New roommate

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Jimin POV

"What's the number of your room?" Hoseok asked me, while we walked by the main hallway, that actually looked really luxurious for a school and was surprisingly really clean.

"Hum... It's the room 69." I said after checking the number printed in the key. (N/A: Fun fact - I only found out what 69 means a few weeks ago. e.e' XD And yes, was all thanks to Wattpad TTuTT XD Thank you a lot, pervert fanfic writers TTuTT XD)

"69 though..." He muttered pervertly and I hit his head right away. "Ah! Sorry, sorry! I was just kidding!" He apologized playfully and I stuck my tongue out for a few moments in response.

"Well, let's go find your room!" He said and I followed him by the main hallway and by the stairs, until we finally found ourselves in front of the door with the number "69" written on it.

"And here we are! Do you want me to get inside with you?" He suggested, but I shook my head in response.

"No, you already did too much for me. I don't want to hold you back any longer, you should go to your dorm too." I started justifying my answer.

"Really? It's okay if I do that?" He asked again and I nodded to show it was okay. "Ok then. Buy tell me tomorrow who is your roommate, ok?" He said with his silly smile.

"Of course. Thank you for everything, Hoseok! See you tomorrow!" I waved him a goodbye and, after him doing the same back, he started walking away, leaving me all alone in front of the door of my dorm.

"Yeah, I guess he wasn't wrong about this school... There are probably many people here just as nice as him..." I thought and chuckled.

"Well, I guess this is it." I whispered for myself, now with a more serious expression, and I took a deep breath. "Let's find out who is going to be my roommate for the rest of the year."

I unlocked the door in front of me and entered the dorm calmly and with slow steps. I looked around inside that room, until I spotted a guy sat on the couch, watching some kind of show in the TV. And that was when I realized...

You must be kidding me...

Yoongi POV

"Nooooooooooooo!" I suddenly heard someone yelling behind me, startling me. "What the fuck?!" I shouted and looked back, noticing after the new kid of my class at the entrance of the dorm.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and he kept looking terrified at me. "Ah, you're my roommate, that's it?" I asked him and I noticed him flinch with the word "roommate". I guess I was right...

"No no no no no... This can't be happening..." He brought his hands to his head, while he looked in despair to the floor, and I kept staring at that crazy guy without saying anything.

"Are you kidding me?! Why you?! Why it has to be you of all people?! How can such annoying coincidence exist?! This is such a stupid and forced cliché!" He felt on his knees and slowly curled himself in a ball of depression.

Seriously, is he okay...?

"Damn, what is your problem with clichés? Are you a fanboy that is all the time reading fanfics that just got tired of seeing all the same events and clichés happening in the stories?" I asked him and he took his hand away from his head and looked up, before answering.

"Wow, that's really specific. It seems that you really understand a lot about that~" He said and smirked after. "Damn, he can change his personality quickly, can't he...?" I thought and rolled my eyes.

"And it seems you remember me and who I am now quite well. Why that sudden change?" He asked with a provoking grin, to try to piss me off, but I didn't change my expression one single bit.

"So? What's the big deal? I only remember you now because I still didn't sleep since the last time we talked and I had already a faint memory of a weird anti-cliché guy." I started explaining.

"I only connected my temporary memories with your crazy behavior just now, to remember and know who you are. That's it, nothing more than that." I said emotionless, making him look weirdly at me with my way of thinking.

"What are you talking about? You didn't sleep, so you remember? Temporary memories? I don't get any of that..." He said still dumbfounded and I sighed.

"Don't ask, ok...? You won't get it... It's not important anyway, so just forget it..." I told him. "...Even because I probably will forget too sooner or later..." I mumbled under my breath, in a tone of voice too low for him to be able to comprehend my words.

"What...? He asked, as he didn't manage to hear what I had just said, like I was already expecting, and I shook my head slowly.

"No, it's nothing." I answered back and I decided to just change subject, before he could start making more questions.

"Anyway, are you involved with some kind of writer or some kind of story to feel such hate towards clichés?" I asked him and he stood up, like nothing had happened.

"Hum... Yeah, I guess you can say that~" He flashed a cocky smirk, as, for him, I was actually showing interested in him.

However, for the few seconds he stayed with that annoying grin, his provoking expression almost seemed broken and even forced. However, I decided to not question about it.

"Well, whatever. I'm going to forget you after sleeping anyway, so I guess it was nice to meet you." I told him harshly, making him look weirdly at me again, and I started walking away from him, to my bedroom.

"What's the deal with forgetting everything after sleeping? It's that an ill, a disease or what?" He asked and I don't know what look and expression I gave him that moment, but I noticed him widen his eyes in shock and maybe even in fear.

"I don't remember. It has been always like this since I remember, so it's nothing. Now stop annoying me with stupid questions which answers you won't understand." I said coldly and finally left the living room, without letting him say anything more.

"Yeah, it must be nothing..." I whispered for myself, once inside my bedroom, and I let my body fall weakly on the bed. I glared blankly to the white ceiling above me for a while and then, after covering my eyes with my arm, I sighed heavily.

"...It has to..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Holidays are almost starting. *-* Only more two days. *-* Yupi! \(>-<)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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