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Jimin POV

"Ah... Actually, I..."

He sent me that first one message and I waited for him to finish his sentence and tell me what was going on, while, in my phone's screen, it kept saying he was writing.

However, for some reason, he was taking too long to send his reply - unexpectedly and strangely way more than he usually does - while my phone had on the right below corner of the screen the words "... is writing.".

My curiosity kept increasing, as, at the same time, unfortunately, I kept losing my patience in a high speed. Still, I decided to continue waiting in silence for his text and I kept walking towards the school, ignoring all my surroundings.

I didn't dare to move my eyes away from the screen that was the closest thing that connected me at the person I loved the most. I didn't dare to stop glaring at it attentively and cautiously.

But then it - one of the things that I never expected to see and that I honestly consider really weird - happened...

...The "... is writing." message wasn't showing anymore...

Yeah, something like that it's actually pretty normal, someone thinking deeply about what to write and, in the middle of the text, decides to change everything and write something totally different before sending it. Yeah, it isn't a big deal...

...But not when we're talking about him! About the guy who always says whatever comes to his mind, without even thinking twice!

"Well, that, at least, I thought he did..." I whispered for myself and sighed.

Right away, I finally received his message and I started reading it calmly, still without losing that nervous and strange feeling I had for everything that had just happened.

"I actually made a bet with one of my friends that I could stay awake all night... e.e' XD" And, before I could even start typing anything, another message came.

"Ok, I lied. e.e' I stayed up reading fanfics for a while and I guess I didn't pay much attention to the hours, because, when I noticed, it was already morning... e.e' XD" I smiled faintly, but sighed after, as the thought of him being lying and hiding something from me - because I was pretty sure he was - didn't leave my mind and kept tormenting.

However, I decided to just ignore my emotions and stressful thoughts, to then, in the end, not ask him anything about it and just pretend I hadn't notice anything.

"Again reading fanfics? XD Damn, you don't have a life or what? :P XD" I had already put my emotions aside and was having a "normal" conversation with him.

"Ah, you say that, but our ship is pretty popular, you know? u.u XD And what's that thing called "life"? e.e' I think I used to have one of those... e.e' Is it food...? e.e' Can we eat it...? e.e' XD"

"Fanfic about us?! XD We're not even famous, a celebrity or anything close to that! XD"

"I know, right? XD Who the hell would write about us anyway?! XD Wait, have you been writing fanfics about the secret and dirty fantasies you have with me, Jimin~? e.e Naughty boy. e.e XD"

"Please, don't. -.-' You seriously think I would have such fantasies with you? -.-' The closest thing to me having fantasies with you is when I imagine myself strangling you -.-'"

"Damn, so kinky. e.e" I almost choked in my own saliva when I read that reply, but I tried to keep my posture and not give him any signs of my shock.

"Always, daddy -.-'" I replied him with that, without really putting too much thought into it, but then I regretted it right way and I almost cringed at my own message. "Ignore my last message, ok? -.-"

"Why, babyboy? e.e You don't need to be so shy with me e.e I can always make you totally forget your shyness, if you want me to e.e"

"I'm going to fucking kill you, you know? -.-'"

"Ok, sorry, sorry! XD I'm going to be quiet now XD"

"Thank you -.-' XD Anyway, why did you text me so early? :P It's not your thing to text at this hour  of the morning :P (Neither being awake e.e' XD)"

"Ah, I forgot about that e.e' XD I wanted to know how your first day of school went? ^-^ Did something interesting already happen? e.e"

"Ah, silly! XD You should have said that sooner! XD" "And you should have already said something yesterday! >-< XD"

"Sorry, sorry! XD I was kinda busy :P" "...Being almost raped by some worthless guy." I finished the sentence inside my mind, as I put an huge frown on my face for a few seconds, and I continued writing my message.

"And I guess it was okay ^-^ I met new people, made many new friends in school ^-^"

"And was once again sexually harassed..." I mumbled under my breath and I sighed. "I don't think he needs to know that..."

"And oh, oh! My best friends visited my school and came to see me. *-* We had so much fun! *-*"

"Hehe, I'm happy for hearing that ^-^ Your friends seem to be nice people ^-^" I read his message and I could imagine him sincerely smiling on the other side, making me involuntary blush and smile too.

"No, they're not TTuTT One of them is always saying that I don't have jams and another one is always trying to mess around with me TTuTT They treat me so badly and they're really mean to me TTuTT Only one of them is nice to me TTuTT XD"

I chuckled of pure happiness at my own message and I sent it right away. "Then I guess they're not really your friends u.u Well, you would want to be your friend anyway? u.u XD"

"... -.-"

"... I'm going to stop talking with you -.-"

"No, no! XD I was just joking, I didn't really mean it! XD" I pouted involuntary as I kept reading the words showing on my phone's screen. "You don't need to get so grumpy like a little kid, ok? e.e XD" 

"That's not helping, idiot -.-"  "Ok, ok! XD I'm done! XD And, by the way, do you have any news about him? ^-^"

As I read his text, my eyes slightly widened in shock, before turning to some almost tearful - without me even noticing -, and my lower lip started trembling nervously and involuntary.

"Oh, you're talking about the playboy...?" I asked him hesitantly, as I knew that, deep inside, I was afraid to know the answer to that question. And so, then...

"Yeah, yeah! Him ^-^"

I bit my lower lip roughly, as the answer I got from him was the last one I ever wanted to have. My hands involuntarily intensified their grip around my phone, while some weird feeling, that I had never felt before, started taking over me.

Why the hell are you always mention the playboy when you're talking with me?!

Just why...?!

Why it has to be always someone else...?


New chapter. \(*-*)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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