Is he...?

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Jimin POV

"I think I'm calm enough now to be able to walk back to the dorms in safety." I thought and I finally stood up from the cold floor, but still slowly.

"But my head still hurts a lot...!" I flinched with the pain from the heavy headache I had now and with the sudden dizziness from how weak I was feeling at the moment.

"Well, I guess don't have any other choice than to just bear with it until I arrive to my dorm." I sighed and picked up the bag with all my shopping, to then head back to the dorms' building.

"I kinda feel lonely now..." I muttered for myself, as I looked around and kept seeing people with their friends, their family and all their beloved ones.

I let out a deep breath and continued my way to my dorm, but now with a more cold expression, as all that happiness around me, that seemed really close to me, was actually so far away from me.

I lowered my head, to not look at all those people, at that painful view, and that repetitive and painful thought came once again to my mind.

"...If only you could be here..."


Yoongi POV

"The annoying guy still didn't come back." I suddenly realized when I turned my gaze away from the TV, to the window, and noticed how dark it was already outside.

"He should have been back by now..." I pointed out after looking to the hours in my phone right beside me on the couch.

"Whatever, he's probably okay. The worst thing it could have happened to him was getting raped by one of this school's bitches or getting lost." I quickly stopped worrying about him, as I noticed that it would give too much work and that I would need to stand up from the couch if I decided to look for him.

However, kinda fortunately, a few minutes later I heard the door behind me get unlocked and slowly get opened. "You finally arrived. What took you so long?" I asked him, as I turned around to face him, but then I slightly my eyes in shock...

"Hey... Is everything okay...?" I asked, as I noticed him with a really pale face - even paler than mine, what I always thought it was impossible - and with his eyes tired and really red.

"Why do you care anyway? Just leave me alone." He responded back coldly and walked to the kitchen, slamming the door behind him and ignoring totally my existence in that dorm.

"Ok then..." I said awkwardly and decided to just not question about it, even if everything that had just happened was kinda troubling me inside my mind.

"Something happened..."


I kept watching TV, until I felt bored and decided to see if Jimin was okay.

I lazily stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen's entry, to then look through the medium sized window of glass localized in the middle of the door, which give view to the inside of the other room.

I analyzed closely the kitchen until I lied my eyes on the guy with his head lying on the table and sleeping peacefully, with a plate with rests of his food right next to him.

I silently opened the door and entered that room where only his quiet and peaceful snores could be heard. I glared at him for a while and slowly some malicious thoughts started coming to my mind.

"I could just scare you right now and have my revenge, as you woke me up multiple times in school and annoyed me, your know...?" I muttered, even knowing he wouldn't hear, as he was still asleep.

However, before I could continue planning my revenge, I noticed something covered on the other side of the table. I walked towards it and, when I uncovered that mysterious thing, I found myself in front of a plate full of food still warm.

"That idiot cooked for me...?" I glanced over him and I involuntary gained a little smile.

"I guess I can have my revenge another time." I gave up on that evil idea and got closer to him again, to then pick him up, carefully to not wake him up, and carry him on my back.

"Damn, I should do exercise more often..." I thought as I gave some steps with him on my back and felt really tired and weak right away, even him not being that heavy.

I tried to get him in a better position and I slowly carried him to his bedroom, kinda difficulty, but without giving up.

After climbing the stairs, I calmly lied him on his bed and focused my attention on the guy in front of me for a while. "At least, he isn't annoying when he's sleeping." I muttered and I carefully covered him with the bed sheets.

"I guess the only thing I can do now is eat the food he made for me, as he got all the work to buy the ingredients and cook it. I can't just throw it away." I decided and then I started walking away from him.

However, before getting back downstairs, and right when I was at his bedroom's door, ready to leave, I turned my gaze to the peacefully snoring guy once again for a few moments and whispered for myself...

"Is he really like the others...?"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I love how this is the 20th chapter of the story and we are only on the first day. e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

- Danielar

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