while we walked side by side and while he kept holding hands with Namjoon.

"You've been all friendly with Namjoon lately too and you don't see me making questions." I responded back harshly, making Jin blush a little, but, in the case of Namjoon, making him frown.

"Tae." Namjoon said with a husky voice and with a low, somehow scary, tone of voice, making me feel a little nervous and making me kinda regret saying that.

"Y-yeah...?" I asked hesitantly and I noticed him sighing discreetly, before starting to speak. "You shouldn't get so angry with Jin, he's only worried about you, just like me."

"Yeah, I know..." I scratched my head nervously and let out a deep breath. "Sorry, guys... It's just I'm kinda stressed, because of the exams we are going to have next week." I shamelessly lied to them, hoping they would believe on my lie.

"Oh, its ok, Tae! I forgive you!" Jin said cheerfully, with a true, happy and silly grin on his face, and I smiled back. Thanks." I thanked him and we kept walking to our classroom, as the class was going to start soon. However, suddenly Jin stopped walking...

"Ah, wait! I'm going to buy something to eat before, I'm starving! See you later in the classroom!" Jin shouted energetically, like I was already expecting as the subject of our conversation was now food.

"But, Jin..." I started talking. "...We just had lunch a while ag-" But before I could even finish my sentence, he had started running away and was already really far away from us, ignoring totally what I was saying.

"Dammit, is that idiot ever going to change...?" I mumbled under my breath and Namjoon laughed after seeing my annoyed expression.

"And you! Stop laughing!" I hit his arm, making him laugh even more, and I sighed, while he tried to calm himself down. I kept sending him angry looks during all that time and only after a while he started speaking.

"Well, I guess we should get ahead and go to our classroom. He won't be back too soon." I said playfully and I nodded, but still with a grumpy attitude and expression around him.

"Ok, ok! And sorry for laughing at you! I won't do that again." He finally apologized, making a silly grin grow on my face. "That's better~" I played with my voice, to make it sound even more provoking, and he rolled his eyes playfully.

We started walking to our classroom without sharing any word and both in total silence, what was actually really strange, as we always had something to day or to talk about.

Now we only could hear the sound of our steps echoing through the hallway, making me get really anxious little by little...

And as that wasn't enough, I kept noticing Namjoon’s expression getting more and more serious, as we kept walking, for some reason.

I started feeling kinda nervous, as the atmosphere around us seemed to get a lot darker as the time passed, but I decided to just ignore it.

“It must be nothing… Maybe it’s just my imagination… Yeah, that’s probably it…!” I tried to convince myself and decided just not think more about it, as Namjoon seemed to keep being quiet for a while...

...Until, unfortunately, he finally spoke and made the question I wanted the less to hear and to have to answer...

"You saw him too, didn't you...?"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Dammit, why is the number of votes decreasing? TTuTT Please vote TTuTT

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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