Who again...?

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Jimin POV

"I better get something to eat now..." I sighed and decided to go downstairs, before more depressive and regretful thoughts could take all over my mind.

I picked up a white sleeveless shirt, that tended to leave a good area of my skin showing - but that I didn't mind at all, as I loved to wear this kind of shirts and as it was hot outside -, and I dressed it quickly.

Next were some ripped jeans that I chose without putting too much thought on it, whose rips were actually made by me when I fell down on the floor one time - but that no one needed to know, as it didn't look "that" bad, in my opinion.

I finally put my shoes on and left my bedroom, to then go to the kitchen. However, when I was right at the stairs, I almost fell of them, as I scared myself again, this time by hearing the playboy suddenly shouting from his bedroom.

"Fucking, alarm!" He yelled and right away I heard something getting thrown and smashed against a wall. I facepalmed myself involuntary and I decided to just ignore it and only focus my mind on the food.

I kept walking downstairs and towards the kitchen, to grab something to eat. I picked up a bowl and poured some milk and cereals, which I had bought the previous day, into it. I sat on one of the hard wooden, but still comfortable, chairs and started having breakfast.

Not much after, I heard the door of the playboy's bedroom getting opened and him leaving his room. I glared at him by the corner of my eye, by the passage that connected the kitchen and the living room, which door that separated those two different spaces I left opened.

He walked in a slow, lazy pace, by the living room, and I decided to speak. "Wow, funny how cold and heartless playboys can also cry!" I said out loud, provokingly, and with a strong and firm tone of voice for him to be able to hear it clearly, without moving my gaze away from him. Only then he finally spotted me.

"Hum...?" He groaned still half asleep and got closer to me with a slightly weird expression, but still without saying anything. "What? You can't speak now?! Did the cat get your tongue?!" I asked him, as I stood up from the chair and got at - almost, as I was still shorter than him - the same eye level as him.

"You fucking dare to not say anything after everything you did to me yesterday?!" I grabbed his shirt by the collar and started yelling at him, while he continued with his annoyingly blank expression.

He only stayed there glaring at me, making me even get angrier and more agitated, and I was already at this point of punching him right on the nose. "Fucking answer me!" I demanded him and he crooked his head to the side with an arrogant look.

"Who are you again...?"

I didn't managed to hold myself and my emotions back any longer, after what he answered me, and I punched him on his right cheek without any hesitation, letting go off his shirt right away, as he took some steps back, to not lose his balance, and lowered his head.

An awkward silence took over the dorm and I started feeling kinda nervous and anxious, even because I couldn't clearly see the expression he was making, as he had his hair covering most of his face, and because I could have just done something I would regret a lot.

He brought his hand to the bruised cheek and started rubbing it softly, to slowly lessen the pain and to try to understand what had just happened. Then, without taking his hand off his cheek, he lifted his head up and gave one of the scariest expression I had ever seen, which made me widen my eyes in shock for brief moments.

I clicked my tongue, annoyed, but still a little scared, and, before he could even have a chance to lay one finger on me, I grabbed my backpack, which I had left at the dorm's entrance the day before, and I opened the dorm's door, to then start running away from him and towards the school's building.

Only after a good while, when I was already feeling kinda safe, I stopped running and looked behind me to see if the scary playboy was going after me. "Thank god, he didn't follow me...!" I let out a deep breath of relief and I slightly leaned my body forward, to support myself on my knees.

I took several seconds to rest and catch my breath, as I had run really fast and actually a good distance without even noticing. I leaned back, to get my posture right, and I slid my fingers through my hair, to push it back and take it out of my field of view.

"There's no use..." I muttered weakly, but then my attention got suddenly caught by something else...

Only after, I realized what I had done and I sighed, already feeling ashamed of myself...

"Damn, why do I keep getting scared so easily...? Why do I keep being so weak...?" I clenched my fists, mad at myself at first, but, as I was already expecting, my anger didn't last too long, because my sadness was still stronger and managed to overpower all my other emotions.

~Brm Brm ~

I felt my phone vibrating on my pocket, warning me that I had just got a new message, and I decided to pick it up. "It's him... He sent me a message..." My eyes widened a little in surprise, but my shock was quickly overwhelmed by my sincerest happiness and excitement.

"Good morning, idiot! \(*-*)/ How are you doing? ^-~ I may only not have texted you since last morning, but I know you already miss me e.e You just can't hide it, admit it e.e XD" I playfully pouted after seeing his message, but still without losing my wide smile.

"Yeah, yeah, you wish :P Just keep dreaming, I will never like you enough to actually miss you :P And by the way, you are the one who texted me, you know?! XD" I replied him while I let out a few quiet chuckles and started again making my way to the school.

"Such a liar e.e I know you love me e.e XD You say that, but I know you are smiling a lot, like a huge idiot, right now e.e" I received his annoying - and unfortunately truthful - reply, as I kept walking in a slow pace, without taking my eyes of the phone's screen.

"Hmph, you're the idiot one here! >-< XD And why did you send me a message now? :P You usually aren't awake at this hour :P XD Even having school in the morning... e.e' XD"  I asked him and I patiently waited for his answer.

"Ah... Actually, I..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Hi, I'm back...! e.e' Y-yay...! \(e.e')/ XD Did you miss me...? e.e' Yeah, probably not. e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

P.S. Currently dead because of FIRE x.x XD

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