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I made a Yoonmin FMV! \(TuT)/ XD It's awful, isn't it? TTuTT XD At least, I tried...! TTuTT XD


Yoongi POV

I finished eating - after kinda forcing myself to, as it was pretty obvious that I didn't have good food habits and as I didn't like to eat at all - and I cleaned the dishes lazily, but still quickly.

After putting everything in their respective place, I stretched my arms and yawned at the same time, as I started feeling really sleepy. "Damn, I haven't slept since I left school. I better go to my bed now." I thought and I left the kitchen next.

However, when I walked by the living room and was almost entering my bedroom, something caught my attention. "What are these sounds?" I wondered and I heard - what I guess it was, as I wasn't totally sure about it - sniffs coming from upstairs.

I got curious and, so, I decided to find out more about them. I carefully climbed the stairs and, when I was right in front of the door of my new roommate's bedroom, the source of those sounds, I heard something else.

"I'm scared..." The other whispered from the other side, while sniffs kept getting louder and louder. I quietly opened the door, as my curiosity was now just too big and strong, and then I found myself in front of the annoying guy that, at the same time he was sleeping, was crying and talking alone.

"I guess he's having a nightmare right now..." I assumed and my interest in what was happening quickly dropped and disappeared. "Whatever. I'm just going to sleep, I don't have to deal with this." I rolled my eyes rudely.

I started walking away, but then I stopped when I involuntarily started again paying attention to what he was saying still asleep. "Please... I'm scared... " He whispered between his unstoppable sniffs.

"Aff, why did I stop walking...? I'm too tired for this..." I thought and tried to convince myself to just leave him alone, but, before I could even give any more steps towards the door, his words started getting into me.

"Please... Someone... I'm all alone... It's so scary..." He muttered and I suddenly felt a slight, but still piercing, pain in my chest with that one sentence...

"I'm all alone..."

I turned around to then get closer to the sleeping guy once again and stayed in silence for a good while. "He reminds me of how I used to be before..." I realized and I let out a heavy sigh.


"Why am all alone...? Where's everyone...? I hate this...!" His words kept taking over my emotions and I just gave up on trying to ignore him. "I better wake him up." I decided so and grabbed his shoulders carefully, to then shake his body softly.

"Hey, wake up..." I told him calmly, but, in the end, he kept sleeping. "Hey! Wake up!" I shook him more roughly, as I started getting impatient, but then he, instead of waking up, only hugged my arm tightly, while more and more tears kept falling from his eyes.

"Please don't go... I can't stay alone like this... I'm not strong enough to be able to survive through that..." He muttered as his grip on my arm got desperately stronger.

"Ok, I won't go." I answered with a softer tone of voice and sat next to him on the bed, without struggling against his kinda painful grip. "Please don't go..." He repeated again, but this time slightly more calm.

"Shhh, it's okay. I won't go anywhere." I told him, but, when he seemed to be finally okay and to stop crying, he started sweating a lot and he pierced his fingers and his nails more roughly than ever on my arm.

"Who did this?! Who took everything from me?! I know you know who did it! Tell me!" He started suddenly yelling during his sleep, startling me at the same time, as I wasn't expecting him to do that all of the sudden.

"What is he talking about...?" I wondered and I decided to try to calm him down again. "No, no one did anything, no one took anything from you. It's just a nightmare, wake up." I tried to shake him again softly to wake him, but his tight grip didn't let me.

"Why don't you tell me?! You know what I'm talking about, so stop hiding it from me!" I slightly flinched as the pain he was giving me kept slowly growing. "So...! Just tell already!" He finished yelling and then...

...He finally woke up....

Once finally awake, still with tears forming on his eyes, he looked around with a dumbfounded expression, until it started changing to a one more scared, and he gulped nervously.

"A-ah..." He stuttered nervously and had his eyes really widened in shock, as he noticed me right in front of him and noticed himself grabbing my arm without even knowing.

"Sorry...!" He let go off my arm right away, which had the mark of his fingernails that were before piercing on my flesh, and he lowered his head. "Why are you here...?" He asked weakly, still without making eye contact with me.

"You were crying and talking alone, I just ended up by hearing it from downstairs. I came here to see if everything was okay and I assumed you were having nightmare, so I tried to wake you up." I told him the truth, but strangely his expression started getting really serious.

"Why do you care anyway...? You are just a playboy with no feelings like any other...!" He started using a louder, angrier and even more arrogant tone of voice with me, that quickly started making me stop being worried about him.

"You probably had other intentions when you came here, but I don't fucking care about them now! Just leave me alone and don't say anything about this to anyone, you hear me?!" He demanded, totally ignoring the fact that I was actually trying to help him.

"I don't want to have anything to do with an annoying cliché like you! Get out of my life and don't talk with me or try to "help" me ever again, ok?!" He screamed at my face and gave a different intonation to the word "help", making rage, and also disappointment, take over my mind right away.

"You heard me, playboy?!" He asked once again, now giving me a piercing and somehow provoking look, and I bit my lower lip, already feeling really pissed off..

Dammit, why do I keep fooling myself and thinking that it can actually exist someone different from everyone else....?


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Ops, I actually thought that shit was truly going to start happening in this chapter... e.e' XD I guess it will only in the next chapter, so keep waiting~ e.e XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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