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Jimin POV

"What? You don't remember me?" I asked shocked and, as he didn't answer me and stayed all quiet, without showing any kind of emotion, I guess he was really telling me the truth.

"Really? I'm the new student! We even met before the classes had started today, early in the morning! I was the one who was sleeping "supposedly" on your "so known" sleeping spot!"

...I started telling him all that, in a tentative to make him remember me, but he only blinked clueless, as he kept giving me his usual cold glare.

"You really forgot me...?" I asked dumfounded, as I couldn't believe that he actually didn't have any memory of me all of the sudden, and he nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I forgot you..." He started saying, while his cold look started turning into a dark and even scarier glare.

"...Because you're not important."

...He told me with a really low tone of voice, giving me shivers just by hearing his voice and looking at the expression he was making. But only after a few moments, I realized what he had just said and I started frowning quite a lot...

"I'm not important...?" I asked angrily, almost like what he had just said hit me right in my pride and my weak spot. "Yes, you heard it right, midget." He said provokingly and I clenched my fists in rage.

"Midget?! I'm not a fucking midget and I have a fucking name, you know?" I told him already really upset, as he was pissing me off quite a lot.

"I don't remember your name and I couldn't care less about it." He responded back harshly, still with his annoying poker face.

"Whatever, playboy." I tried to pretend that I wasn't angry with all that and I just turned around, in the opposite direction of the guy I hated more than anything, to look outside the window and try to calm myself down.

"Why do I even bore myself in talking with him?! I don't care one single bit about him or about what he says!" I started "convincing" myself.

"If he remembers me or not, if he remembers my name or not, it doesn't' matter to me! He doesn't mean anything to me! So, that's why I shouldn't be this angry about it!" I bit my lower lip nervously unconsciously.

"He's like one of all those idiot you find anywhere around you! He only managed to answer that question by luck, nothing more, nothing less! Someone that can't even remember someone's name or face, can't be that smart!" I kept frowning more and more.

"He's like any other cliché and that's why I hate him! He's a cliché and that's why I shouldn't even think about him! He's a cliché and that's why I must ignore him and erase him from my mind! He's a cliché and that why-" I suddenly stopped myself mid-sentence right when I noticed my dark expression in my reflex pictured on the window.

I glared at the ugly image of my face right in front of me and sighed, as I managed to calm myself down slowly. "I keep saying all this, but in the end I still can't stop thinking about him and stop getting mad over it..." I whispered and laid my body on the table weakly.

"I'm the idiot here, not him... Deep inside, I know that..." I muttered weakly and then I hid my face in the space left between my arms. "I want to change..." I let my arms muffle the sound of my words, as I kept letting my thoughts out...

"...But not like this..."

~ Ding dong ~

"Students, class is over. You can go now." The teacher said and started tidying her desk, while the students kept leaving the classroom one by one. I let another deep and nervous breath out.

"Thank god we don't have any more classes today... I just want to go to my dorm and have a good night of sleep!" I stretched my arms over my head and stood up lazily from my chair.

I picked up by backpack from the floor and walked to the exit, where Hoseok was surprisingly waiting for me. " Why did you wait for me? You didn't have to." I told him and he gave me sweet smile.

"I know, but I want to walk with you." He said nicely and I smiled back. "And I doubt you know how to get to your dorm too." He said playfully, although it was true and we both knew that.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." I laughed nervously for a while, before continuing our conversation. "Well... Thanks." I thanked him and chuckled slightly. We then finally left the classroom.

"Do you know already who's your new roommate?" He asked curious, while he guided me to the building with the dorms.

"No, the woman in the office didn't tell and even gave me a random key..." I sighed, with a little frown already growing on my face, and he giggled. "Sorry about that. I know how you feel, it happened the same to me when I came to this school." He told sincerely.

"Wow, I'm in love with this school already!" I said ironically, gaining even more and louder laughs from him. "Don't be like that, it could be worse!" He said between his chuckles. "Yeah, yeah... Whatever you say..." I said angrily, while he kept with a playful and honest grin.

"I'm telling the truth! Yeah, this school has some problems, but everyone here is really friendly!" He said in a tentative to convince me that the school wasn't that bad and that was better than the image I had of it.

However undesired memories, the ones I didn't want to remember more than anything, flashed in my mind.


"Fuck me!"

"I can be your sex toy..."

"...I can give you more pleasure than anyone else..."

"You can use me however you wish..."


"Yeah, I already noticed how friendly people are here..." I mumbled under my breath, while I tried to erase that painful image from my head.

"Damn, why are you so grumpy!? Cheer up! You're going to meet your new roommate, so put a smile on your face!"

And right when he finished saying that, he stopped in front of me and put his index fingers on both sides of my mouth, to then turn them up and to look like I was truly smiling.

"See? Smile like this! You look way more beautiful when you do!" He told me sweetly, with a cheeky and honest smile, and I let out a deep breath in surrender.

"Ok, ok! I will smile." I took his hands away carefully and then I smiled slightly, surprisingly still being enough for Hoseok to get happy and with his eyes sparkling.

"Satisfied?" I asked him and he nodded repetitively and actually cutely. I chuckled after and I ruffled his hair playfully.

"Thank you, Hoseok." I thanked him sincerely for the nth time in the day and I think he blushed a little for a few moments, but I didn't really pay attention as we had just arrived to our destination.

"Oh, we are already here." I said admired with how few time it took us to arrive and with how gigantic the building was.

"Let's get in!" Hoseok said cheerfully and pulled me inside by my arm.


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I finally have Sony Vegas Pro! \(>-<)/ Yupi!!! \(>u<)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),


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