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Yoongi POV

"Damnit!" I ran downstairs and locked myself inside my bedroom, without caring about how loud I was being with all my yells and about the high possibility that I could be heard by the other from upstairs.

"Damnit, why did I have to do this?! Why did I do all this?!" I shouted out loud, as I tried to let out the anger and the hate I had at the moment towards myself, because of all my "stupid and reckless" actions just now.

"I'm so stupid! How the hell did I make such an awful mistake like letting a guy like him see through my, before perfect, "image of a playboy"?!" I screamed and punched the nearest wall to me with all my strength, making me flinch with the deep pain I felt on my knuckles, and making my hand bleed right away.

I managed to slowly calm myself after noticing the blood streaming down through my fingers to the floor, and I sighed. I decided to just ignore the blood and the pain and then I let my body fall heavily on the bed (ironically as I was, like the annoying guy said before, "anorexic").

"How did all this happen...? How did I fuck up everything so fast without even noticing...?" I wondered as those thoughts, totally filled with regret, started taking over my mind.

"Maybe... Just maybe... I lost the ability to lie to people..." I muttered weakly, but, right when I realized what I was thinking, I started laughing faintly. Only when my forced laughs started losing their strength and fading away, I tried to calm myself down and I let out a deep and nervous breath.

"Damn, I never thought that I would have this kind of thoughts again and that I would have them all because of an annoying guy I only know for one day!" I said out loud with a painfully playful and broken smile, while I tried hopelessly to accept these emotions for the nth time in my life.

"It's so ridiculous!" I shouted that last sentence with all my energy and with all my anger, and then I finally got calmer, as I had been trying to get all this time. "I guess I had forgotten how does this feel... Fuck... Going through all this, all over again... Is so stressful..." I sighed.

"Funny how I feel like this is my first time having these thoughts because of someone and how I'm not used to it anymore... It must have been so long since the last time something like this happened... Since the last time I found someone like him..." I let out a few quiet laughs, before forming my usual cold expression back again.

"No, it's not funny... I thought this kind of person and this kind of change in my boring daily life would actually make me happy or make me feel more "alive", but I guess I was wrong... I don't want none of this... I don't want this change...."

"...At least not when it's all thanks to someone like him..."

I involuntarily clenched my hands slightly. "Fuck, how am I supposed to deal with this...? I hate this feeling...!" I clenched my fists even tighter, but then, after realizing the "obvious" answers to all my problems, I relaxed my hands along with my whole body.

"I guess I don't have any other choice than deal with this how I used to do and, sadly, still do in so many situations... Even if it never fails to make me feel totally empty inside, when it actually should make me feel the deepest and most piercing sadness ever..." I finally made my decision...

"Why...?" I muttered weakly and closed my eyes slowly at the same time, without thinking for a single moment about opening them back again. "Just why...?"

"...Do I have to keep sleeping...?"


Jimin POV

"He still didn't come back..." I thought as I didn't manage to fall asleep after everything that had just happened, for much I wanted and kept trying to. "Damn, thanks to him, I can't sleep now...!" I frowned involuntary, already feeling really annoyed.

"That asshole broke into my bedroom, did who-knows-what to me when I was asleep, lied to me after, almost raped me and then left without even saying anything! Is he kidding with me?!" I screamed inside my head.

"I'm going to have a little conversation with him! And right now! He owns me some answers and several punches on his annoyingly emotionless and ugly face!"

And so, I decided to make "things clear", but, right when I was about to get up from the bed, my body froze, as another kind of thinking took over my mind.

"But why did he leave so abruptly in the first place...? Why did he leave so suddenly after I asked him "that one thing"...?" I kept asking myself, as the question, that gave me the weirdest reaction from the other downstairs, kept flashing inside my mind.

"Are you acting like a playboy just because I said you are one...?"

"Aish, did I ask something I shouldn't have...?" I wondered, already feeling a little guilty at the moment, but, right away, I shook that "stupid" thought out of my mind, almost in an irrational impulse.  

"No, whatever I could have said or asked, he would deserve it...! He was trying to rape me!" I said out loud, in a tentative to convince myself of that way of thinking and lose the thoughts filled with guilt. 

After a while, I managed to calm myself down and I ended up by letting a long and nervous sigh. "Damn, why do I keep troubling myself over these things....? Over him...?" I had already a deep and painful headache, that wasn't showing any signs of going away that quickly, thanks to all the stress that was doing effect on me. 

"I better just go look for him and try to get all the answers I need from him... That's the easiest thing I can do to distract myself from my own mind..." I decided to just go to talk with him and try to clear my mind of those stressful thoughts.

I hesitantly left my bedroom and went downstairs with slow, somehow quiet, steps. Yes, I was feeling really anxious at the moment, I couldn't lie. Even because... I was going to talk with the same guy that almost raped me! Maybe it was only from my headache, but I don't think I was thinking straight anymore...!

However, before I could even notice, I was already in front of his bedroom and my heart was almost jumping off my mouth, of how nervous I was. I tried to calm myself down, as I breathed in and out slowly.

"Jimin, you don't need to feel like this. He only managed to do those things to you, (N/A: Because you were secretly enjoying it e.e XD) because he caught you with your guard low. That won't happen, not again." I told myself and let out a deep breath.

I managed to calm myself down and right away I sculptured a serious expression on my face, followed by an huge frown full of hate and rage. "And I'm going to have my revenge soon, don't worry, playboy." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey, playboy!" I screamed against door, knowing he could hear me from the other side. "I need to have a little chat with you." I kept shouting, while I waited for an answer from him.

However, for my surprise, nothing was coming from the other side and the silence took over the whole dorm. "Isn't he really in his bedroom...? Did he actually leave the dorm...?" I wondered dumbfounded, as I wasn't really expecting that.

I knocked a few more time on his door and, as my patience kept fading away and my curiosity, in contrast, kept quickly growing, in the end, I decided to enter his bedroom...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm going to publish a new fanfic soon! \(*-*)/ Yupi! \(*-*)/ XD But, before I publish it, I need to know your opinion about something... TTuTT

So, what I wanted to know is if I should write several chapters and publish them all at once, but only in a week from now on (or something close to that), or if I should start already publising in somewhere in the next days (maybe even today, if you want) and update one chapter at the time. TTuTT Please, tell me what you think, I can't decide! TTuTT XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

- Danielar

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