New roommate pt.2

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Jimin POV

"What did just happen?" I asked inside my mind while I looked dumbfounded to that bedroom's door, which the playboy had slammed behind him just now, before leaving the room where I was inside at the moment.

"Did I ask something I shouldn't have...?" I wondered, as I remembered the expression he had made a few second moments ago.

"If not, then why...? Why did he make such dark and angry, but at the same time kinda sad and slightly scared, look?" I muttered, as the image of his face didn't leave my mind.

"Why...? Just why...?" I kept asking and repeating that same question over and over, almost in a whisper, while I stared blankly to the distance involuntary. However, after a few moments, I realized what I was doing and I shook my head immediately, practically as an unconscious impulse.

"Dammit, here I am thinking about the guy I hate again...!" brought my hands to my head, to then ruffle my hair frustratedly and try to stop having those thoughts about him. "I can't keep like this... ! Because if I do..." I bit my lower lip nervously and kinda roughly.

"...It will be considered a betrayal..."

"...And I won't be able to forgive myself for doing that to him...!" I said out loud, to convince myself of not thinking in the playboy again. So, l decided to just lay down on that white couch in the middle of the living room and close my eyes, to then take all the time I needed to calm myself down.

After a while, seconds, maybe even minutes, I managed to distance my mind from those stressful thoughts and I just sighed while I let my really tense body relax slowly. When I finally felt calm enough, and after opening my eyes calmly, I started letting out weak and sad laughs.

"Damn, I'm so broken...!" I whispered for myself, while I painfully laughed, and, after finishing hurting myself that way, I stayed with a faint smile on my face.

"But at least I have him to fix me now..." I blushed slightly and pool involuntary, as my head started getting full with thoughts of him.

"Well, he probably wouldn't want me to just stay here laying suffering with my silly emotions, so I better get up and do something else to entertain myself for now!" I said confidently but, right when I stood up from the the couch, I heard my stomach rumbling.

"Well, I guess I'm going to have dinner before doing anything else." I thought with a playful grin and I got inside the kitchen localized on the right side of the dorm.

The kitchen was really organized, clean and well equipped, actually for my surprise. It was also bigger than I was expecting and it had the same story and light pattern of white and yellow as the living room, which I kinda liked a lot.

I ran my eyes through every part of the kitchen until I laid my gaze on what I was really interested in, the fridge. I licked my lips slowly and walked towards the machine that held what I treasured the most in the world: food, food and food!

"I wonder what kind of food the playboy has and eats." I thought, as I stopped right in front of the fridge and with hungry eyes. "Well, it doesn't matter, food is food!" I said cheerfully and I opened the fridge's door right away.

However, what I found in front of me was the ugliest and scariest view I had ever seen...

"A... Empty... Fridge?!" I looked terrified to that temple without his important values and beauty. "Food... Is here any food...?" I asked inside my mind and started looking desperately for something edible and that could cease my hunger.

I opened drawers, opened closets, looked everywhere in the kitchen, but I unfortunately couldn't find anything I could eat anywhere. "No food..." I muttered weakly. "There isn't any food..."


"Idiot, where the hell is the food?!" I yelled as I suddenly entered inside the playboy's bedroom, without warning him or even asking for permission.

"I'm fucking hungry, you know?!" I kept shouting at him, while he only stayed there lying on his bed, writing something on his phone and listening to music with his earplugs on.

When he finally noticed my presence, he took his earplugs off and stared blankly, as usual, at me. "What?" He asked emotionless, kinda pissing off with the tone of voice he had just used with me. "Wow, you aren't sleeping... What a surprise..." I said coldly, while my lips formed a straight line.

"Anyway, where's the food? I'm starving." I asked him again. "Food? There isn't any here." He answered me with those painful, and that I never thought I would ever have to hear in my life, words, deeply hurting me inside.

"There isn't any?! Why?!" I asked in shock and he rolled his eyes in response. "So what? I only buy food when I'm hungry and I truly want to eat something." He answered coldly and he got back to his phone and plugged his earplugs on again, ignoring totally my existence.

"Tsk. How can someone survive without having food around them to eat whenever they want? That's humanly impossible and just stupid to try to do." I mumbled under my breath, already a little upset.

"He's probably lying...! He must be hiding the food somewhere for me to not find it and eat it-" I suddenly interrupted my thoughts when I analysed his features and physical appearance.

"He's telling the truth..." I muttered with my eyes widened, as I noticed how his bones pierced through his shirt, even more visible now that he was lying on the bed, and how much skinny he actually was.

“You are still here?” He asked harshly and I decided to just hide my shock from him and just act equally cold with him. “Whatever, I’m just going to buy something for me to eat. FOR ME, ok?!” I accentuated that part to provoke him, but, unfortunately, he didn’t react in any way.

“Ok, bye.” He said, without even taking his eyes off his phone or looking at me, and I decided to just ignore his arrogant behavior.

“Well, goodbye, anorexic dumbass!” I said back childishly, making him lift his eyebrow and look at me by the corner of the eye, with a slightly angry expression.

“What did you call me?” He asked with a scary tone of voice, but before he could even stand up and beat the crap out of me, I quickly left his bedroom and, right away, the dorm, leaving him there all alone.

Only when I arrived outside the building and felt truly safe, I stopped running, as I was already feeling really fatigued and I needed to catch my breath, and I leaned on the nearest wall to have some support and to rest.

“Damn, he can be really skinny, but he is still scary as fuck…” I whispered between my heavy panting, until I realized what was really happening and the gravity of my current situation...

“Wait, he’s going to be my roommate for the rest of the year…?”



New chapter. \(*-*)/ Dammit, holidays just started and I've been sick already. ;-; At least, I feel way better now. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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