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Taehyung POV

"Ah, I'm so tired..." I jumped on the bed, to let my body rest on it and relax slowly, as I was physically and mentally tired from that long day. However, sadly, my fatigue wasn't going anywhere and I let out a deep breath as, right away, undesired flashbacks popped inside my mind.

"Dammit, why does that guy have to be in the same school as Jimin?!" I yelled annoyed and angry, without caring about loud I was screaming, as I lived alone and I had the dorm all for myself.

"Why all of the people in the world, it had to be him?!" I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it against the wall in front of me, as I tried to release all my rage and thoughts.

"It could have been anyone! But no, it had to be him!" I kept shouting out loud, even if there was a high chance that people outside the dorm could hear me.

"I hate this! I hate this so much!" I yelled one last time, to then finally try to calm myself down and fade with the agitation and rage before stuck inside me and totally taking over my mind.

I sighed and stood up to pick up the pillow from the floor and I threw it back on the bed, along with my body. "Fuck, I need to do something... I need to protect and save Jimin from him... Before it is too late...!"

A heavy anxiety and a faint fear started taking the rage's place little by little, bringing at the same time more and more painful thoughts. "Who knows what he will do to him when I'm not around Jimin to do anything to stop his actions...?" I wondered and, unfortunately, only the worst scenarios came to my mind.

I ruffled my hair frustrated for a few seconds and then I glared blankly to that simple and boring ceiling above. "And why did Namjoon have to see him too...? It would be so much easier if he hadn't..."

I sat up, as I got bored of looking to the ceiling, and I decided to just think in something else to do. I gave it a few seconds, several seconds, many seconds and then minutes...

...But nothing came to my mind and, as that wasn't bad enough, those depressive thoughts weren't going anywhere too. "But also... Why...?" I started asking inside my mind...

"...Why did he have to make that question...?"

- Flashback -

"You saw him too, didn't you?" He asked, while we walked slowly through the hallway, and I widened my eyes in shock right away with the sudden question.

I tried to just ignore it and keep walking, but then he stopped behind me and called my name again with a really serious tone of voice, leaving me without any other choice than just talk with him, and, at least, try to change the subject.

"Ah, sorry! I was distracted, I didn't hear you." I turned around to face him and lied, at the same time I laughed nervously, to see if he would buy it and not start creating suspicions about how I reacted, or better, tried to not react at all.

"You saw him too, didn't you?" Unfortunately, he repeated the question, but I continued with my forced smile. "Who? "Him"? Who are you talking about?" I pretended to look dumbfounded and lost with that vague question, but I guess he managed to look totally through me and my lies.

"Tae." He said my name once again, while a huge frown started growing more and more on his face, and I faded with my "stupid" smile.

"You know who I am talking about. Stop acting like that just to try to hide it, idiot. You just can't hide it... At least, not from me." He told me and I started slowly sculpting a more serious and slightly annoyed expression.

"And you should already know that really well, so just accept it, Tae." He walked towards me again and stopped right in front of me.

"Now, answer me. Did you see him or not? Because, if you did, that would explain why you left Jimin's school so suddenly, without saying anything, and why you have been in such bad mood." He said with a harsh tone of voice and I rolled my eyes somehow rudely.

"Why do you care? It doesn't matter if I saw him or not, that won't change anything." I answered him coldly, still without giving up on the idea of trying to change the subject and in a tentative to escape from his questions.

However, after my response, he gave me a ironically playful and somehow offensive look right away. "So you saw him..." He muttered and I finally sighed in surrender.

"Yeah, I saw him. So what? It's not like it matters." I gave up and decided to just admit the truth, without changing my expression. However I guess I shouldn't have said that because he got really mad afterwards...

"It doesn't matter?! Are you kidding me?!" He started yelling angrily at me and I actually got slightly scared with how he was behaving, as it was really rare to see Namjoon getting so angry like this.

"How about Jimin?! He's in the same school as him, you know?! And you still don't care?!" His voice started getting louder and I only managed to stay there quiet, without knowing what to do or to say.

"Are you seriously just going to ignore that?! Yeah, Jimin is strong and can take care of himself - like he always says - but we are talking about him! You already know what's going to happen in the end! And still you don't give a shit about it?!" He kept scolding me and I only lowered my head and clenched my teeth in anger, as I kept taking all of what he was saying.

"Are you really just going to keep quiet and without saying anything?! Who knows if he is doing something to Jimin while we talk! Maybe it's already too late by now and he already did something to him!"

He wasn't showing any sign of stopping shouting at me, as I wasn't answering him. "While you ignore the situation and run away like a fucking coward, you're giving him more and more opportunities to hurt Jimin! While you do all that, Jimin-"

"Shut up!" I suddenly interrupted, making him look at me slightly surprised, but still with his piercing and reprehensible glare. "Don't you think I already know that?!" I kept yelling and his expression started getting less serious little by little.

“Just leave me alone! How do you think I feel when I think about that?! How do you think I feel when you’re reminding me of that all the time?! I already know everything that is at stake, you don’t need to tell me!” I finished shouting and he sighed afterwards.

"Ok, Tae. I won't say anything about this or even touch this subject ever again. I promise." He told me emotionless and started walking towards me, to show me that he wasn't lying and that he would keep his promise.

"But let me warn you. Jimin is my friend and everything, but I can't be always there for him to help him or to even help you protect him. I have already somehow I need and want to protect more than anything." He started explained, as he walked pass through me and broke eye contact with me.

"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

"Protect the person you love..."


"...Because I doubt there's someone else that will."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I think I need to stop updating in class... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

- Danielar

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