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Jimin POV

"Damn, I shouldn't have left the dorm at this hour and all alone...!"

"It's starting to get late and soon it will be really dark for me to see anything and find the way back to the dorms without getting lost...!" I thought, as I started getting regretful for deciding to buy something to eat without even knowing the city well.

"But not only that... The dark...!" I felt more and more anxious and scared, as painful images started popping inside my mind without even my permission.

"I'm scared... I need to get food and return to the dorm quickly..." I said inside my mind, while I walked in quick pace to find the nearest market. "I need to do all that..."

"...Before it is too late..."


"Ok, I think I have everything I need now." I thought as I finished paying everything and had all my shopping already inside the bag.

"Now I just hope that it isn't late and that it still isn't nighttime..." I started getting all nervous, as I didn't know the hours at the time. "Please, let it be day outside..." I took a deep breath and I opened the market's door that leave me to outside.

"..." I slowly took some steps outside and looked around in silence, before finally saying something or reacting in any way...


"Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath, as the sky was pitch black and all my surrounding was really dark, even with the several lights on here outside. "How am I supposed to get back to the dorm like this...?" I asked myself and sighed.

"I guess I don't have any other choice..." I gave up on trying to think in another solution and decided, in the end, to just walk calmly back to the dorm's building.

At first, everything was okay and I even managed to control my fear, but, as I slowly got inside a even darker street, memories I didn't want to remember started taking over my mind.

"Dammit...!" I whispered while a deep headache started painfully taking over me. "It hurts..." I muttered weakly and brought my hands to my head, as the pain kept increasing.

"I'm scared... I'm so scared...!" I whispered as small tears started streaming down through my cheeks without even noticing.

"Not again...!" I bit my lower lip and tried to wipe off my unstoppable tears, but failed miserably, as I was already expecting. "Why does this keep happening to me...?!"

Sniffs started being heard quite well and I leaned my body on the nearest wall to me, to then let myself slowly fall on the floor.

"I wish I could just forget it..." I muttered faintly and, almost as an unconscious impulse, I took my phone from my pocket and went to my phone contacts immediately.

I looked for his number and, right when I found it, I started texting him a message, as I tried to type the quickest possible on the phone with my shaky hands.

"I can't move... I'm scared..."

I sent the message and then I looked blankly to the sky, still without really knowing what I was doing and what was truly happening, while tears kept rolling down through my cheeks.

I hesitantly brought my legs closer to my chest, to then hug them and hid my face on them, in a failed tentative of trying to feel safe.

"Please, answer soon... I don't know for how much longer I can take this..." I whispered weakly and made all my efforts - hopeless in the end - to not let my thoughts take over my mind.

Fortunately, not long afterwards, my phone ringed, warning me that I had just got a message from him and I picked it up right away.

"Idiot, are you all alone in the streets again at this hour of the night?" I read his message and, unconsciously, I started feeling slightly more calm.

"Yeah..." I texted him my current situation, as I already knew it wouldn't do any good to lie to him and as the truth was really obvious for us both. "Aish, what did I already tell you?" He started scolding me and I smiled faintly, as he was showing that was truly worried about me.

"Hahaha... I know, sorry..." I texted him back and I received his message right away. "You are a huge idiot, you know?" I laughed weakly, as he kept scolding me, and, before I could type anything back, he started sending me multiple messages. "Idiot, firstly, stop crying, that I know you are right now."

"Dammit, he knows me too well..." I let out quiet laughs and I decided to do as he told me to. I wiped my tears and, somehow, I slowly managed to stop crying after...

"Secondly, don't be scared, nothing bad will happen to you. The things that scare you the most aren't truly there. They are only inside your mind, it's just your imagination and your memories playing tricks on you." I kept reading his new messages.

"I know that you had a bad time in the past, that you went through some difficult days, but I now also know that you can surpass and fight against those painful memories and that fear you gained from that time."

"That's why I'm helping you, because I know that it's possible and that you can do it. You can win against your fear and your "demons". Just remember, Jimin..." He kept encouraging me and calming me down successfully, what I couldn't do all alone by myself.

"...Everything is okay now."

...Those words did more impact on me than anything else he could have said and I started crying again, but this time not of sadness, but yes of relief. After a while, I cleaned my tears again and texted him back.

"Everything is okay...?" I asked him hesitantly. "Yeah, everything is okay, silly. ^-^ Did you forget it? :P"

"So, don't worry about it, ok? I'm here for you to help you in your worst times and whenever you need my help. I will always be here by your side to protect you, to save you from your thoughts and to help you free from the "cage" you locked yourself inside. Just like I promised you before. And you know I'm a man of my word. e.e"

The mood between us two started getting lighter, as my dark thoughts and tears were already fading away.

"Yeah, yeah, I already know that :P But now, seriously... Thank you... Thank you for everything again..." I texted back, while I kept with a honest smile on my face and with my mind now clear of painful flashbacks.

"What?! What are you talking about? Why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything XD"


"...You already did a lot..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, make a FMV is more difficult than I thought. TTuTT XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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