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Jimin POV

"You can imagine what's going to happen next." He said with a really low tone of voice, making shivers go through my body involuntary right away.

"W-what?!" I stuttered nervously and gulped quite loudly after noticing him running his eyes carefully through my body. "W-what are you d-doing...?" I asked already a little scared and with anxiety growing quickly inside me as he got his body closer to mine.

"What am I doing...?" He repeated my question, at the same time he moved his leg provokingly between my thighs and slowly pressed his knee on my crotch. "H-hey...!" I half whispered, half shouted, weakly and tried once again to free from his grip.

However, this time he didn't have to tighten his grip on my wrists to make me stop struggling and fighting against him, as the scary and piercing look he gave me made me give up and freeze unconsciously right away.

He smirked after noticing how I had just reacted and how I had gotten so submissive around him after looking at the expression he was making, and then he moved his face closer to mine, until he reached to my ear...

"You don't know what I'm doing~?" He asked teasingly, while his warm breath hit purposely on my ear and kept making me feel more and more nervous in the situation I was now stuck at the moment.

I didn't manage to say anything or do anything in any way, making a painful silence take over our surroundings, while he stayed immovable on top of me, without letting go of me or letting me free myself from that painful position.

"I guess you are telling the truth about not knowing..." He said with a different tone of voice, which managed to show amusement. "So, then..."

"...Let me show you~"

...He whispered seductively in my ear and moved his hand under my shirt, until he reached my abdomen and my chest and ran his fingers through them.

"A-ah, w-what are you-?" I started asking him as I felt his cold hands and touch on my chest, but I suddenly stopped mid-sentence as he pinched my right nipple, without any warning, and started playing with it.

"Ngh!" An involuntary sound almost escaped from my lips because of the weird feeling I was getting and he moved his face away from me a little, to be able to look at me and make eye contact with me.

He grinned maliciously after noticing the expression I has making at the moment and after noticing the reactions I was giving him, and only after a while he continued talking...

"What did I tell you~?" He asked, as he took his hand away from underneath my shirt and slowly moved it towards my lower zone. However, meanwhile, I couldn't get the audacity to say something, as I was too afraid to say something that would make things even worse, if that was possible...

"You don't remember?" He said smugly as he noticed I wasn't speaking at all. "Then let me remind you..." He grabbed the hem of my pants provokingly. "Let me show you~" He played with his voice and let go of the hem, to then move his hand even lower...

"Let the playboy you know show you~"

...And that was when I realized what was really happening and I grabbed his wrist, as I finally got my courage back.

"I already had enough of this. I won't take this for any longer, it already went too far." I thought and gained slowly a serious expression at the same time.

"Stop." I commanded him harshly and his smirk faded, to then a cold expression take over his face right away. "Stop?" He asked with a severe tone of voice, but this time I didn't lose my firmness and I kept making eye contact with him.

"You want me to stop? I can't just stop now." He told me without changing the blank look he was now giving me. "Yes, you can." I responded back and put more strength on his wrist, making him glance over my hand for a few seconds.

"How can I? I'm playboy like you said, you should already know really well that I can't stop now and that I WON'T stop just because you tell me to." He said without showing any emotion in his voice or in his face, and I looked away in disappointment as a weird thought came to my mind.

Then I realized...

"Hey, Yoongi..." I started whispering and his eyes slightly widened in shock as I had actually called him by his name for the first time - and not by "playboy", as I always do - but he tried to not show it.

"What?" He asked, strangely without showing any reaction to how roughly I was (still) grabbing his wrist. I took a deep breath and let go off his hand to then finally finish my sentence...
"Are you acting like a playboy just because I said you are one?" I made that (in a certain way) weird question, and then he didn't manage to hide his shock any longer and his emotions were, for once, totally exposed, making me get surprised too.

"Yoongi...?" I muttered and waited for him to say something, but, unexpectedly, he just stood up, picked up the bedroom's key from the floor and unlocked the door, to then leave the room without answering me or giving me any time to react.

"What...?" I whispered, after watching him slamming the door behind him, without making any eye contact with me again, and after hearing his footsteps disappearing in the distance.

"What did just happen...?" I wondered out loud, as I was all by myself in that quiet room, almost like I was trying to get the answer from someone, from the person that wasn't here at the moment to answer all my questions.

"Did I ask something I shouldn't have...?" My shock wasn't going away as I kept staring dumbfounded to the door, still with my eyes really widened, while I tried to understand what had just happened...

"Does this mean...?"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry for only updating every four days. TTuTT It's just that I'm working in another fanfic that I intend to publish in the future. e.e XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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