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Jimin POV

I slowly opened the door and entered the room. This was actually the first time seeing the playboy's bedroom, now that I thought! But well, now it was too late to just chicken out and pretend that nothing had happened! I couldn't have any regrets now. And it wasn't like I would have!

I gave a few steps inside and looked around. A dark room. That was a dark room, with a surprisingly really depressive and dark atmosphere, that would quickly take over the person that there got inside.

I gulped nervously as my attention got immediately caught by several unpleasant things in there. Multiple pieces of cloth, random cans of soda, empty packets of clearly unhealthy snacks, all over the floor.

Sheets of paper with some random things written and with almost all the words crossed and scratched, which I - and I bet anyone else - couldn't be able to read or understand, even because of the state the papers were in.

The air felt dirty, as I breathed in and let in enter inside my lungs, almost like an intruder. Air full of dust, like most of the furniture there had. Dense, almost like I had to swallow it. Air that my lungs stubbornly didn't want to accept and tried to expulse, by forcing myself to cough it out.

Thankfully, I ended up getting used to all those painful things that surrounded me - surprisingly, as I was expecting to actually die if I stayed there for more than one minute - and then I laid my gaze on the guy who was sleeping peacefully on his bed.

"Is the playboy dead...?" I wondered with my lips forming a straight line, as I didn't show any interest or worry for his health or for the possible state of death he could be in right now, by being locked in a such place like that one for so long.

"No, wait, he's alive..." I mumbled under my breath, with my tone of voice accidentally showing my disappointment and anger, after seeing his chest calmly moving back and forward, as the air kept being inhaled and exhaled by him. "What a shame..." I sighed annoyed, as I felt like I had lost an opportunity in a lifetime of seeing the person I hated the most dead.

I got closer to him, as I hesitantly walked towards his large and unexpectedly clean bed, in contrast with the rest of the room. "Damn, he must really only care about sleep and the things that can be used as a sleeping spot by him..." I rolled my eyes with that fact about him.

"So annoying..." Now my, before restrained and hidden deep inside, hate was taking over all my other emotions, not letting me think straight any longer. "I'm going to have my revenge... And now...! I don't care about being rational or anything like that now... I don't care about anything anymore...!"

I decided to just do every reckless thing that my mind kept telling me, that my little demon on my shoulder kept whispering in my ear maliciously and sinisterly, to do. I glared at the older for a while, with my body totally immovable, there standing.

I bit my lower lip roughly, in a hopeless tentative to hold back, at least a little bit, my uncontrollable rage and all my other painful emotions. "What should I do to you now...?" I muttered, even knowing he wouldn't hear me - as he was sleeping soundly -, but still quietly to not wake him up - at least not just yet - because I still was thinking in how I would have my so desired revenge.

Thoughts, angry thoughts popped inside my mind.

"Could I just choke you to death...?! It would be much easier, you know...?!" I could feel my expression get quickly way more darker than before, but I immediately gave up on that idea and took it out of my head.

"No, people would probably find out everything and I would be caught in the end. It's not worth it to waste my life for someone like him." I sighed and closed my eyes, to then shake my head slightly for some brief moments.

"Damn, what am I doing...?! Was I really considering to murder someone?!" I ruffled my hair frustratedly and kinda roughly, until I calmed myself down and a new idea came to my mind. I smirked a little at first, but my smirk quickly faded away, as the hate I felt for him was still stronger than all my other feelings.

I got on his bed, topping him and putting my arms right beside his head, above his shoulders. I ran my eyes through his body and focused my gaze on the same places he touched me without my permission minutes ago.

"Should I make you taste your own medicine...?" I whispered a little more loudly without even noticing, as my attention was now all locked on his chest, abdomen and lower zone, the same places of my body he dared to put his hands on.

"So what do you say...?" My gaze slowly made its way up towards the sleeping guy's face. "...You fucking playboy-?!" I cut myself mid sentence, as I noticed what I, surprisingly, hadn't noticed before...

"Wait, did I actually..."

...I widened my eyes in shock as I noticed the zone around his eyes all red and his lips all swollen from him biting them really roughly and without any care. I swallow hard before finishing my sentence...

"...Make the playboy cry....?"


The annoying alarm clock rang, giving me a huge jumpscare and making me fall off the bed, all thanks to that loud and repetitive sound I hated so much. "Aish...!" I flinched with the sudden pain I got after my back hit the hard floor and I rubbed the bruised area.

"I hate alarm clocks... I hate school..." I mumbled under my breath with a huge scowl stuck on my face. I stood up and turned the alarm off right away, before that little stupid thing could drive me crazy.

I let out a deep breath and look outside the window, from where the blinding and blazing sunlight was entering the room, at the same flashbacks from yesterday started flashing inside my mind and tormenting me...

"Again... In the end..."


"I lost for my emotions..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I already published my new fanfic! \(*-*)/ Yupi! \(*-*)/ XD And I'm going to update the second chapter in a few minutes too. ^-^ You better go read it, ok? e.e XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)
- Danielar

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