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Jimin POV

"Dammit, for how long has he been here...? And why is he here in the first place?!" I asked inside my mind, as I looked in shock to the playboy sitting right beside me, after letting go off his arm quickly.

"As having a nightmare wasn't bad enough, the first person I see right when I wake up is the guy I hate the most!" I clenched my fists angrily with that thought.

I tried to calm myself down, at least a little bit, and then I decided to just get from him the answers to the questions that were still troubling me quite a lot inside my mind.

"Why are you here...?" I asked him, as a slight feeling of distrust started taking over me, and he answered emotionless with a "I'm here to help you", that made me hate him even more than usual right away.

"Lies! There's no way a playboy like him would help someone by his own free will and without wanting something back from that person!" I clenched my teeth unconsciously.

"He must be hiding his true intentions from me! He just doesn't want to tell me, I know it!" I could feel a deep frown forming involuntary on my face.

"You are just a playboy with no feelings like any other! You probably had other intentions when you came here, but I don't fucking care about them now!" I started yelling at him, without giving him any opportunity to speak anything back and, deep inside, without really knowing what I was saying.

"...Just get out of my life and don't talk with me or try to "help" me ever again, ok?!" I finished letting all my emotions out, mainly rage, that was before deeply hidden inside my mind and craving more than anything to let be free.

However, when I got back to my thoughts, calmed myself down and truly analyzed my current situation, I realized everything that I had just said and noticed the expression the playboy was making.

I gulped nervously as I saw a huge scowl taking over his usually cold and poker face. An awkward silence started surrounding us, making get even more nervous, but I tried to gain my courage back and force him to leave the room again.

"Did you fucking hear what I just said? I told you to fuck off and leave me alone!" I repeated firmly again, in a tentative to not show weakness in front of him and to make him walk away without beating the crap out of me.

However, I guess it was too late and there wasn't any turning back now, because he kept immovable, without saying any word, just glaring at coldly at me, as usual, but this time with an expression even colder and scarier than normally.

"Playboy...?" He muttered with a really low and harsh tone of voice, that gave me lots of shivers at the same time. "You hate me because I'm a playboy?" He asked, as his expression went darker and darker as the time seemed to pass too painfully slowly.

"Y-yeah, t-that's why I hate you!" I stuttered a little involuntary, but I tried to keep with my voice and posture as firm as possible. "So, I'm a playboy for you?" He made that weird question and I felt slightly annoyed with it.

"What the hell do you mean with that question?! "For me"?!" I had now totally lost the control over my emotions and my words were all filled with a deep anger and hate.

"It's not "for me", it's for everyone! You are a playboy and will always be be, in everyone's point of view. It's nothing you can just change!" I answered him and he suddenly stood up, making me get slightly surprised with his sudden and unexpected actions.

"What is he planning to do...? Is he really going to leave...?" I wondered in shock, as he started walking away, towards the door of the room.

I smirked right away, as, in the end, I had actually managed to kick him out of my bedroom, without having him beating the crap out of me or anything like that.

But what I didn't know was that...

~ Click ~

...He was walking towards the door to close it, lock it and throw the key away to one of the farthest corners of the room from me....

"H-hey, what a-are you trying t-to d-do...?" I asked hesitantly, as he glared at me with a piercing look and got again closer to me, without answering me or saying anything.

"A-answer me!" I commanded, already quite scared, and I tried to move away from him involuntary. But, right away, before I could do anything else, he grabbed my wrists and pinned on the bed, topping me at the same time.

"W-what...?! What a-are you doing...?!" I asked him nervously, while I tried to free from his grip, but still surprisingly failed to do it in the end.

"What's the surprise? Am I not a playboy?" He finally spoke, but still with a really severe tone of voice and expression. I didn't manage to get the courage to say anything, so I just gulped and stayed there frozen, as deep inside I knew it was just hopeless to keep fighting against him.

I could feel his warm breath hitting my skin, with how close we were, making me feel really anxious at the same time, almost like he was teasing with me. Only after a good while, he started speaking again...

"See? I'm just a playboy like the image you have of me..." He muttered, still with an emotionless, but still somehow slightly angry, expression. "So..." He continued, while he tightened his grip on my wrists on purpose...

"...You can imagine what's going to happen next now..."




New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm in class right now, but I don't remember when was the last time I updated, so I decided to update now... e.e' H-here you go, you're welcome...! e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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